
   Cervical Carcinoma  


Cervix carcinoma is the most common cancer of female reproductive tract in Taiwan.  The incidence (28/100,000) is higher than that in most western countries.,  Age: 40-65 y/o.

Clinical symptom and sign:

1. Asympomatic: most often in the early stage.

2. Irregular vaginal bleeding: Intermenstral vaginal bleeding, post-coital vaginal bleeding, post-menopausal vaginal bleeding.

3. Obstructive uropathy: uremia in stages IIIb

4. Vaginal discharge


1. PAP smear: acurate rate, 85 - 90%

2. Colposcopy: abnormal vessels, irregular surface epithelium, acetowhite lesion, mosaic, punctation epithelium.

3. Punch biopsy of cervical tissue: When frank tumors are seen.   Fr D&C is only indicated with abnormal uterine bleeding and no apparent cervical lesions or unsatisfactory colposcopy.

4. Duplex sonography: new equipment, on investigation.

5. Pelvic examination: PV + PR  Bimanual exam with rectovaginal technique.


1. Squamous cell carcinoma: most common

2. Adenocarcinoma / Adenosquamous carcinoma

3. Small cell carcinoma

4. Other rare types, e.g. melanoma, lymphoma, carcinosarcoma

Oncologic Surveys for new patient:

1. Pelvo-abdominal CT scan: liver, pelvic L/N, para-aortic L/N, hydronephrosis

2. MRI: tumor size, invasion depth

3. Tumor markers: SCC, CEA, TPS, CA-125

4. Duplex sonography

5. Cystoscopy, Proctoscopy: In advanced stages (>IIb)

6. Chest X-ray

7. CBC, biochemistry, U/A, S/A

8. Bone scan (>IIb)


Stage: clinical stage (FIGO)                                             

Preinvasive Carcinoma

Stage 0  Carcinoma in situ, intraepithelial neoplasia

(cases of Stage 0 should not be included in any therapeutic statistics).                                          

Invasive Carcinoma

Stage I* Carcinoma strictly confined to the cervix (extension to the corpus should be  disregarded).

 Stage Ia    Preclinical carcinomas of the cervix, that is, those diagnosed only    by microscopy.

Stage Ia1   Minimal microscopically evident stromal invasion.

Stage Ia2    Lesions detected microscopically that can be measured.  The upper limit of the measurement should not show adepth of invasion of more than 5 mm taken from the base of the epithelium, either surface or glandular, from  which it originates, and a second dimension, the horizontal spread, must not exceed 7 mm.  Larger lesions should be staged as Ib.

Stage Ib1    Lesions of greater dimensions than Stage Ia2 whether seen clinically or not.  Preformed space involvement should not alter the staging  but should be specifically recorded so as to determine whether it should affect treatment decisions in the future and cervical tumor < 4  cm.

Stage Ib2    When greatest dimension > 4 cm.

Stage II The carcinoma extends beyond the cervix but has not extended on to the pelvic  wall.

The carcinoma involves the vagina, but not the lower third.

Stage IIa    No obvious parametrial involvement.

Stage IIb   Obvious parametrial involvement.                                   

Stage III The carcinoma has extended on to the pelvic wall.  On rectal examination,    there is no cancer-free space between the tumor and the pelvic wall.  The  tumor involves the lower third of the vagina.  All cases with hydronephrosis or   nonfunctioning kidney.

Stage IIIa    No extension to the pelvic wall.

 Stage IIIb    Extension on to the-pelvic wall and/or hydronephrosis or  nonfunctioning kidney.     

Stage IV The carcinoma has extended beyond the true pelvis or has clinically involved  the mucosa of the bladder or rectum.  A bullous edema as such does not permit  a case to be allotted to

Stage IV.

Stage IVa    Spread of the growth to adjacent organs.

Stage IVb    Spread to distant organs.                                         

Management of new patient: All the new patients should enter the proper study protocol

* 子宮頸癌治療之中有許多因素可能影響治療的結果,所以同樣是一期"B"的病人,




IVb: 原則上以palliation為主,視病患之general condixtion來決定是否追加化學治療。

* 開完RAH後病理報告中pelvic lymph node有轉移時,若病人為stage IIa Ib,則進入以下之protocol

* RAH後須加Adjurant R/T的情況:

1. The invasion depth of cervix>2/3 and lymphatic permeation (+) full thickness stromal invasion。

2. Parametrial involvement。

* Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy之修訂: 現行方法中若第三次化學治療前,


* Concurrent chemoradiation(CCRT)二年經驗中發現:在R/T同時給予combination regimen對於疾病的控制並沒有明顯的幫助,但卻增加了併發症的機會,部分病患更因併發症而延誤了R/T的治療計劃,所以現正研究中,將來CCRT將改成single agent (cisplatin),俟進行近接治療(brachytherapy)時,依照新protocol規定有必要者才用combination regimen。

RAH的Post-Op Care:

1. 傷口: 術後第一天換藥,之後每天檢視傷口,滿7天拆線(autosuture clip, michele clip),傷口若有異常分泌物及紅腫現象,則須以normal saline (或kanamycis加於normal saline中) wet dressing。假如無法改善,則懷疑傷口感染,此時應提早拆除患部之suture再行wet dressing,並取傷口分泌物作厭氧及嗜氧之細菌培養。

