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Endometrial Carcinoma ¤l®c ¤º½¤Àù
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¡@ Diagnosis 1. Fr D&C + cervical biopsy 2. Hysteroscope directed biopsy Risk factor 1. Obesity 2. Nulliparity 3. Late menopause ¡@ Stage Ia G123 Tumor limited to endometrium Ib G123 Invasion of less than half of the myometrium Ic G123 Invasion of more than half of the myometrium IIa G123 Endocervical glandular involvement only IIb G123 Cervical stromal invasion IIIa G123 Tumor invades serosa ¡B adnexae ¡B positive cytology IIIb G123 Vaginal metastases IIIc G123 Metastases to pelvic and/or paraaortic lymph nodes IVa G123 Tumor invasion of bladder and/or bowel mucosa IVb Distant metastases ¡B inguinal lymph node
Histopatholgoy: Degree of differentiation Cases of carcinoma of the corpus should be grouped according to the degree of differentiation of the adenocarcinoma as follows: G1 = 5% or less of a nonsquamous or nonmorular solid growth pattern G2 = 6% to 50% of a nonsquamous or nonmorular solid growth pattern G3 = more than 50% of a nonsquamous or nonmorular solid growth pattern
Pre-operative survey 1. Sonography
Abdomino-pelvic CT 4. IVP 5. LGI Primary treatment 1. Comprehensive surgery washing cytology + ATH (or Extended ATH) + BSO + Bilateral pelvic lymph node dissection + paraaortic LN sampling analysis (when Gr3 or deep myometrial involvement) 2. specimen sent for hormone receptor and flow cytometricDNA ploidy
Risk factor (indicators for post-operative therapy) 1. Histologic differentiation 2. Stage of disease 3. Myometrial invasion 4. Peritoneal cytology 5. Lymph node metastasis 6. Adnexal metastasis 7. Hormonal receptor 8. DNA ploidy Adjuvant therapy 1. Radiotherapy: a. whole pelvis with/or without vaginal brachytherapy b. whole pelvis + entended PA field 2. Chemotherapy: a. splatin, adriamycin, epirubicin, paciltaxel 3. Hormone therapy: a. megestrol acetate: 160 mg/d-320 mg/d b. tamoxifen: 20-60 mg/d c. GnRHa: Lupron depot 3.75 mg SC/month ¡@ ¡@ |