Radiation Therapy in Gynecology |
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Gynecologic cancers were among the first malignancies treated with ionizing radiation more than a century ago. Today, radiation therapy remains an essential component of both the primary non-surgical management and adjuvant postoperative treatment of selected malignancies arising in the female reproductive tract.
Current strategies for treating cancers of the uterine corpus, uterine cervix, vulva, and vagina are tailored to the clinical and pathological stage of disease. Early stage lesions of the lower genitourinary tract can be treated surgically if resection can be accomplished without significant tissue disruption. Postoperative radiotherapy is reserved for cases in which histopathologic analysis of the removed specimen reveals features suggesting a high risk for local recurrence.
Primary radiotherapy can provide a chance for cure for women with unresectable, locally advanced disease or for those women with medical risk factors that contraindicate primary surgical therapy. Unfortunately, for women with distant metastatic disease at presentation, disease cure is unlikely. Palliative radiotherapy can frequently improve a patient's quality of life when used for the relief of symptoms. Although adjuvant radiotherapy is commonly used for advanced or metastatic cervical and endometrial cancer, it is infrequently employed as adjuvant therapy for ovarian cancer. Radiation therapy may be also be used for hormonal ablation.
In this chapter clinical indications and common techniques for radiation therapy in the management of common gynecologic cancers will be described.
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Endometrial carcinoma is the most common gynecologic cancer in the US. Approximately 40,000 women are diagnosed with endometrial adenocarcinoma annually in the US. Acknowledged risk factors include diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. The typical patient is postmenopausal and presents with painless vaginal bleeding without visible or palpable abnormality on pelvic examination. Premenopausal patients frequently present with irregular menstrual periods, often associated with heavy bleeding.
The diagnosis is established by endometrial biopsy, and the most common histologic subtype is endometrioid adenocarcinoma arising from the glandular epithelium lining the uterine cavity. Less common histologic variants include uterine papillary serous carcinoma (UPSC), clear cell carcinoma, and carcinosarcoma, also known as malignant mixed Müllerian tumor (MMMT). Lymphomas rarely occur in this site. The uterus can be a site of secondary involvement from ovarian or cervical carcinoma or a site of metastatic spread from primary breast or other carcinoma.
Preoperative studies include a chest radiograph, complete blood count, and serum chemistries for women without evidence of extra-uterine disease. Surgical resection is the preferred initial treatment when medically feasible. When hysterectomy is medically contraindicated, primary radiotherapy can offer 5-year disease-specific survival rates of 80-90%, approaching those achieved with surgery.
The American Joint Committee on Cancer staging guidelines, summarized in the table below, are based on surgical findings. Recommendations for adjuvant postoperative therapy are influenced by the depth of invasion and histopathologic grade of the tumor. Grades 1, 2, and 3 correspond to well differentiated, moderately differentiated, and poorly differentiated tumors, respectively.
American Joint Committee on Cancer staging for endometrial carcinoma
Stage IA | Tumor limited to the endometrium |
Stage IB | Invasion up to or less than 1/2 of the myometrium |
Stage IC | Invasion to more than 1/2 of the myometrium |
Stage IIA | Endocervical glandular involvement only |
Stage IIB | Cervical stromal invasion |
Stage IIIA | Tumor involves serosa and/or adnexa (direct extension or metastasis) and/or cancer cells in ascites or peritoneal washings |
Stage IIIB | Vaginal involvement (direct extension or metastasis) |
Stage IIIC | Metastasis to the pelvic and/or para-aortic lymph nodes |
Stage IVA | Tumor invades bladder and/or bowel mucosa |
Stage IVB | Distant (including metastasis to inguinal lymph nodes and/or intra-abdominal lymph nodes other than para-aortic) |
An abdominal hysterectomy (including removal of the uterine corpus and cervix, fallopian tubes, and ovaries) is the traditional primary surgical therapy. Pelvic washings for cytopathologic analysis are obtained prior to surgical dissection. Total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy usually suffice for therapy of well-differentiated tumors, unless intra-operative examination reveals evidence of deep myometrial invasion or spread to the uterine cervix. For moderately or poorly differentiated tumors or well differentiated tumors with deep myometrial invasion or spread to the cervix, pelvic and para-aortic lymph nodes should be sampled at the time of hysterectomy.
