




此代表您的瀏覽器不支援目前新版PubMed介面上的功能,如電腦使用的瀏覽器為Internet Explorer ,請升級至7版或更高的版本,其他瀏覽器版本說明如下:
瀏覽器 版本 Windows Mac OS X Linux
Internet Explorer 7 或更高 This version of internet explorer on windows operting system is supported by NCBI web applications. This version of internet explorer on mac operting system is not supported by NCBI web applications. This version of internet explorer on linux operting system is not supported by NCBI web applications.
Firefox 3 或更高 This version of firefox on windows operting system is supported by NCBI web applications. This version of firefox on mac operting system is supported by NCBI web applications. This version of firefox on linux operting system is supported by NCBI web applications.
Safari 3 或更高 This version of safari on windows operting system is supported by NCBI web applications. This version of safari on mac operting system is supported by NCBI web applications. This version of safari on linux operting system is not supported by NCBI web applications.
Opera 7 或更高 This version of opera on windows operting system is supported by NCBI web applications. This version of opera on mac operting system is supported by NCBI web applications. This version of opera on linux operting system is supported by NCBI web applications.
Google Chrome 5 或更高 This version of google chrome on windows operting system is supported by NCBI web applications. This version of google chrome on mac operting system is supported by NCBI web applications. This version of google chrome on linux operting system is supported by NCBI web applications.

 This version of internet explorer on windows operting system is supported by NCBI web applications. 代表有支援,This version of internet explorer on mac operting system is not supported by NCBI web applications.代表不支援。



開啟瀏覽器,選擇「工具」→「網際網路選項」→「安全性」分頁→「自訂等級」→於「Active Scripting」選擇啟用。




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