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上版至這版約3年的期間,國家政策、醫事人員的執業環境和社會氛圍在看待倫理一事的態度上,均有所改變。首先是2009年12月衛生署公佈的人體試驗管理辦法,規定研究計畫主持人必須修習若干倫理或/和人體試驗相關訓練和學分,且適用於社會科學的學門。各校、院因而紛紛成立倫理委員會,積極運作,並開授課程。同年台灣受試者保護協會(Human Subject Protection Association in Taiwan, HuSPAT)成立,希望建立有效的溝通平台,以保障受試者權益。人體研究受試者的保護更受到重視,原本各醫院設立之倫理委員會的組織功能也更加健全。近年來,社會大眾對病人權利多有主張,在臨床倫理方面,除了各類醫事人員換證之繼續教育學分均涵蓋了倫理法律的學分,很多醫院也開始建立臨床倫理的諮詢機制和組織,希望協助醫事人員在複雜、兩難的執業情境下,做出倫理上最適之抉擇或決策。社會、醫事從業人員和民眾都希望更加落實研究倫理和臨床倫理,重視對等和合作的醫病關係。本書在撰寫之初即已洞見物理治療從業人員在臨床、教學和研究的專業角色中有其倫理上的需求,並予以簡介。由於社會的重視,新的資料和探討日增,這版也企圖加以涵蓋和更新。希望不但能藉由此書提升物理治療從業人員倫理上的敏感度、素養,培養重視倫理的態度,並能執行和實踐倫理思維。相信未來專業內還會有青年才俊從不斷的反思和實踐中,在執業中倫理的各個面向—推廣、教育和研究上,做最大的努力。

書名:Bioethics in a changing world
作者:Jennifer A. ParksVictoria S. Wike
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Bioethics in a Changing World is an introductory textbook for individuals who are new to the study of bioethics. This interdisciplinary field, which encompasses philosophy, religion, sociology, gerontology, psychiatry, biomedical science, law, and nursing (to name a few), has been rapidly growing and developing over the last half-century. In order to get a handle on what “doing” bioethics entails, it is helpful to start with the basic philosophical foundations of bioethical theory and then consider a variety of trenchant issues that arise from the practice of medicine and the provision of health care services within an age of technology. In constructing this textbook, the central aim has been to guide readers in developing a clear sense of how theory and practice are linked in the dynamic field of bioethics. Though new problems and issues in bioethics are constantly arising, it is important to focus on the persistence of foundational questions that apply to new contexts. 

書名:Ethical implications of the global use of digitised biomedical and biometric data
作者:Zaharya Menevidis、Stephan H. Schug
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Given the rapid and ongoing advances in biomedicine and biometric identification as well as in information technologies, personal medical and biometric data are used more than ever for a wide variety of purposes and increasingly also across organisational and state boundaries. Thus the crucial isssue of protecting personal data becomes more complex. Consequently, the ETHICAL project has launched a vivid international expert dialogue on key issues of ethical data handling in medical and biometric applications. This book conveys the proceedings of the workshop Ethical implications of the global use of digitised biomedical and biometric data held in October 2010 in Warsaw, Poland. In addition, a Code of Conduct for FP7 Researchers on medical and biometric data privacy that builds on the workshop outcomes has been included into this publication.

書名:Ethical practice in child and adolescent analysis and psychotherapy
作者:Anita G.Schmukler
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Ethical Practice in Child and Adolescent Analysis and Psychotherapy: Protecting Safety in a Therapeutic Environment by Anita G. Schmukler, Paula G. Atkeson, Helene Keable, and E. Kirsten Dahl provides a detailed study of ethical dilemmas of the child therapist and the child analyst, whose work with children and their parents presents unique and perplexing problems. The book examines both the unconscious motives for ethical lapses and addresses ways in which such behavior may be prevented. It addresses working with parents, while maintaining privacy for the child, pitfalls for the child therapist and analyst, and ways in which the process of supervision, a cornerstone of clinical training, may lead to departure from ethical principles. Ethical Practice in Child and Adolescent Analysis and Psychotherapy addresses the benefits and risks of presenting and writing about clinical cases, examining the field of working as consultant in custody cases and the role of ethical practice from a historical perspective. Pivotal is the role of the unconscious processes of transference and countertransference, processes that are acknowledged but often not fully comprehended. Contributions on ethics and forensic work by Moisy Shopper, MD, and contributions on ethical writing about psychodynamic work by Denia G. Barrett, MSW.

書名:The ethics of organ transplantation
作者:Steven J. Jensen
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An ever-increasing demand for organs, with over 100,000 people on waiting lists, has driven a relentless search for new sources of organs. In 1995 the American Medical Association supported taking organs from anencephalic infants, children born without brains. In 1999 the Chinese government began removing organs from members of the politically outcast religious group Falun Gong, making a lucrative profit from sales to foreigners. Recently in Belgium physicians have euthanized a patient by removing her organs. The search for fresh organs began much earlier, in 1968, when death was redefined, so that well-preserved organs could be removed from brain dead individuals. The early 1990s saw the introduction of donation after cardiac death, in which organs are taken from individuals whose hearts could still be resuscitated. Over the last two decades various countries have attempted markets in the sale of organs. Each of these sources of organs raises ethical concerns. Is brain death truly death, or by taking the heart of the brain-dead individual do we thereby kill him? When a person's heart stops beating is it permissible to prepare his organs for transplantation, even though we could choose to resuscitate him? Can we take organs from an infant without a brain? If a woman no longer wishes to live, can she donate her organs to others in an act of beneficent suicide? Is a market in organs acceptable?

書名:Professional ethics in midwifery practice
作者:Illysa R. Foster、Jon Lasser

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Professional Ethics in Midwifery Practice is an applied ethics book designed for both students and practicing midwives to build ethical thinking in the context of daily practice. This unique text uses an accessable writing style and includes chapters on diversity and justice, informed consent, multiple relationships, confidentiality and privacy, scope of practice, and others. Realistic case examples throughout the text encourage critical thinking in applied ethics. The authors present a unique model for midwives ethical thinking and appendixes include widely used codes of ethics in the field.

書名:Ethics and the acquisition of organs
作者:T.M. Wilkinson
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內容:Transplantation is a medically successful and cost-effective way to treat people whose organs have failed--but not enough organs are available to meet demand. Ethics and the Acquisition of Organs
is concerned with the major ethical problems raised by policies for acquiring organs. The main topics are the rights of the dead, the role of the family, opt in and opt out systems, the conscription of organs, living organ donation from adults and children, directed donation and priority for donors, and the sale of organs. In this ground-breaking work, T. M. Wilkinson uses concepts from moral and political theory such as autonomy, rights, posthumous interests, justice, and well-being, in a context informed by the clinical, legal, and policy aspects of transplantation. The result is a rigorous philosophical exploration of real problems and options. He argues that the ethics of acquiring organs for transplantation is not only of great intellectual interest, but also of practical importance. As such, this book will be of profit not only to students and academics who work in applied ethics and bioethics, but also to the lawyers, policy-makers, clinicians, and lobby groups interested in transplantation.



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