Whole pelvic external beam radiotherapy (XRT) and intra-vaginal brachytherapy (IVB) are commonly used as adjuvant postoperative therapy for patients with stage I disease. Recommendations are based on the sub-stage and grade of disease. The guidelines employed currently at the Medical College of Virginia are outlined in the table below.
Medical College of Virginia of Virginia Commonwealth University policy for adjuvant postoperative treatment for pathologic stage I endometrial carcinoma (XRT, external beam radiotherapy; IVB, intra-vaginal brachytherapy).
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Grade 1 |
Grade 2 |
Grade 3 |
Stage IA |
Observation only |
Observation only |
Stage IB |
Observation or IVB |
Pelvic XRT + IVB |
Stage IC |
Pelvic XRT + IVB |
Pelvic XRT + IVB |
Pelvic XRT + IVB |
The use of IVB in cases of stage IB grade 1 or IB grade 2 was supported by the randomized studies conducted in the 1960s and 1970s at the Roswell Park Institute. In those studies, IVB significantly reduced the incidence of vaginal recurrence to less than 1%. In contrast, a recent large randomized study conducted in the Netherlands confirmed that minimal benefit would be gained by adding whole pelvic radiotherapy for patients with tumors of such generally favorable prognosis.
For patients with deeply invasive high-grade tumors, the use of pelvic XRT in addition to IVB was demonstrated by a randomized study at the Norwegian Radium Hospital to improve recurrence-free survival. More recently the Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) has undertaken a similar study to evaluate the role of pelvic XRT alone as adjuvant therapy over a broad range of patients with stage I endometrial cancer. Preliminary analysis has suggested a beneficial effect from the pelvic XRT.
Whole pelvic XRT may be administered through a 4-field setup involving parallel opposed anteroposterior (AP), posteroanterior (PA), right lateral, and left lateral fields. Patients are positioned prone upon a partially depressed surface that allows anterior displacement of the small intestines away from the lateral fields. A radiopaque marker in the vagina at the time of simulation facilitates identification of the vaginal cuff. Typical field borders are the following:
Typical whole pelvic XRT fields are shown in Picture 1.
For the 4-field setup, photon energies of 6 MV or greater provide a homogenous dose distribution. An AP/PA setup is also acceptable but is less preferable unless very high-energy photons are available. A total dose of 45 Gy is typically given in 25 fractions, 5 days per week.
The added benefit of IVB in addition to pelvic XRT has not been validated in a randomized study. Nevertheless, the vagina is known to be the most common site of local failure, and IVB adds little if any morbidity to pelvic XRT. The IVB may be administered with either low dose rate (LDR) or high dose rate (HDR) afterloading device. The HDR technique has become very popular because of its convenience as a well-tolerated outpatient regimen. When IVB is given following pelvic XRT, a typical IVB dosage schedule would be 15 Gy prescribed to a depth of 0.5 cm over a 3-4 cm length of the upper vagina given in 3 weekly fractions of 5 Gy each. When IVB is administered without pelvic XRT, a dose of 21 Gy in 3 fractions is commonly prescribed. Equivalently effective schedules of 2 or 4 fractions are also employed according to individual practitioners' preferences. An example of an HDR IVB device is provided in Picture 2.
Two important pathologic findings not specifically addressed in the AJCC staging system are the presence of extensive lymphovascular space invasion and a close (less than a few mm) margin of resection. Both features warrant consideration of postoperative radiotherapy. Also, certain patients who have pathologic stage I disease who underwent incomplete surgical staging should be considered for adjuvant treatment.
For stage II endometrial carcinoma, either preoperative or postoperative radiotherapy may be administered. The goals of the preoperative treatment would be to facilitate hysterectomy by reducing the tumor bulk and clearing microscopic infiltration from the upper vaginal mucosa. Pelvic XRT may be combined with brachytherapy in this setting. For stage II disease recognized by histopathologic analysis postoperatively, pelvic XRT and IVB are indicated. Currently, the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) is investigating the potential benefit of combining chemotherapy with XRT for patients with high risk pathologic stage I and II disease.