2. Vacuum ball: 每天總計引流出的量(左、右分開計算),day total小於50ml才能管,拔管後皮膚的切開傷口只須以乾淨紗布覆蓋,俟其自然癒合。

3. 呼吸治療: 為了減少因長間的手術導致肺泡擴張不全(atelectasis),術後第一天起須接受呼吸治療(IPPB),持續3天。

4. 尿管: 因為我們是採用新式的子宮根除手術,也就是神經保護式子宮根除手術, 所以病患的膀胱神經不會被破壞。 所以手術後第5 到6天 就可以拔尿管、並開始測量膀胱餘尿。不需要做膀胱訓練。

5. 不需要催排氣。第二天就可以喝水,手術後24小時就可以吃東西。 


住院日(術後第6天):1. 拔尿管。 2.  自解、然後使用膀胱超音波測量餘尿, 不需要導尿, 也不需要放置尿管。


1. 每天9:00AM, 12:00AM, 3:00PM, 6:00PM, 9:00PM, 2:00AM, 6:00AM請病人自己解小便,並記錄自解量,自解後15分鐘內使用膀胱超音波測量餘尿,也記錄餘尿量。

2. 每次自解加餘尿最好不要超過400ml,以免膀胱因為過度脹尿而失去知覺,無法有效用力解尿。

3. 當每天的自解量總和>餘尿量總和,則可改成5次(9AM, 12AM, 3PM, 6PM, 9PM)。

4. 當每次的餘尿量都<100ml,則可改成2次(9AM, 8PM)。

5. 當每次的餘尿量都<50ml,則可不用使用膀胱超音波測量餘尿。病人可以出院。

7. 可以用Urecholine加強膀胱收縮力量及Dibenylene促使urethral sphincter relax。

8. 若膀胱解尿不理想,由主治醫師決定則可再裝上尿管回家休息,2週後再住院做膀胱訓練。

*Recurrent cervical cancer: 放射治療完成後6個月以上發生的tumor才能稱為recurrent cancer,6個月之內一般認為是persistent tumor,至於手術治療者只要有完全切除癌而沒有殘癌(或positive margin)任何時間再發都是recurrent。診斷recurrent tumor應以pathology為根據,但是有時候無法取得tissue而由腫瘤指標及X-光(CT scan, MRI)作診斷,recurrent tumor的治療稱為salvage therapy。salvage therapy可以是手術、化學治療或放射治療,但經常是合併治療。


1. Local regional recurrence: 復發在vagina, vaginal cuff, parametrium及近端的pelvis稱之,為最常見的recurrence方式。再發者在主動脈上淋巴腺者治療時須同時檢查胸部電腦斷層(chest CT Scan)及頸部淋巴腺以排除同時合併遠端轉移(distal metastasis)。


 如果病人以前作過放射治療,則以手術為主,經常是臟器摘除手術(pelvic exenteration),視腫瘤的位置施行anterior exenteration; posterior exenteration或是total exenteration,病人選擇得宜exteneration後的病患5年存活率仍有50%,有淋巴腺轉移的病患不適合此手術,以往腫瘤若已侵犯骨盆腔壁(pelvic sidewall)也被視為exenteration surgery的contraindication。但是最近兩年和放射腫瘤科合作手術中預埋管,術後近接治療(combined operation radiotherapeutic; COBRT)使得某些pelvic sidewall侵犯的腫瘤也可以經由手術治療加放射治療治癒。

2. Distant metastasis: distant metastasis的預後較差、存活率較低。治療的目標大多是以延緩腫瘤生長、減輕症狀的palliative treatment為主,治療模式則以化學治療輔以局部放射治療或單獨使用化學治療為主。但也有少數病患經治療後維持disease free。

3. Perineal and inguinal lymph node metastasis: inguinal lymph node metastasis經常是在vagina的下1/3或外陰有腫瘤後才發生。

 perineal lesion: 仍然可以作external radiation。

 inguinal lymph node: 通常以electron beam和photon混合作放射治療加上化學治療。

* Cervical cancer post-treatment follow-up: Cervical cancer的F/U以PV + PR檢查,Pap smear及tumor marker為主。tumor marker (SCC; CEA)的postive predictive value相當高,昇高立刻recheck若確認則須詳細檢查可能的病灶。



* 彩色超音波近年來應用於卵巢腫瘤的手術前評估有相當的成就。對於子宮頸癌則沒有很好的報告。本科也設計了protocol研究子宮頸癌在化學治療中腫瘤內血液的變化及臨床應用。

material: stage Ib. IIa. bulky (protocol No.)之病患。

method: Acuson XP 128三次transrectal sonography檢查(項目: 126)

1. 化學治療之前。

2. 第二次化學治療後(第三次化學治療之前)。

3. 手術之前一日(第三次化學治療之後)。


1. 經肛門超音波不直接碰觸子宮頸腫瘤、不會出血,病人也不會疼痛,為一項理想的檢查方法。

2. 以超音波測定腫瘤大小的正確性令人滿意。

3. 化學治療過程中,腫瘤縮小程度和血管密度成正比。

4. 化學治療過程中,腫瘤血管之阻力係數(RI, resistance index)不因腫瘤大小之縮減而改變。


Paeients: Stage Ib. IIa bucky tumor randomize到R/T的病患。

Method: Acuson HP 128 transrectal sonography.


1. 治療前。

2. 完成4,400 cGy之後(brackytherapy之前)。

3. 近接治療(brackytherapy)之後。

4. 所有治療全部完成之後一個月。






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Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology  ,   Chia-Yi Chang Gung Memorial Hospital