W20.5/E14e/2004![]() E0010112 |
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Ethics and the business of
bioscience Margaret L. Eaton This book follows industry research, development and the marketing of medical and bioscience products across a variety of fields, including biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and bio-agriculture. Compelling and current case studies highlight the ethical decisions business managers frequently face. With the increasing visibility and public expectation placed on businesses in this sector, managers need to understand the ethical and social issues. |
W20.55.H9/E839/2000![]() E0010056 |
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Ethics in research with
human participants Bruce D. Sales, Susan Folkman In addition to laying the moral foundations of research with human participants, the examples and analyses in this work help to guide researchers in identifying conflicts of interest and solving ethical dilemmas, planning research, recruiting participants and maintaining trust. |
W32.5.AA1/F6L/2004![]() E0010047 |
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Law, Liability and ethics
for medical office professionals Myrtle Flight Designed to provide learners with a foundation in medical law and ethics, this book uses case studies from actual legal procedures to illustrate key points of law, interpretation of statutes, as well as ethical dilemmas. This newly revised edition helps the medical office professional interact with the legal profession, recognize when they need legal advice, and protect their employers from medical malpractice complaints. |
W50/B131e/2001![]() E0010073 |
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Ethics at the end of life Ralph Baergen This anthology introduces students to the massive medical ethics literature on end-of-life issues, such as refusal of treatment, surrogate decision making, resuscitation policies, assisted suicide, and euthanasia. Although end-of-life issues are central, this text could be used as the basis for a much broader course in medical ethics. Each section's topic is introduced by an essay which presents the central concepts, concerns, arguments, and positions. The selections that follow include the most influential work in each area, as well as ground-breaking newer essays. Essays have all been chosen for their accessibility to students and are augmented by the inclusion of a glossary of philosophical and medical terms. |
W50/B372p/2001![]() E0010074 |
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Principles of biomedical
ethics Tom L. Beauchamp, James F. Childress This textbook of bioethics can be used in a variety of programs including undergraduate courses offered by philosophy departments. This is a very thorough revision with a new chapter on methods and moral justification. |
W50/B6154/2004![]() E0010105 |
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perspectives Ren-Zong Qiu Bioethics: Asian Perspectives: A Quest for Moral Diversity: - is the first volume on bioethics all contributors of which are exclusively non-western scholars; - unfolds a rich and colourful picture; - addresses thorny bioethical issues from comprehensive Asian perspectives and different from the western paradigm of bioethics; - covers many topics including the intellectual foundation of Asian bioethics, bioethics and Asian culture, life and death, euthanasia and end-of-life care in Asia; - shows in its discussions moral diversity in Asia. |
W50/C266c/2004![]() E0010041 |
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Critically thinking about
medical ethics Robert F. Card The organization of the text engages the readings in a dialogue to clarify how thinkers from diverse perspectives are responding to one another in a common discussion. Text's unified approach offers a critical thinking pedagogy, which helps students develop skills necessary for engaging in philosophical thinking, and helps students establish connections among reading selections. |
W50/C277/2000![]() E0010031 |
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Caring well:religion,
narrative and health care ethics David H. Smith The complexities of a healthcare situation often include the moral concerns and religious commitments ofthe patient, but they should also include those of the healthcare professionals. In this approach to problems in medical ethics, the contributors provide case studies, interviews, and personal narratives that enables ethicists to listen more attentively, and thus offer wiser responses to the moral issues at stake. Chapters include a review of classic 20th-century writing on religion and medicine, and examination of the issues surrounding organ transplants, an exploration of ways to affirm the dignity of the dying, and a discussion of how we can connect the experience of mortality with what it means to be human. |
WC50/C951/2000![]() E0010108 |
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perspectives in medical ethics Robert M. Veatch This book is an anthology of the latest and best readings on the medical ethics of as many of the major religious, philosophical and medical traditions that are available today. Adding African and African-American perspectives to update the 1989 edition, 43 readings (1803-1998) explore the medical ethics of major Western and Eastern religious, philosophical, and legal traditions. |
W50/L795r/2000![]() E0010116 |
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Resolving ethical dilemmas Bernard Lo Every day, clinicians face ethical dilemmas, many of which relate to the new challenges of managed care. This timely Second Edition of Resolving Ethical Dilemmas is a pragmatic, readable guide to approaching these ethical decisions and developing action plans, even when competing viewpoints have equal merit. Dr. Lo addresses routine problems such as informed consent and more difficult issues such as economic incentives to decrease medical care. |
W50/M643h/2004![]() E0010113 |
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The hippocratic oath and
ethics of medicine Steven H. Miles This engaging book examines what the Hippocratic Oath meant to Greek physicians 2400 years ago, and reflects on its relevance to medical ethics today. Drawing on the writings of ancient physicians, Greek playwrights, and modern scholars, each chapter explores one of its passages and concludes with a modern case discussion. |
W50/M969i/2004![]() E0010100 |
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Intervention and