For stage III-IV disease, numerous institutions have reported outcomes for patients treated with combinations of pelvic XRT, whole abdominal radiotherapy, IVB, and chemotherapy. However, no clear consensus has emerged. The GOG has recently completed enrollment into a study comparing whole abdominal radiotherapy vs. combination chemotherapy with doxorubicin and cisplatin in advanced endometrial carcinoma. A published analysis is not yet available.
Histologic variants of endometrial carcinoma require special consideration. Uterine papillary serous carcinoma (UPSC) is characterized by a propensity for both local and distant recurrence. There are no published randomized studies available to guide treatment policies. Patients with advanced stage clear cell and papillary serous carcinoma are eligible for the currently active GOG 184 protocol. In this phase III study, all patients receive post-operative radiotherapy to regions at risk for residual microscopic disease (the pelvis with or without the para-aortic lymph node regions). Patients are randomized to receive one of two combination chemotherapy regimens following the radiotherapy.
Carcinosarcoma, formerly commonly known as MMMT, has a particularly high pelvic failure rate following hysterectomy. Patients may benefit from postoperative pelvic XRT in all disease stages. Carcinosarcomas and other uterine sarcomas other than low-grade stromal sarcoma also have a relatively increased rate of distant recurrence than endometrial adenocarcinomas. Unfortunately, as for soft tissue sarcomas arising in other sites, there is no proven benefit to adding chemotherapy or other adjuvant systemic therapy.
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Among women in the US, the annual incidence of invasive carcinoma of the uterine cervix is approximately 13,000. The most common risk factor is exposure to the human papilloma virus. The Pap smear is an effective screening tool for identification of premalignant changes. In countries when high-risk features are revealed by Pap smear and where hysterectomy, conization, and cervical epithelial ablation are routinely performed, the incidence of cervical cancer has diminished.
Patients with cervical cancer typically present with irregular vaginal bleeding. Physical examination usually reveals a mass distorting the cervix. A biopsy is necessary to confirm the diagnosis. The most common histologic subtype is squamous cell carcinoma. Adenocarcinoma of the cervix is next common followed by uncommon histologic variants, small cell carcinoma and adenoid cystic carcinoma.
For occult lesions detected by an abnormal Pap smear or small (less than approximately 3 cm) well-circumscribed ectocervical lesions without clinical suspicion of parametrial extension, biopsy should be performed to confirm the presence of invasive disease. Otherwise healthy women may then proceed directly to hysterectomy. In other cases, initial staging workup should include a chest radiograph and intravenous urography (or other imaging) to determine the presence or absence of hydronephrosis.
Cystoscopy and proctoscopy are standard complementary procedures at many institutions. Although not incorporated in the clinical staging system, abdominopelvic computerized tomography (CT) scan or lymphangiogram can provide helpful information about the status of pelvic and para-aortic lymph nodes. Anemia is known to be an indicator of poor prognosis, especially for patients receiving radiotherapy as the primary form of treatment.
The American Joint Committee on Cancer staging guidelines for cervical cancer are summarized in the table below. Stage IA is further subdivided according to whether there is more or less than 3-mm depth of stromal invasion. Lesions deeper than 5 mm or horizontally spread more than 7 mm are categorized as IB, as are all clinically visible lesions confined to the cervix. The para-aortic lymph nodes are considered a distant metastatic site.
