
     Hydatidiform Mole   ¸²µå­L  



Hydatidiform moles categorised as either complete or partial moles.


Features of Complete and Partial Hydatidiform moles. 

A. Complete Mole   : 

Fetal or embryonic tissue    :                      Absent     

Hydatidiform swelling of chorionic villi  :   Diffuse        

Trophoblastic hyperplasia     :                    Diffuse     

Scalloping of chorionic villi     :                 Absent    

Trophoblastic stromal Inclusions  :             Absent       

Karyotype   :                                            46XX; 46XY   



B. Partial Mole

Fetal or embryonic tissue     :                    Present

Hydatidiform swelling of chorionic villi  :  Focal

Trophoblastic hyperplasia     :                   Focal

Scalloping of chorionic villi    :                 Present

Trophoblastic stromal Inclusions    :          Present

Karyotype   :                                           69XXY; 69XYY





1.  Made on the basis of D & C.

2.  Ultrasound: complete moles¡Ða characteristic vesicular sonographic pattern, "snowstorm" pattern; partial moles¡Ðfocal cystic spaces in the placental tissues and an increase in the transverse diameter of the gestational sac.


Treatment and follow-up

1.  Before evacuation, obtain the following laboratory studies: CBC, D/C, PT, APTT, blood chemistries, including lirer function tests, blood type and screen, and b¡VhCG; and CXR.

2.  Evaluation of associated medical complications, including preeclampsia, hypothyroidism, anemia, infection, electrolyte imbalance and coagulopathy.

3.  Suction curettage with oxytocin infusion.

4.  Weekly serum b-hCG follow-up.

5.  3 consecutive weeks of undetectable serum b-hCG then monthly determinations for at least half a year.





