96年5月份醫學倫理新書介紹 點選可看書本Contents介紹

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Medical education:past, present and future
Kinneth C. Calman、Bill Bryson

In medical education: past, present and future, sir kenneth calman puts this change in its proper historical context and also examines the current upheavals and their implications for the future. dr bill bryson writes in his foreword: this is a thoroughly enthralling work by someone who knows more, and cares more, about medicine, society and the preparation of young minds than any other person i know. this is a book to inspire and gladden the heart. it would be hard to imagine such an important subject in better hands. part 1: the past: introduction. ancient medicine: the beginnings of the art. arabian medicine and the rise of the universities. renaissance and reformation: books, bodies, blood and branding irons. knowledge begins to grow: the 18th century. resistance and reform: the 19th century. bridging the centuries: america leads the way. the education revolution: the 20th century. even more change: the last 15 years, 1990-2006 part 2: the present: the themes. the aim of medicine: the roles and boundaries of the profession. the quest for competence: defining the professional. the selection of medical students. learning and teaching in medicine. beyond learning. part 3: the future: conclusions.
全院性演講 (可外借)
日期 主講人 題目
95.12.08 薛瑞元 醫學倫理實例研討:婦產科.
95.12.29 李雲裳 建立以〔病人為中心,安全第一〕的醫療文化--預防醫療糾紛的發生.
96.01.05 呂鴻基 醫學倫理的演變.


96.05.01  高雄長庚紀念醫院圖書館 (羅)
