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如何挑選醫學生 黃達夫 410.03/8377/2003 C0008088 |
陸梅勒爾醫生(Dr.Kenneth Ludmerer)說:〔就一個國家而言,我們終究得到的那一種醫師就是我們自己的報應〕("as a nation, we ultimately get the type of doctors we deserve")。如何我們抱怨時下的醫師如何不理想,我也應該多想一下,這是我們的社會制度所得到的報應,就像有人罵台灣有些民意代表品質低落,但試問又是誰選出來的民意代表,所以我們得到的劣質的民意代表不也正是我們的報應嗎? | |
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實踐醫學人文的可能 蔡篤堅等人 410.03/8454/2001 C0008094 |
透過台灣醫界的醫學人交反省,蔡老師提出了以媒介為中心的醫學人文教改架構,並籍著呈現台灣醫療人權的現狀,回顧台灣醫學發展脈絡,反省參與九二一救災的經驗,以及綜合攝影和醫學文化教學成果的整理,集結成這本視野恢弘、見解獨特的論文集。這本論文集所呈現的深刻思考,是我們醫療專業必須共同面對的時代挑戰。 | |
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美國醫學教育 劉克明.劉敏編 410.03/8755/2002 C0008006 |
病人對醫師的期望為何?什麼樣的醫師才是我們心目中的良醫?這些都是見人見智的問題,並沒有標準答案。然而台灣醫學教育之目的是什麼?醫學院要培育什麼樣的醫師,才能滿足社會大眾的期望呢? 美國醫學院學會認為二十一世紀的醫師須具備利他主義、知識淵博、技術熟練及負責任四種特質;而其醫學院教育目的專案對基礎醫學、臨床醫學、醫學資訊、群體醫療、醫療溝通、醫學研究、醫療品質等主題之教學目的及施行策略提出建議,以做為美加各醫學院規劃新課程之指標。目 前,台灣正引進美國的新醫學教育學制度進行改革,而醫學院的評鑑也參考美國的評鑑制度。 | |
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認識生命倫理學 鄂爾等著;章福卿譯 410.1/8437/2000 C0008089 |
當所愛的孩的子,一出生就殘障或猝死;當所愛的伴侶,遭癌細胞無情襲擊;當所愛的父母,變得老邁無助癡呆;當你所愛的人,在生死邊緣掙扎,醫療人員要你做攸關病人生死的決定時,你要怎麼辦?永不放棄治療,或是讓得絕症、必要死亡的病人,不再受苦,安然逝去? | |
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天堂的階梯 項慧齡譯 410.1/856/2002 C0008093 |
作者是資深新聞記者,花了六年時間走訪全美完成本書,並獲普立茲獎提名。一般人儘管不願意面對終將死亡的事實,《天堂的階梯》述說了感人的故事,提供了絕佳的對策。把死亡轉化成為一個被臨終者、家屬、醫界及社會公開討論的話題。讓死亡成為療癒、希望、勇氣與安寧。 | |
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醫院裡的危機時刻 詹納原著;蔡錚雲譯 410.1/865/2004 C0008083 |
詹納博士是個哲學家,也是美國醫療倫理學的思考先驅。三十年前,他開始走進醫院,周旋在醫師、護理人員、社工師、心理師、病患及家屬之間。他從臨床工作中學習到,醫療倫理的第一步,就是真心的聆聽,才能發現病患和家人的需求和真實心聲。 詹納博士擁有豐富的醫學知識與醫療倫理實務經驗。多年來,他在醫院的邊緣地帶,也就是重症病人等待死亡來臨的病房裡,醫療倫理最為尖銳的極端情境中,傾聽這些人的故事。在這裡,病人與家屬們飽受脆弱與孤單之苦。詹納博士體會到,在醫院裡發生的各種危機時刻,以及在生死交關危機中的傾心交談,形成了豐富動人的故事。這些故事充滿生與死、苦與樂、孤單與希望,幫助我們思考生命的強韌與無常。 | |
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天堂的階梯 項慧齡譯 410.1/856/2002 C0008093 |
作者是資深新聞記者,花了六年時間走訪全美完成本書,並獲普立茲獎提名。一般人儘管不願意面對終將死亡的事實,《天堂的階梯》述說了感人的故事,提供了絕佳的對策。把死亡轉化成為一個被臨終者、家屬、醫界及社會公開討論的話題。讓死亡成為療癒、希望、勇氣與安寧。 | |
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漂泊 江自得著 419.47/8365/2003 C0008087 |
本書收錄作者發表於台灣日報的文章,不管是對於工作環境的省思,或者是醫學人文方面的思考,乃至於對醫學教育和醫院評鑑制度的批判,都有一番獨到的見解。 | |
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麗亞的故事 湯麗明譯 419.47/8555/2003 C0008086 |
1988年,一位醫生告訴本書作者,他遇到一群很難搞的病人,是從寮國移民到美國的苗族病人,但是他們也很有趣。結果作者來到苗人聚居的加州墨謝郡,結果聽說了一個苗族小女孩黎麗亞的事, 麗亞患有嚴重的癲癇,她的父母和醫生非常努力的想要好好照顧她,結果卻造成不同文化間的大衝突,麗亞也因而成了植物人。 作者原先只想寫一篇雜的誌報導,最後變成作者長達八、九年的調查採訪和寫作,而她最後的成品就是這本書:《麗亞的故事》。故事情節動人,對人性也有深刻的描寫。 | |
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愛的功課 楊淑智譯 419.47/8666/2003 C0008085 |
本書最大的特色是:書中收錄了35篇文章,每章的作者都是心理治療師,他們都以本身或家人的病痛經驗為出發點,寫出他們如何將心比心,來照顧某位病人的故事。每一章探討一個病症,包括癌症、糖尿病、精神分裂症、傳染病、不孕症、愛滋病、老年失智症、帕金森氏症,以及若干罕見疾病等。當治療師自己走過病痛的經驗,將更能體會其他病人的心態及感受,進而產生同理心,達到更好的醫病溝通。有些作者甚至坦承,由於與病人分享私人的經驗,內心深處的痛苦好像也被療癒了。 疾病是人生無法避免的,但是更完善的醫療倫理、溝通和照顧,卻是我們可以努力的。什麼是更人性化的醫病關係?本書將帶給我們非常動人的啟示。 | |
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診療椅上的愛與性 楊淑智譯 419.47/8666/2004 C0008084 |