American Joint Committee on Cancer staging for cervical carcinoma
Stage IA | Invasive carcinoma diagnosed only by microscopy not deeper than 5 mm or horizontally spread more than 7 mm |
Stage IB | Clinically visible lesion confined to the cervix or microscopic lesion larger than IA |
IB1 |
Clinically visible lesion 4 cm or less in greatest dimension |
IB2 |
Clinically visible lesion more than 4 cm in greatest dimension |
Stage IIA | Tumor with invasion to the upper 2/3 of the vagina |
Stage IIB | Tumor with parametrial invasion |
Stage IIIA | Tumor involves the lower 1/3 of the vagina |
Stage IIIB | Tumor extends to the pelvic sidewall and/or causes hydronephrosis or non-functioning kidney |
Stage IVA | Bladder or rectal mucosal invasion |
Stage IVB | Distant metastasis |
For stages IA-IB1, hysterectomy is potentially curative. For stage IB1, the procedure of choice is a radical hysterectomy with resection of the parametria and pelvic lymph node dissection. Para-aortic lymph nodes should be examined and sampled if suspicious for metastatic disease. If parametrial extension or regional nodal metastasis is identified intraoperatively, many gynecologic oncologists will abort the hysterectomy and proceed to adjuvant pelvic radiotherapy.Histopathologic features suggesting a high risk of pelvic recurrence include tumor size greater than 4 cm, capillary lymphatic space involvement, and invasion to a depth greater than one-third of the cervical stroma. For patients found to have at least 2 of these risk factors, postoperative pelvic radiotherapy has reduced the risk of disease recurrence. For patients found to have histopathologic evidence of tumor spread to regional lymph nodes, tumor present at the surgical margin, and/or microscopic involvement of the parametrium, postoperative radiotherapy combined with concurrent chemotherapy has been shown to improve survival when compared with postoperative radiotherapy alone. Postoperative pelvic XRT is recommended for cancers of stage IB1 or higher found incidentally after simple hysterectomy for presumed benign disease.
For stage IB and IIA lesions, 5-year survival of approximately 80% can be achieved with either radical hysterectomy and selective postoperative pelvic radiotherapy or radiotherapy alone. However, for lesions larger than 4 cm in greatest dimension, there is a high risk of pelvic recurrence. Because the use of pelvic radiotherapy after radical hysterectomy is associated with a significantly higher rate of severe toxicity than definitive radiotherapy alone, it is the policy at the Medical College of Virginia to recommend radiotherapy as the preferred primary modality of treatment for patients with early stage lesions greater than 4 cm in maximum dimension.
For reasons of avoiding additive toxicity from both surgery and radiotherapy, it is generally agreed that primary radiotherapy is indicated for management of higher stages (IIB-IVA) of locally advanced cervix cancer. Tumor resection with anterior and/or posterior pelvic exenteration is technically possible in some cases, but this procedure entails urinary tract and/or bowel diversion and is usually reserved for cases of isolated central pelvic disease persistence or recurrence following definitive radiotherapy.
When radiotherapy is applied as the primary modality of treatment for cervix cancer of stage IB-IVA, concurrent cisplatin-based chemotherapy is also recommended. Recent studies have demonstrated that the combination of radiotherapy and concurrent chemotherapy generally provides superior local control and survival compared with radiotherapy alone in this setting. Another strategy under investigation for the management of locally advanced cervix cancer is the use of an accelerated schedule of external beam treatment prior to brachytherapy. This approach has proven to be more efficacious than standard, once daily radiotherapy for treatment of epithelial cancers arising in other sites.
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Comprehensive radiotherapy for stages IB-IVA cervical cancer involves both external beam treatment and brachytherapy. Initial external beam fields encompass a clinical target volume (CTV) that includes the primary tumor and adjacent areas at risk for direct occult invasion or regional lymph node metastases. The field borders are usually similar to those shown above for endometrial cancer, with particular attention to coverage of the posterior extent of disease. The superior border is typically placed at the L4-L5 interspace, and elective radiotherapy to the para-aortic lymph nodes is added for patients with common iliac nodal metastases. For patients with gross disease in the para-aortic nodal region, retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy prior to XRT can improve the chance of disease control.
While there are acceptable variations to the dose schedule of combined pelvic XRT and brachytherapy for cervical cancer, a typical regimen would include an initial external beam dose of 40-45 Gy to the pelvis in fractions of 1.8-2.0 Gy. Cisplatin is usually given weekly at a dose of 40 mg per square meter of body surface area, with a maximum weekly dose of 70 mg. Because anemia can be exacerbated by the combined modality treatment, blood transfusions are commonly administered to maintain hemoglobin at or above 10-12 g/dL. Other toxicities of the combined modality treatment include electrolyte irregularities such as hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, and hypocalcemia. Patients receiving this treatment should be monitored closely and given electrolyte replenishments when indicated.
