Pelvic Relaxation、 Uterus prolapse 子宮下垂
Pelvic relaxation is the loss of the stuctures that support the contents of the female pelvis. The result is a group of clinical symptoms ,manifested by complaints of pelvic heaviness , discomfort and genital protrusion. Supportive anatomic structures: a. bony pelvis. b. pelvic diaphragm (levator ani muscle complex and its superior and inferior fascia ). c. urogenital diaphragm. d. cardinal and uterosacral ligments. e. bulbocavernous muscle and external sphincter ani muscle. f. perineal body. Pelvic organs involved in pelvic relaxation and associated clinical manifestations a. bladder: cyctocele, pelvic pressure, genital protrusion b. urethra: urethrocele (urethral detachment), stress urinary incontinence. c. rectum: rectocele, defecatory dysfunction, genital protrusion. d. uterus and cervix : uterine descensus (uterovaginal prolapse ), pelvvc pressure, genital protrusion. e. vagina: anterior wall prolapse (cyctocele, urethrocele, cystourethrocele); posterior wall prolapse (rectocele, enterocele); vault prolapse. f. omentum and bowel : enterocele, vault prolapse. Etilogy of plvic support disorders: diagnosis symptoms A. prolapse: uterus prolapse completely prolapse beyond the introitus termed "procedentia" Grading:生殖泌尿器官脫垂程度的分級(grading),一直不是很清楚且沒有特定標準。因為這種分級方式(比如只分minimal、moderate、severe)對於器官脫垂原因的探討與治療效果的評估會造成不確實的後果。
I. Vaginal
ICS(International Continence Society)System:這是ICS在
Point Aa的定義是在前陰道壁的中間線,離尿道口 以上兩個系統的檢查法如下:病人先將膀胱排空,以supine position受檢。檢查者先觀其external genitalia與introitus。再用Sims speculum放入陰道審視有否urethrocele、cystocele、utero-vaginal prolapse、enterocele或rectocele,然後讓病人腹部用力至上述器官掉到最低點為止。 B. pelvic discomfort: dull lower back or pelvic pain, introital irritation, dyspareunia C. urinary symptoms: a. stress urinary incontinence b. recurrent urinary infection c. urinary obstruction D. rectal symptoms: a. difficult defecation b. incontinence Treatment of pelvic support disorders Choice of Treatment Expectent management: No symptoms or relatively mild, patient should be taught the technique of perineal muscle exercise and encouraged to do them. Estrogen replacement , Kegel's exercise Pessaries: too ill to undergo operation or p't refuses operation Surgical management indication: Sugery should be undertaken only in the patient who is either still symptomatic after nonsurgical approaches have been attempted or desires sugical intervention in lieu of nonsurgical therapy. vaginal hysterectomy with colporrhaphy , McCall Culdoplasty and to reattaching the endopelvic fascia and the uterosacral ligment to vaginal cuff to provide additional support or sacrospinous ligment fixaton or abdominal approach retroperitonel uterosacropexy
Operation for Complete eversion of the vagina: a. transvaginal sacrospious colpopexy
b. transabdominal sacral colpopexy Both opertions are highly successful
in resuspending the vaginal apex.