在心理治療中,兩個人面對而坐,在過程中越來越靠近、親密,怎能不在某個時刻,全然且自然地表達愛意呢?當他們互訴衷曲,又會發生什麼事呢?」事實上,醫病發生性關係,只是少數,大部分的人都發現自己陷入這種感情的灰色地帶。有些人被對方迷得神魂顛倒,有些人則第一次經歷到被體貼地憐愛,有些人感受到對方極具同情心,且認為這段情是互惠的。有時,也有醫生和病人是真心相愛。但是,無論他們這段情被貼上什麼標籤,當事人大多無處尋求忠告或幫助,同時也怕因此鬧出醜聞,或遭專業機構的調查。 | |
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醫療糾紛與損害賠償 汪紹銘著 419.49/8366/2004 C0008090 |
法律是社會生活規範的強制準則,從法院對醫療糾紛判決的整理,有助於各持立場各說各話者建立基本的共識,用最簡易的文字說明法院判決的重點,才能使欠缺法律知識或醫學知識者,法院判決尋找到建立共識的基礎,這是本書最大動機。本書改變以往醫療法律著作之方式,以事實審法院判決資為分析基礎,將判決不同性質分類,配於簡單導讀說明,並分析法院判決,提升實用價值。 | |
書碼 登錄號
醫生你錯了VS病人你錯了 林志六著 419.49/8732/2000 C0008091 |
越來越多的病患不再甘願任由醫師施以治療,希望在接受治療前能獲得更多的說明。面對這種趨勢,醫師如果不能妥善調適,日後衝突將層出不窮,許多醫療糾紛的發生,就是源於這種觀念的異。要解決這類型醫療糾紛,斧底抽薪的辦法就是觀念的倡導,尤其是對醫療人員的倡導。有邐醫療糾紛會演變成非理性抗爭,往往就是不信任法院所引起。提高裁判內容的水準,符合社會思想的脈動,才能減少這種異常現象。打醫療賠償官司,一般人會先提刑事告訴,然後再附帶民事賠償,但是,你知道嗎?其實是多此一舉! | |
醫學倫理.人文.醫病.醫學史資料 (西文) |
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The moral development of health
care profesionals Bertram Bandman W50/B214m/2003 E0010052 |
The purpose of this project is to contribute philosophically to the moral development of health care professionals. A philosophical study of interrelated concepts and methods, it is intended to clarify, illuminate, justify and thereby contribute to the moral development of health care professionals. For health care professionals, values and beliefs, guide reflection, along with the decision to act and culminate in an effort to justify a relation between deliberation and intervention. These concepts and methods are among aspects of moral development designed to help shape and impart justifiable health care values. | |
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Good care,painful choices Richard J. Devine W50/D485/2004 E0010038 |
In this third edition, Richard Devine brings readers up to date with the issues concerning medical-ethical decisions that American society and American individuals are called upon to make. He presents each issue in its full context -- medical, scientific, legal, socio-cultural, Roman Catholic tradition, along with a final moral assessment. | |
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From clinic to classroom Howard B. Radest W50/R127f/2000 E0010033 |
The author of Humanism with a Human Face (Praeger, 1996) and Can We Teach Ethics? (Praeger, 1989) offers "thinking with cases" to pragmatically examine the issues of biomedical ethics confronting clinicians. | |
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Ethics and the metabphysics of
medicine Kenneth A. Richman W61/R532e/2004 E0010040 |
Definitions of health and disease are of more than theoretical interest.
Understanding what it means to be healthy has implications for choices in
medical treatment, for ethically sound informed consent, and for accurate
assessment of policies or programs. This deeper understanding can help us
create more effective public policy for health and medicine. It is notable
that such contentious legal initiatives as the Americans with Disability Act