reflection:basic issues in medical ethics Ronald Munson Emphasizing cases in order to illustrate the medical, scientific, and social issues raised in bioethics, Munson (philosophy of science and medicine, U. of Missouri-St. Louis) also uses analytical text, readings, and "decision scenarios" to make his points. |
W50/M969o/2003![]() E0010117 |
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Outcome uncertain:cases
and contexts in bioethics Ronald Munson Munson (philosophy of science and medicine, the University of Missouri-St. Louis) draws on his skills as a novelist and his background in ethics, biology, and medicine to present both classic and current cases in bioethics, showing how moral problems erupt in everyday life. |
W50/M984c/2004![]() E0010042 |
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Case studies in biomedical
research ethics Timothy F. Murphy This textbook for instruction in biomedical research ethics can also serve as a valuable reference for professionals in the field of bioethics. The 149 cases included in the book are grouped in nine chapters, each of which covers a key area of debate in the field. Some of the case studies are classics, including the famous cases of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study (in which subjects with syphilis were not given treatment) and the Willowbrook hepatitis studies (in which institutionalised subjects were intentionally exposed to hepatitis). |
W50/O583a/2002![]() E0010097 |
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Autonomy and trust in
bioethics Onora O'Neill Why has autonomy been a leading idea in philosophical writing on bioethics, and why has trust been marginal? In this important book, Onora O'Neill suggests that the conceptions of individual autonomy so widely relied on in bioethics are philosophically and ethically inadequate, and that they undermine rather than support relations of trust. She shows how Kant's non-individualistic view of autonomy provides a stronger basis for an approach to medicine, science and biotechnology, and does not marginalize untrustworthiness, while also explaining why trustworthy individuals and institutions are often undeservingly mistrusted. |
W50/P397c/2004![]() E0010111 |
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Classic cases in medical
ethics Gregory E. Pence This work provides a look at major cases that have defined and shaped the field of medical ethics. Each case is illuminated by philosophical theories and legal and ethical issues. It provides new sections on research ethics, embryo research and stem cells, and reproductive cloning.This rich collection, popular among teachers and students alike, provides an in-depth look at major cases that have shaped the field of medical ethics. |
W50/P397r/2000![]() E0010084 |
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medicine:ethical issues at the frontiers of medicine Gregory E. Pence This text looks at the ethical issues medicine faces. It covers gene therapy, cloning, human eggs and embryos for sale and experiments on human embryos. The author argues that the conservatism of the medical establishment and others impedes the improvements in the quality of life. |
W50/P898/2003![]() E0010104 |
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Pragmatic bioethics Glenn McGee Modern scientific and medical advances bring new complexity and urgency to ethical issues in health care and biomedical research. This book applies the American philosophical theory of pragmatism to such bioethics. Critics of pragmatism argue that it lacks a universal moral foundation.This new edition contains three new chapters on difficulties with applying pragmatism to law and bioethics, on helping people to die, and on embryonic stem cell research. |
W50/R127f/2000![]() E0010109 |
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From clinic to
classroom:medical ethics and moral education Howard B. Radest The current development of biomedical ethics is a source of radical critique not only in the clinic, but also in the classroom. This volume argues that today's moral education is too abstract to be effective and would benefit from the adoption of the practical approach which is typical of biomedical ethics--"thinking with cases." In presenting this approach, Radest explores various issues of moral epistemology and advocates the urgency of realism and decision in ethics. The use of a rich and complex literature drawn from biomedical ethics, pedagogy, and philosophy serves to stimulate the reader to think through the moral complexity and ambivalence of modern experience. |
W50/V217d/2000![]() E0010072 |
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Death and compassion:a
virtue-based approach to euthanasia Liezl Van Zyl The aim of this work is to provide a critique of principle-based ethical systems within the context of modern medicine, focusing specifically on end-of-life decisions. In an attempt to transcend the shortcomings of both utilitarian and deonotological ethical theories, the author argues for an incorporation of the virtues in medical practice, drawing from and developing Aristotle's teleological account of the virtues. Three questions concerning the morality of euthanasia are raised, each invoking a typical feature of human suffering, which leads to an analysis of a moral virtue that addresses each of these features of suffering. |
W50/W256/2001![]() E0010036 |
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Ward ethics:dilemmas for
medical students and doctors in trainign Thomasine K. Kushner, David C. Thomasma The existing literature in medical ethics does not serve the practical needs of medical students and trainees very well, as the dilemmas posed are generally beyond their direct control, and being a student or junior doctor brings its own set of ethical concerns. The editors have addressed this need by compiling a series of case studies from around the world and inviting an international team of leading ethicists and clinicians to comment on them. The book will be an essential guide on how to cope with the ethical dilemmas of those embarking on medical careers. |
W50/Z999/2000![]() E0010050(倫理) E0010081 |
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20 common problems:ethics
