410.107/8753/2003![]() C0008266 |
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台灣醫療道德之演變:若干歷程及個案探討 余玉眉.蔡篤堅編 本專輯為2001年舉辦的〔台灣醫學史的傳承與道德演變〕。內容涵蓋台灣教會醫療史中道德觀的演變、老協和精神對台灣的影響、日治時台灣醫學的精神傳承、瘧疾研究所的醫學倫理發展意涵 、現今醫療機構的倫理與醫療專業精神等五項不同的專題與個案,藉由五段不同歷程與事件,深入淺出談專業道德的演變。 |
410.9232/8439/2004![]() C0008242 |
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日治時期[臺灣民報]醫藥衛生史料輯錄 鄭志敏輯錄 此份史料約略可分成為(1)有關鴉片問題的報導與論述。(2)關於日人公共衛生制度的實施與台灣人在此過程中所承受的無奈。(3)有關醫院的組織以及醫療相關從業人員給台灣人的整體觀感。(4)展現台灣人醫療觀念。 |
419.9232/8342/2005![]() C0008236-7 |
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台灣婦產科的舵手--魏炳炎 (上.下) 台大婦產科 [哲人日已遠,典型在夙昔〕,為表示對魏教授的崇敬,2004年3月27日台大醫院婦產部除舉辦重肅穆的追思會外,也委請黃思誠教授負責籌編紀念文集事宜。〔師者,所以傳道、授業、解惑〕,魏教授作育英才、提攜後進、埋首書堆無時無刻不在做學問,其領導風格及行事原則像一盞明燈,指引著後輩晚生邁向成長茁壯的人生之路。 |
BJ1725/B792/2000![]() E0010161 |
作者 內容 |
Basic ethics Michael Boylan Examines major moral theories from the worldview perspective, teaching readers the major tenets of the principal moral theories, and the controversies that surround them, as well as offering suggestions on choosing and applying an ethical theory. Intuitionism. Virtue Ethics. Utilitarianism. Deontology. Feminist Ethics. Ethics and Religion. Professional Ethics. How to Choose an Ethical Theory. How to Apply an Ethical Theory. For anyone interested in exploring applied and professional ethics. |
QZ50/G32815/2004![]() E0010162 |
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Genetics and ethics Gerard Magill Sixteen contributed essays explore ethical issues of genetic technology from the perspectives of medicine, law, religion, health policy, and biotechnology. To represent the many questions central to current debates about genetics, Magill (director, Center for Health Care Ethics, St. Louis U.) invited papers on subjects ranging from pharmacogenetics, to organizational ethics, to genetics and human dignity. He concludes the volume with an analysis of human genomics and embryonic stem-cell research in the U.S. and argues for a coherent policy. |
W50/B498e/2004![]() E0010165 |
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Ethics for health care Catherine Berglund Ethics for Health Care considers ethics in the context of routine health care. Since ethical issues are a feature of the everyday work of health professionals, this second edition is designed to equip health-care students and health professionals with the skills and knowledge to deal with these concerns. |
WB60/K29c/2004![]() E0010163 |
作者 內容 |
Contemporary catholic
health care ethics David F. Kelly Contemporary Catholic Health Care Ethics is informed, challenging, articulate, andbold-bringing to the extremely important field of Catholic health care ethics a much-needed and welcome voice, unafraid to speak to the most difficult issues of the 21st century. |
WX162/E84/2002![]() E0010160 |
內容 |
Ethical choices in
long-term care:what does justice require? WHO Long-term care for people with chronic illnesses and disabilities presents an urgent challenge around the world. A recent WHO study estimates that in many developing countries the need will increase by as much 400 % in the coming decades (WHO, 2002). |