Brachytherapy involves the temporary placement of intra-uterine tandem and intravaginal ovoid that are afterloaded with radioactive material. Device placement is performed under general anesthesia or heavy sedation. Radiopaque vaginal gauze secures the devices in place and fixes their relative position to the bladder and rectum. Intraoperative radiographs or digital fluoroscopic images document appropriate device positioning. Contrast material in a Foley catheter and a rectal tube can be used to aid in identifying the International Commission of Radiological Units (ICRU) reference points of interest described in the table below.
International Commission of Radiological Units (ICRU) gynecologic brachytherapy dose reference points
Point A | 2 cm cephalad to the external os along the tandem and 2 cm perpendicular to the plane of the tandem |
Point B | 2 cm cephalad to the os and 5 cm lateral to the patient’s midline |
Bladder point | The most posterior point within the Foley catheter bulb along a direct AP line through the bulb’s center |
Rectal point | 0.5 cm posterior to the vaginal mucosa in the patient’s midline at the level of the posterior aspect of the ovoid |
Doses are prescribed to ICRU points A and B. The reference point of origin for points A and B is the cervical os, identified by a radiopaque flange adjusted and fixed at the time of tandem placement. It is helpful to place a non-radioactive gold seed marker beneath the epithelium surface near the os to corroborate localization of the os radiographically.
Brachytherapy may be performed in the form of either high dose rate (HDR) or low dose rate (LDR) applications. HDR brachytherapy typically involves 5-7 weekly outpatient procedures in which the radioactive source is Ir-192 of very high activity. Point A receives a dose of 5-7 Gy during each treatment, typically accomplished in less than 1 hour. LDR brachytherapy usually involves 1 or 2 placement procedures where the radioactive source is Cs-137. Each time the sources are left in place for approximately 2-3 days, during which time a dose of 20-40 Gy is administered to Point A. An example of the appearance of an LDR tandem and ovoid placement is shown in Picture 3.
The total combined external beam and HDR brachytherapy to point A is usually in the range of 75-80 Gy, somewhat lower than the total dose when using LDR brachytherapy. In the latter case, the biologically equivalent total dose to point A would be in the range of 85-90 Gy. The reason for this difference between doses used in HDR and LDR brachytherapy relates to the anticipated intracellular radiation repair mechanisms active during the more prolonged LDR application.
Intercalated between the brachytherapy procedures are additional external beam boost treatments in which custom blocking is used to shield areas of bladder and rectum that have received a high dose from the brachytherapy. Commonly, between 2 LDR brachytherapy implants, boost treatments covering the lateral parametrial and pelvic nodes may be administered. These treatments contribute dose to the volume, which would include ICRU point B but not point A. The total cumulative dose to point B administered through the initial whole pelvic XRT, brachytherapy, and boost treatments, if given, would be in the range of 50-55 Gy for stage IB and up to 65 Gy or higher for cases where there is extensive parametrial disease or sidewall fixation.
Uncommonly, there will be difficulty positioning intracavitary brachytherapy devices secondary to anatomic distortion from tumor infiltration into surrounding structures. Commonly with higher stage disease, the vaginal fornices may become effaced as the cervix is eroded by tumor. The lateral distribution of radiation dose to the parametrium is compromised when ovoids cannot be placed up to a level very near the cervical os. The net result can be that the devices cannot be arranged appropriately to avoid excessive doses to the bladder and rectal reference points while still giving an adequate dose to point A.
One solution to this problem is to administer pelvic XRT and brachytherapy to moderately high doses and then perform extrafascial hysterectomy to resect the residual cervical tumor. However, this option is generally not feasible for stage IIB disease and higher. Another alternative is to use interstitial brachytherapy, wherein blind-ended catheters are placed through the perineum into areas of tumor infiltration in the lower pelvis lateral to the cervix. Thin plastic threads laced with Ir-192 sources may then be afterloaded into the catheters to provide the necessary lateral dose distribution.
At the Medical College of Virginia, when interstitial brachytherapy is indicated, patients will undergo CT scan-based treatment planning prior to the implant to determine the amount of Ir-192 needed and the expected spatial arrangement of catheters. We have found that laparoscopic visualization can be extremely helpful in verifying the anatomic distortions of the region to be implanted and to recognize when catheter placement must be adjusted. Picture 4, Picture 5, and Picture 6 illustrate a case in which interstitial catheters were placed in a patient with stage IVA cervical cancer.
