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書名:The Practice of Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy
Donald J. Robertson
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Hypnotherapy is arguably the oldest modality of psychological “therapy”, at least in the modern sense. Psychologists have long attempted to conceptualize hypnosis in terms of cognitive and behavioral processes and the term “cognitive-behavioral approach to hypnosis” was first coined in 1974 by Theodore Barber, and his colleagues, one of the most prolific and influential researchers in the field of hypnosis. Since then cognitive research on hypnosis has continued to evolve alongside the assimilation of modern cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques within the framework of hypnotherapy and vice versa.
This book explores the historical and conceptual relationship between hypnotherapy and cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBT). It proceeds to offer a modern cognitive conceptualization of hypnosis, based on the writings of James Braid—the founder of hypnotherapy—and drawing upon modern cognitive-behavioral research on hypnosis. The author carefully explores the combination of hypnosis with both cognitive and behavioral interventions and ways in which methods can be adapted in the light of therapeutic principles derived from both fields. The book aims to provide a comprehensive core text for the practice of cognitive-behavioral hypnotherapy and to facilitate further dialogue between practitioners of hypnosis and CBT.

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