410.03/8563/2003![]() C0008293 |
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哈佛醫師之路 田中真由美著;李尚霖譯 一位年屆中年的日本醫師,破天荒地以特別醫學生的身分,在與哈佛醫學院有合作關係的麻薩諸塞州綜合醫院裡臨床實習。在這趟哈佛醫師養成之路上,所獲得的除了一連串的驚奇與感動,更看到世界頂尖的醫學教授與醫師如何關懷病患、全力以赴,又是如何兼顧醫院管理與人性尊嚴。閱讀本書,如果您是年輕的醫師,一定會激發出對行醫救世的悸動;如果您是年長的醫師,一定會回味起年少時的理想情懷;如果您是一般的讀者,更一定會為哈佛醫學院的改革理念所折服。本書獻給所有關心台灣醫療環境、醫療教育以及從事醫學工作的所有人。 |
410.03/8646/2002![]() C0008351 |
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讓醫學從關懷出發:一群醫學生的寒假作業 中國醫藥學院醫學系編 此一醫學生研習計劃共有4所醫院(高雄長庚醫院、中國醫藥學院醫院、馬偕醫院、埔里基督教醫院)參與,使醫學生在成為醫師前,學習如何和病人作好朋友,了解病人的真正需求。在醫院與病人接觸的所見所聞紀錄下來,並請心理、宗教、醫學倫理的專家為此次的紀錄作評析,然後收錄成一本書,公諸於世。 |
410.1/859/2004![]() C0008270-3 |
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現代醫學雋語 丁朱編譯 將當代美英先進國家學者在醫學期刊與書籍中看到與醫學有關的的雋語擇譯之,給國內醫界人士分享。每一則雋語都像谷中清泉,可洗滌被世界塵埃蒙蔽的心靈;也像清新的花朵,開放在你的人生小徑旁,讓你更愛生命。 |
831.86/8429/2005![]() C0008267 |
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桂冠與蛇杖 湯銘哲.陳克華等編 蒐集十七位醫師在台北醫學院就學期間,參加北極星詩社時所創作的詩篇及目前散見於報章雜誌發表過的若干作品等。 脫離校園生活後,醫生詩人們創作的作品多偏向身體結構與生理機能主題,懷著悲天憫人的筆調與心緒,在看盡人生的無常與無奈、掙扎在絕望與痛苦的無力,藉詩作來撫平心靈的悲愴及面對疾病的坦然。
W21/M235p/2005![]() E0010185 CD000951 |
作者 內容 |
Professionalism in
health care [書+光碟片] Sherry Makely Designed for students pursuing all types of health professions Professionalism in Health Care: A Primer for Career Success, Second Edition is grounded in the philosophy that it's not the job you do that makes you a professional, it's how you do it that counts. It examines these questions and a variety of concepts aimed to broaden a health care worker's mastery of ethics, communication skills, and other professional challenges. Concepts, application, self-examination, multi-media, and instructional support comprise this powerful learning system. |
W50/E84/2005![]() E0010174 |
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Ethics in health
services management Kurt Darr With more material than in any previous edition, the fourth edition of Ethics in Health Services Management addresses such critical contemporary issues as patient autonomy, end-of-life decisions, consent for treatment, appropriate resource allocation, whistle blowing, and confidentiality. This is an indispensable text for physician and nurse executives and for courses in health services organization and management, strategic planning, finance, marketing, and nursing management. |
W50/S745o/2000![]() E0010164 |
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Organization ethics in
health care Edward M. Spencer The ethical aspects of the operation of healthcare organizations (HCOs) are central to the delivery of health care. Organization Ethics in Health Care begins by assesing the shortcomings of clinical ethics, business ethics, and professional ethics as a basis for solving problems that have emerged in healthcare delivery systems since the advent of managed care.Moving from theory to practical application, this book will serve as a student text, a professional guide, and a reference work. |
W50/W344L/2000![]() E0010167 |
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Life and death in
healthcare ethics Helen Watt In a world of rapid technological advances, the moral issues raised by life and death choices in healthcare remain obscure. Life and Death in Healthcare Ethics provides a concise, thoughtful and extremely accessible guide to these moral issues. Helen Watt examines, using real-life cases, the range of choices taken by healthcare professionals, patients and clients which lead to the shortening of life. The topics looked at include: euthanasia and withdrawal of treatment; the persistent vegetative state; abortion; IVF and cloning; and life-saving treatment of pregnant women. |
W84.AA1/P839/2004![]() E0010176 |
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Portable health
administration James T. Ziegenfuss, Joseph W. Saaaani The Portable MHA is a concise, readable book that gives an overview of the information covered in a Master of Health Administration program. The material is presented in a fashion so that professionals, administrative academics, and graduate students would be able to read, understand and utilise the information. The text offers distinct benefits to a variety of users. Academic, professional and medical students will be given an understanding of the health care system in which they will have to practice. |