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Ovarian cancer is the second most common gynecologic malignancy in the US, with an expected annual incidence in excess of 23,000 cases. Unfortunately, there are no reliable screening methods available, and most patients present with advanced stage disease. Despite aggressive initial surgical resection and adjuvant postoperative therapy, over 60% of patients succumb to the disease. Consequently, ovarian cancer is the cause of more cancer-related mortality than any other gynecologic cancer, and a death toll of 14,000 is projected for the year 2000.
The current regimen for adjuvant therapy following surgery is combination chemotherapy with cisplatin and paclitaxel. Whole abdominal radiotherapy (WAR) has been used, but its popularity has waned in view of the more favorable toxicity profiles of current chemotherapy regimens. Techniques for WAR have included AP/PA field treatment to the entire peritoneal cavity to doses of 25-30 Gy in fractions of 1-1.5 Gy. It is advisable to maintain the kidney doses below 20 Gy and the whole liver doses below 30 Gy. Boost treatment to the pelvis and para-aortic lymph nodes may be combined with the WAR to give total doses of 45-50 Gy to these regions.
Palliative radiotherapy is frequently offered to patients who have focally symptomatic recurrence of ovarian cancer. The field arrangements and dose schedule would be predicated on the site of recurrence and overall status of the patient. For painful or hemorrhagic pelvic masses refractory to chemotherapy, a hypofractionated schedule of 14.8 Gy in 4 fractions administered within 2 days may be administered via AP/PA fields and then repeated once or twice at 2-4 week intervals to provide a helpful reduction in symptoms for most patients. Three monthly 10 Gy fractions are also reasonable, especially for patients with poor performance status and limited life expectancy where convenience and expediency are of paramount importance.
Radiotherapy can also be applied in settings where ovarian hormonal ablation is indicated, most commonly in the treatment of estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer in pre-menopausal women. Though not as popular in this country, where tamoxifen is more commonly used, radiotherapy can be highly efficacious and cost-effective. The large meta-analysis supporting the value of adjuvant hormone therapy for breast cancer included many studies in which radiotherapy was used to achieve ovarian ablation.
A dose of 10-20 Gy in 5-10 fractions is usually sufficient to eliminate ovarian hormone production. To allow limitation of the size of the radiotherapy field, the location of the ovaries should ideally be verified by CT scan. Alternatively, a field covering the pelvic soft tissues from 1-2 cm below the symphysis to the bottom of the sacroiliac joint will include the ovaries in almost all cases.
Case study: A 47-year-old woman presented to the Medical College of Virginia Hospitals with severe vaginal hemorrhage. The past medical history was significant for severe asthma, prior myocardial infarction, and cerebrovascular accident secondary to valvular heart disease (treated with warfarin). The hemoglobin had decreased below 8 g/dL, and several red blood cell transfusions were required. Hysterectomy was contraindicated because of her intercurrent illnesses. Leuprolide injections were unsuccessful in reducing the menstrual bleeding. The patient was offered radiotherapeutic ovarian hormonal ablation. A dose of 10 Gy was given in 4 fractions to a small pelvic field. The patient proceeded to experience menopause within a few months after treatment, and her hemoglobin remained above 12 g/dL for the next 2 ?years. She subsequently died of complications of her cardiac disease.
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Primary malignancies arising in the vagina or vulva are far less common than uterine, cervical, and ovarian cancers. The annual incidences of vaginal cancer and vulvar cancer are approximately 2000 and 3500 cases, respectively, in the US. Exposure to the human papilloma virus is a key risk factor, as is cigarette smoking for vulvar cancer.
The typical patient with vulvar carcinoma presents with a pruritic and/or tender lesion in the vulva easily detectable on physical examination. The most common histologic subtype is squamous cell carcinoma, though adenocarcinoma may arise from glandular structures in the region. Careful evaluation of the groin nodes is important. A pelvic CT scan may reveal suspicious nodes not detected by physical examination.
