Ãh¥¥¹Lµ{ Pregnancy

Week 29

.You're in the home stretch. The third trimester typically starts at week 29 and lasts until week 40 and sometimes even beyond. (Don't worry ¡X 42 weeks is the  maximum! After that, a woman usually is induced to give birth.) Most women gain an average of 11 pounds during this trimester.

By this week, your baby weighs nearly three pounds and measures nearly 10 1/2 inches from crown to rump ¡X almost 17 inches when you include his legs. At about this time, your baby can open his eyes and turn his head in utero if he notices a continuous, bright light shining from the outside. The fat layers are forming and the fingernails appear.

You're probably vacillating between feeling as if you've been pregnant forever and being nervous about childbirth. Checking off things on your to-do list can help. Start soliciting possible baby names and begin interviewing pediatricians.

If you aren't already, you'll probably start visiting your doctor once every two weeks until the eighth month, when you'll switch to weekly visits.