W84.3/E92/2004![]() E0010187 |
作者 內容
Life and death in
healthcare ethics Lu Ann Aday This book defines and illustrates the application of the effectiveness,efficiency,and equity criteria for evaluating healthcare system performance. Like its predecessors, this book integrates the theories,issues,approaches and methods of health services research,providing an excellent frameowork for understanding and evaluating healthcare systems and change. |
W84.7/P2978/2004![]() E0010169 |
作者 內容
Patient safety Jacqueline Fowler, Susan V. White This book provides readers with both a foundation of theoretical knowledge regarding patient safety and evidence-based strategies for preventing errors in various clinical settings. The editors goal is to help clinicians and administrators gain the skills and knowledge they need to develop sound patient practices in their organizations.
WB18/I581h/2003![]() E0010177 |
作者 內容
Health professions
education Ann C. Greiner, Elisa Knebel This report from a committee that participated in the June 2002 Institute of Medicine's Health Professions Education Summit stresses the importance of collaboration across the professions to understand the nature of challenges facing health professions education. The report looks at implications of these challenges for educational reform, describes core competencies needed by professionals, and makes recommendations for reform. |
WB60/A287e/2005![]() E0010184 |
作者 內容 |
Ethics in clinical
practice Judith C. Ahronheim, Jonathan D. Moreno Ethics in Clinical Practice, Second Edition continues to focus on multidisciplinary medicine and how ethical dilemmas affect not only doctors and patients, but also nurses, social workers, members of ethics committees, hospital attorneys, administrators, and others. Greater attention is given to care in a variety of settings and across settings. Cases reflect the managed care phenomenon and cost containment, demographic changes, the electronic revolution, and the ethical dilemmas resulting from this new climate. |
WB100/P298/2004![]() E0010178 |
作者 內容
The patient safety
handbook Barbara J. Youngberg, Martin Hatlie In the current climate of managed care, tight cost controls, limited resources, and the growing demand for health care services, conditions of errors are ripe. This book offer practical guidance on implementing systems and processes to improve outcomes and advance patient safety.
WX185/H2365/1999![]() E0010182 |
作者 內容
Handbook of modern
hospital safety William Charney For guidance on health care worker protection, safety specialists have found definitive advice in William Charney's Essentials of Modern Hospital Safety, Volumes I to III -- reintroduced by Lewis Publishers during the early 1990s. Charney now offers all the important details of that three-volume series, combined with an additional volume's worth of information on the latest hot button risk issues, in a convenient, single-volume Handbook of Modern Hospital Safety. |
WX185/K26c/2004![]() E0010190 |
作者 內容
Keeping patients safe Ann Page The Institute of Medicine presents its third study on how to keep patients safe from the combined effects of the complexities of the technologically driven, compartmentalized health care system and the fallibility of human health care providers, managers, and leadership within that system. Taking the perspective of nurses as the largest component of the health care workforce, it suggests how the work environment can provide optimum safety. |
WX185/W423h/2003![]() E0010170 |
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The hospital safety
director's handbooks Kenneth S. Weinberg American Society of Safety Engineers. Concise guide for hospital safety directors to provide practical insights into the accomplishment of goals successfully. Topics include roles, safety committees, inspectors, education, environment of care, resources, needs of facilities, and policies and procedures. |
WY87/Q13/2005![]() E0010171 |
內容 |
Quality work
environments for nurse and patient safety Linda McGillis Hall Key areas of concern in nursing work environment, are covered extensively, such as leadership, workload and productivity, all of which are front-page issues in practice, systems, and policy levels. |