
AC:錄音帶 GR:有聲幻燈片 SL:幻燈片 VC:錄影帶 CD:光碟片(PowerPoint) KDV:DVD或VCD

主題 主講人 分類號 登錄號 資料類型 備註 日期
Patient and family centered care (1-4)  Institute for Family-centered Care W62 CD001972-
Palliative care:care for terminally ill patients[安寧療護] Aquarius
Health Care
WB310 CD001922 DVD    
Nurse-patient relationships:communications [病患溝通技術] Medcom Trainex WY87 CD001921 DVD    
Risk management:for the healthcare assistants[病人之病情管制與告知技巧] NEVCO WX185 CD001920 DVD    
Infection control in long term health care[住院病人防制院內感染作業] NEVCO WX167 CD001919 DVD    
Resident safety:your first concern[住院病人安全] Medcom Trainex WY115 CD001918 DVD    
Emotional needs of residents[疏解病人不好情緒] NEVCO WY87 CD001917 DVD    
Evacuation:taking action[醫院緊急撤離協助病患方法] Medcom Trainex WX185 CD001916 DVD    
Resident rights:the art of caring=住院病人的權益    WX158.5 CD001895 DVD    
Health information management=醫療管理體系    WX173 CD001894 DVD    
Patient safety=病患安全新觀念    WX162 CD001893 DVD    
Going to the hospital=以病人為中心的醫院    WX162 CD001892 DVD    
What price ? inequalities in healthcare & healthcare delivery=醫療體系與道德倫理  Aquarius
Health Care
W84 CD001735 DVD    
The medical marketplace:the relationship between patients & healthcare teams=醫療體系與病人 Aquarius
Health Care
W74 CD001736 DVD    
Medical confidentiality for minors:know your rights=醫病的權利與義務  Aquarius
Health Care
W62 CD001737 DVD    
Confidentiality:who needs to know=法律與道德下保護病人資料 Medcom Trainex W700 CD001738 DVD    
Continuous quality improvement in health=持續改善醫療品質與工作  Medcom Trainex W84.1 CD001739 DVD    
Preventing medication errors:a prescription for patient safety=避免醫療失誤的安全守則  Medcom Trainex W44.1 CD001740 DVD    
Protecting patients from medical errors=撰寫醫療失誤報告 Medcom Trainex W44.1 CD001741 DVD    
Informed consent:legal liability issues=知情同意授權 Medcom Trainex W62 CD001742 DVD    
Nursing negligence:protect yourself, protect your patients=醫療疏失與誤診  Medcom Trainex W44.1 CD001743 DVD    
The handbook of patient safety compliance M.M.Hoppes WB100 CD001236 CD-ROM 隨書(E0010587)  
Medical ethics today E. Veronica W50 CD001088 CD-ROM 隨書(E0010445)  
Professionalism in health care  S. Makely W21 CD000951 CD-ROM 隨書(E0010185)  
The growth of research experience in my career and publications in the past. 汪局 W20.5 CD001966 DVD 全院性演講 98.04.10
Common errors in medical charting   曾嶔元 WX173 CD001871 DVD 全院性演講 97.09.19
A friend's chronicle after his mid-life crisis  石明煌 W21 CD001696 DVD 全院性演講 97.02.29
Clinical trial (臨床試驗在台灣) 朱夢麟 QV771 CD001417
全院性演講 95.11.17
Perpetual pursuit of excellence in medical profession 魏福全 W21 CD001031
全院性演講 94.07.16
Director of ethics for the world medical Association J.R. Williams W50 CD001137 DVD 全院性演講 94.06.25
Life of a physician 郭耿南 W21 CD000850
全院性演講 93.09.17
Quality control of health care institutions 邱智仁 WX153 AC003762
GR:K-240 全院性演講 93.05.07


2009.07.01修訂 (羅)