The table below includes the current AJCC staging guidelines for vulvar cancer. Stage I is further subdivided into lesion with no greater than 1 mm stromal invasion (stage IA) and those with greater than 1 mm invasion (IB). Stage IA lesions can usually be cured with local excision. For stage IB and stage II lesions, wide radical excision should be accompanied by inguinal-femoral lymphadenectomy on the ipsilateral side in all cases and bilaterally when the lesion approaches midline or there are any clinically suspicious regional nodes. The role of sentinel lymph node identification is currently being investigated in the GOG 173 protocol.
American Joint Committee on Cancer staging for vulvar carcinoma
Stage I | Tumor confined to the vulva or vulva and perineum, 2 cm or less in greatest dimension |
Stage II | Tumor confined to the vulva or vulva and perineum, more than 2 cm in greatest dimension |
Stage III | Tumor of any size with adjacent spread to the
lower urethra and/or vagina or anus And/or Unilateral regional lymph node metastasis |
Stage IVA | Tumor invades the upper urethral mucosa,
bladder mucosa, or rectal mucosa or is fixed to the pubic bone And/or Bilateral regional lymph node metastasis |
Stage IVB | Distant metastasis (note that any internal, external or common iliac node is a distant metastasis) |
?/P>For clinical stage I-II lesions, postoperative radiotherapy is indicated when there is pathologic evidence of inguinal node metastasis or close (less than 8 mm) margins of resection around the primary site. A dose of 45-50 Gy in fractions of 1.8-2.0 Gy is given to regions at risk for residual microscopic disease. For limited ipsilateral nodal involvement with no pathologic nodal involvement identified by contralateral dissection, the external beam fields are often reduced to cover only the hemi-pelvis. In the current GOG 185 protocol, post-operative radiotherapy is being compared with the same radiotherapy plus concurrent chemotherapy for node-positive patients.
It is important to use a proper technique for effective radiotherapeutic treatment of the groin node regions. The region of concern is located anterior to the ischium, and it is desirable to avoid excessive radiation dose to the femoral neck. Available options include a wide AP photon field prescribed to the depth of the external iliac artery as it crosses the inguinal ligament, supplemented by a narrower PA field to ensure adequate coverage of the pelvic nodes. Alternatively, electrons may be used for some or all of the inguinal node region coverage, but the energy must be carefully selected to achieve a sufficiently deep distribution of radiation dose to the full nodal area.
For stage III-IVA disease, the management strategy is tailored to the individual. It is the policy at the Medical College of Virginia to remove surgically all resectable regional and iliac nodes greater than 1 cm in diameter. When resection of the primary tumor would entail permanent diversion of the lower urinary or gastrointestinal tract, we offer combined modality therapy. Currently, a chemoradiotherapy schedule involving 5-fluorouracil and mitomycin-C is employed. This regimen has been shown to be highly effective as the standard primary treatment of squamous cell carcinomas of the anal canal. An example of fields treated in this setting is provided in Picture 7. Brachytherapy can also be used to provide boost treatment to the primary site in selected cases.
The AJCC staging system for vaginal cancer stipulates that any cancer involving the vagina that also involves either the cervix or vulva is automatically classified as originating within one or the other of those structures, even though the original epicenter of the tumor cannot always be established with certainty. The current AJCC stage groupings are shown in the table below.
American Joint Committee on Cancer staging for vaginal carcinoma
Stage I | Tumor confined to the vagina |
Stage II | Tumor invades paravaginal tissues but not to pelvic wall |
Stage III | Tumor extends to the pelvic wall and/or inguinal or pelvic lymph node metastasis |
Stage IVA | Tumor invades the bladder mucosa or rectal mucosa or extends beyond the true pelvis |
Stage IVB | Distant metastasis |
?/P>For stage I-II lesions, partial or total vaginectomy followed by postoperative radiotherapy is sometimes feasible. However, primary non-surgical treatment is usually preferable. For stages I-IVA disease, combined modality treatment with radiotherapy and concurrent cisplatin chemotherapy is likely more beneficial than radiotherapy alone since the biologic behavior of vaginal cancer would be expected to be similar to that of cervix cancer. Following elective regional external beam treatment to fields and doses similar to what is used for vulvar cancer, tailored interstitial brachytherapy is generally necessary to administer potentially curative radiotherapy doses to the primary site.
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