Ãh¥¥¹Lµ{ Pregnancy

Week 36

Your baby now weighs about 6 pounds and is approximately 18 to 20 inches long. These days your belly probably reminds you of the movie Alien. Your baby's elbow, foot, or head may protrude from your belly when she stretches and squirms about. And soon, as the wall of the uterus and the abdomen stretches thinner and lets in more light, your baby will begin to develop daily activity cycles. This week, your little one is sporting new fingernails and has a fully developed pair of kidneys. Her liver can also process some waste products.

There's much less amniotic fluid and much more baby in your uterus, which has expanded to 1,000 times its original size. You've probably put on between 25 and 30 pounds, and your weight gain has hit its zenith. Even your belly button it's gotten bigger and has popped outward. You may be feeling breathless now that the top of your uterus is up under your ribs. Try getting down on all fours to take deeper breaths. And although the pressure on your bladder will make the bathroom your second home, don't slow or stop drinking water ¡X your baby needs the fluids. Just stay away from diuretic drinks like tea and coffee, which will make you have to urinate even more often.

Your doctor or midwife will probably want to start seeing you every week until you deliver. She may give you a handout on how to count fetal movements; if not, ask her for one.
