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Patient advocacy for health care
quality:strategies for achieving patient-centered care Jo Anne Earp、Elizabeth a. French、Melissa B. Gilkey Without constant external and internal pressure, a complex entity such as the U.S. health care system will continue following established patterns and customs. This book identifies patient advocacy – from individual, to organizational, to grassroots policy advocacy – as a powerful source of that pressure and as a potentially effective way to initiate needed changes in U.S. health care. As a contribution to the emerging healthcare quality movement, Patient Advocacy for Healthcare Quality: Strategies for Achieving Patient-Centered Care is distinct from any others of its kind in its focus on the consumer’s perspective and in its emphasis on how advocacy can influence change at multiple social levels. This introductory volume synthesizes patient advocacy from a multi-level approach and is an ideal text for graduate and professional students in schools of public health, nursing and social work. |
醫師與社會責任 戴正德、李明濱編 醫師的主要目的不是病人取向的嗎?也即是治癒疾病為主要責任,為何要提及社會責任呢?假如一位醫生很會看病但對病人的感受視若無睹,對環境的敗壞不聞不問,他會是一位好醫師嗎?或只是一名醫匠?醫師由於工作的性質享有很多只有醫師能擁有的特權,比方說一位病人脫衣解帶,做侵入性的診察,如果醫師沒有社會責任感,是否會誤用特權,帶來社會困擾?醫師在歷史上一直是社會中受教育較多的人之一,人民有事,不論身體的、家庭的、社會的、人際關係的...都會向其請教,無形中醫師背負了社會安定的責任。不過在一個講求效率及強調權利的新時代裡,社會責任感正急速中消逝當中,如今再次提及醫師的社會責任已刻不容緩了。 |
兩個神蹟:七十歲婦產科醫師的心路歷程 黃仁村著 生命的價值非在人如何活?活多久?而在於人生命過程中,做了些什麼?留下些什麼能讓人懷念的東西?黃仁村醫師在過去七十年生命中,不僅在醫界方面,留下了許多美好的見證;幫助過無數的病患,也接生了數萬名的新生命。黃仁村醫師大學畢業踏入社會行醫,處處 蒙神祝福,他不但重建台南新樓醫院又創辦長榮大學,本書略述這兩個神蹟及行醫的甘苦談。 |
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96.12.01 |
高雄長庚紀念醫院圖書館 (羅) |
2011、2079 |