410.1/8469/2004![]() C0008225-8234 |
作者 內容 |
九十三年度醫學人文倫理讀書心得精選集 高雄長庚醫院醫教會編 43篇觸動心靈的讀書心得,帶您窺視醫學人文倫理的意涵與境界,以避免醫療爭議與法律糾紛。值得一看,醫教會主席陳順勝推薦。 |
410.223/8546/2003![]() C0008174 |
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醫生也醫死 韋至信 2月23日中國時報浮世繪版全版報導並摘錄精華 癌症高居國人十大死因第一名,但實際上被癌症嚇死的人往往比被癌症殺死的人還多,因為大部分的人都不了解怎樣面對癌症。 一個專業、理性又有愛心的癌症醫師,用親身經歷告訴病人、家屬、甚至醫護人員,其實癌症並不可怕,死亡更不可怕,可怕的是對癌症的無知與因無知所帶來的恐懼。在本書中的每一章節,貼切描述出身為癌症家屬與病患心中的感受,以及照護癌症病患醫護人員心中的無奈與無力,身為韋醫師的後進,推薦此書給無法接受「尊嚴的,舒服的死亡」的家屬與醫護人員。 |
412.15/8667/2004![]() C0008160 |
作者 內容 |
一生守候:30則健保小故事 行政院衛生署編 究竟台灣健保奇蹟是怎麼辦到的?民眾、雇主、醫界、學界又是如何看待健保?健保還有那些需要改進的地方?目前面臨的困境為何?以三十篇採訪稿,呈現社會各階層對於健保實施九年來之親身經驗與觀感,並作為二代健保政策規劃時參考依據。 |
WB60/G479b/2004![]() E0010148 |
作者 內容 |
Bioethics in the clinic Grant R. Gillett What is so special about human life? What is the relationship between flesh and blood and the human soul? Is there a kind of life that is worse than death? Can a person die and yet the human organism remain in some real sense alive? Can souls become sick? What justifies cutting into a living human body? These and other questions, writes neurosurgeon and philosopher Grant Gillett, pervade hospital wards, clinical offices, and operating rooms. |
WB60/H236/2004![]() E0010147 |
作者 內容 |
Handbook of bioethics George Khushf This book is for those interested in an extensive review of thefield of bioethics. It is for philosophers who wish to understand thecore conceptual issues in health care ethics, and for bioethicists whowish to better understand classical problems in philosophy that have abearing on health care ethics. |
WO690/T7728/2004![]() E0010149 |
作者 內容 |
Transplanting human
tissue Stuart J. Youngner This book is the first comprehensive exploration of the burgeoning American tissue transplantation industry. It explains the organization and technical developments in the tissue industry, the expanding clinical uses of donated human skin, bones, ligaments and other musculoskeletal tissue, and how the industry is regulated. This explanation provides a background for exploring the ethical issues of commercialization of body parts, informed consent for donor families, and good stewardship for the tissue industry. |