and the Patients' Bill of Rights fail to define adequately the medical terms
on which their effectiveness depends. In "Ethics and the Metaphysics of
Medicine, Kenneth Richman develops an "embedded instrumentalist" theory of
health and applies it to practical problems in health care and medicine,
addressing topics that range from the philosophy of science to knee
surgery." |
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The renewal of generosity:
illness, medicine and how to live Arthur W. Frank W62/F828r/2004 E0010049 |
The book tells stories of illness, medical work, and nursing in which
people choose to act in ways that affirm their humanity. These stories can
be a source of consolation both for the ill and for professionals alike, and
they can be an impetus to changing medical systems. Frank shows how
generosity is being renewed through dialogue and the difference between
authentic dialogue and mere talk. His is a book about medicine as the
face-to-face encounter that comes before and after pharmaceuticals,
surgeries, and diagnostics. |
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Health care market strategy:
from planning to action Steven G. Hillestad W74/H652h/2004 E0010054 |
The health care industry is highly competitive, heavily regulated, under-funded and driven by the twin forces of technology and consumerism. To survive, providers must compete by marketing themselves effectively. While many health care organizations focus their energies on developing masterful marketing plans, many fail when it comes to the tactical implementation of those plans. | |
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Principles & practice of
point-of-care testing Gerald J. Kost W84.7/P97/2002 E0010034 |
The opening section discusses the goals of point-of-care testing and
thoroughly explains the basic principles and methods. A major portion of the
book examines applications in a variety of clinical settings, and includes
case studies that demonstrate the benefits, limitations, and cost
effectiveness of point-of-care testing. Concluding sections focus on
management, performance, information systems, and economic outcomes, whilst
a technical appendix is also included. FEATURES: Clearly defines the goals
of point-of-care testing. Provides detailed descriptions of the principles
and methods of point-of-care testing. Special section (including selected
case studies) reviews clinical applications. |
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The ethics of environmentally
responsible health care Jessica Pierce WA30/P616/2004 E0010037 |
The book shows how environmental decline relates to human health and to
health care practices in the U.S. and other industrialized countries. It
outlines the environmental trends that will strongly affect health, and
challenges us to see the connections between ways of practicing medicine and
the very envrionmental problems that damage ecosystems and make people sick.