in primary care Jeremy Sugarman This book explores and offers guidance for the 20 most common ethical problems in primary care settings. While many books in medical ethics focus on more abstract principles and their applications, this book answers practical questions about how to make ethical choices and balance interests in difficult clinical situations such as: What do you do when you suspect abuse?; How do you keep patients informed when facing a gag rule?; Should I lie to my patient when I think it's in the patient's best interest?; When should I treat a minor without the parent's consent? |
W62/E9338/2001![]() E0010032 |
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Evidence-based patient
choice Adrian Edwards, Glyn Elwyn This title's focus is on the decisions taken in consultations between health care patients and professionals. Clinician-patient partnerships in health care decisions are increasingly advocated. Evidence-based patient choice descibes a model of health care in which the evidence-based approach can integrate with the promotion of consumer choice. The book examines the traditional approach and the changing experience and expectations of consumers. It describes with clinical examples and patient narratives how to practice evidence-based patient choice, and explores the ethical, sociological and economic issues raised. |
W62/L827i/2000![]() E0010080 |
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Integrity and
personhood:looking at patients from a bio/psycho/social perspective Roberta Springer Loewy While much about life is biologically determined, much else is determined by the social circumstances surrounding it. Little energy is spent dealing with the social and psychological factors within which the medical/biological factors are imbedded. This volume examines some of the medical, social and psychological conditions which affect the way we die. Topics covered include attitudes toward death; suicide, assisted suicide and euthanasia; hospice and pain management. |
W74/W374b/2001![]() E0010098 |
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Business ethics in
healthcare Leonard F. Weber Healthcare ethics is not just about decisions made at the bedside. It is also about decisions made in executive offices and in boardrooms. This book offers perspectives that can assist healthcare managers achieve the highest ethical standards as they face their roles as healthcare providers, employers and community service organizations. |
W84.AA1/C386/2001![]() E0010078 |
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Changing health care
systems from ethical, economic and cross cultural perspectives Erich H. Loewy, Roberta Springer Loewy This volume explores the impact of various health-care structures on the ability of health-care professionals to practice in an ethically acceptable manner. The limits of ethical possibility are created by the system within which health-care workers must practice: a system which mandates "getting to know your patient" but at the same time is restricted by financial concerns of a hospital, hospice, or a health management organization. |
W85/C9685/2004![]() E0010043 |
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Cultural sutures:medicine
and media Lester D. Friedman In this volume, scholars of cinema studies, philosophy, English, sociology, health-cafe education, women's studies, bioethics and other fields demonstrate how the world of medicine engages and permeates the media that surround us. |
W85/D773w/2001![]() E0010085 |
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When science offers
salvation:patient advocacy and research ethics Rebecca Dresser Biomedical research today has a high public profile, largely because of patient advocacy. Following in the footsteps of HIV/AIDS activists, advocates representing an array of patient groups are now vocal partners in the research enterprise. This book shows how advocates have transformed health research, often - but not always - for the better. Dresser is the first to examine patient advocacy through the lens of research ethics. |
W85.5/C968/2000![]() E0010079 |
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Cultural issues in
end-of-life decision making Kathryn L. Braun, James H. Pietsch, Patricia L. Blanchette End-of-life decision making is one of the most difficult but crucial challenges faced by patients and their families. In most cases, resources or counselors providing guidance in these decisions are not available. This book does a creditable job of presenting the issues and a broad overview of culture and common religions in America. |
W89/P728p/2004![]() E0010045 E0010106(倫理) |
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Practical ethics for
general practice Wendy A. Rogers, Annette J. Braunack-Mayer This book provides an accessible account of ethics in general practice, addressing concerns identified by practitioners. It is based on examples from general practice, and uses a contensts list developed through discussions with GPs, trainers and GP registrars. |
WB60/M522h/2004![]() E0010102 |
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Health care ethics:lessons
from intensive care Kath Melia Health Care Ethics examines the way in which ethical dilemmas are played out in everyday clinical practice and calls for an approach to ethical decision making which focuses more on patient needs than competing professional interests. |
WB60/V394b/2003![]() E0010076 |
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The basics of bioethics Robert M. Veatch An introductory textbook for short courses in schools of medicine, nursing, and other health professions; continuing education; undergraduate courses in philosophy, religion and the social sciences; and adult education. |
WQ208/A8478/2000![]() E0010071 |
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conception:research, ethics and law Jennifer Gunning Assisted conception is an area where it often seems that all the ethical and legal issues have been covered and then technology advances and the discussions start all over again. The book is an anthology of papers presented during a project looking at thearaputic research in assisted conception (TRAC). It is divided into three areas addressing research, ethics and law. Each chapter begins with an overview of the issues, with the aim being to present new perspectives rather than covering old ground. |
WQ209/P9298/2000![]() E0010083 |
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Prenatal testing and
disability rights Erik Parens, Adrienne Asch This collection of essays takes up the issues surrounding prenatal testing and selective abortion. Both the medical and broader communities view such tests as largely beneficial but this book also reflects the objections raised by the disability rights community. |