In addition to philosophical analysis of the converging values of bioethics
and environmental ethics, the book offers case studies as well as a number
of practical suggestions for moving health care toward sustainability. |
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Setting limits fairly:
can we learn to share medical resources? Norman Daniels WA540.1/D186s/2002 E0010028 |
The central discussion in this book is that we lack consensus on the
principles for allocating resources; in the absence of such a consensus we
must rely on a fair decision-making process for setting limits on health
care. The authors provide a convincing analysis of the current situation,
reviewing the present situation and then go on to describe their own
approach, which represents a clear advance in thinking. The problem of
setting fair limits on medical resources is one that cuts across many types
of health care systems. This book is therefore intended for an international
audience. |
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Beyond complementary medicine Michael H. Cohen WB890/C678b/2003 E0010029 |
Consumers are increasingly turning to complementary medicine such as acupuncture, chiropractic, naturopathy, massage therapy, dietary supplements and herbs, energy healing, mediation and yoga, and mind-body therapies. This book addresses the growing interest in the legal, ethical and regulatory aspects of integrating such care into conventional clinical settings. | |
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Health care ethics for
psychologists Stephanie L. Hanson WM105/H251/2005 E0010039 |
Health Care Ethics For Psychologists: A Casebook explores the ethical
questions encountered most often by practitioners in health care settings.
Ethical challenges occur almost routinely in health care. Issues of informed
consent, respect for patients' dignity and confidentiality, the balance
between patient and family rights, and billing for services under managed
care are just a few of the topics that challenge psychologists to uphold
their ethical obligations across the health care continuum. This casebook
offers a real-life view of ethical situations as they unfold, including
case-by-case consideration of critical background information, key
stakeholders, the direct relevance of specific APA principles and standards,
and suggested steps to resolve ethical issues. Case examples in settings
from the emergency room to long-term care vividly illustrate the
complexities of ethical dilemmas, and case commentaries helpfully explicate
the quandaries presented. These detailed cases allow the reader to acquire a
true understanding of the patients' specific contexts and the challenges to
clinical decision-making. |
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Care of the aged:
biomedical ethics reviews James M. Humber WT21/C2705/2003 E0010030 |
This book is the twentieth annual volume of biomedical ethics reviews, a
series of texts designed to review and update the literature on issues of
central importance in bioethics today. For the convenience of our readers,
each article in very volume of our series is prefaced by a short abstract
describing that article's content. Each volume in the series is organized
around a central them;the theme for next volume of biomedical ethics reviews
will be stem cell research. |
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Medicine's 10 greatest
discoveries Meyer Friedman WZ40/F911m/1998 E0010051 |
In 1675, Antony van Leeuwenhoek, an unlearned haberdasher from Delft, placed a drop of rainwater under his microscope and detected thousands of tiny animals in it. Leeuwenhoek proceeded to examine the microscopic activity of his spitle, teeth plaque, and faeces, and as a result of his findings the field of bacteriology was born. Some 200 years later, Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, a professor of theoretical physics at the University of Wurzburg, invited his wife to his laboratory, asked her to place her hand on an unexposed photographic plate, turned on an electric current, and showed her a picture of the bones of her hand - and so came the X-ray. This text describes these and eight other medical discoveries throughout history, bringing to life the scientific pioneers responsible for them and the excitement, frustrations and jealousies that surrounded the final achievements. |