Infertility, Male


Background: Infertility is defined as the inability to achieve pregnancy after one year of unprotected intercourse. An estimated 15% of couples meet this criterion and are considered infertile. Historically, the workup for the infertile couple focused primarily on conditions of the female. Conditions of the male are estimated to account for nearly 30% of infertile couples, and conditions of both the female and the male account for another 20%. Conditions of the male that affect fertility are still underdiagnosed and undertreated.

In general, causes of infertility in men can be explained by deficiencies in ejaculate volume, sperm concentration (eg, oligospermia, too few sperm, azoospermia, no sperm in the ejaculate), sperm motility, or sperm morphology. This general division allows an appropriate workup of potential underlying causes of infertility and helps define a course of action for treatment. The initial evaluation of the male patient should be rapid, noninvasive, and cost-effective. Nearly 70% of conditions causing infertility in men can be diagnosed by history, physical examination, testicular volume estimation, and hormonal and semen analysis. A rational approach is necessary to perform the appropriate workup and to choose the best treatment options for the couple.

A variety of treatments exist for the infertile couple, which range from optimizing one's current semen parameters with medical therapy to minor surgical procedures and finally to complex sperm retrieval and assisted reproduction techniques. Technological advancements in assisted reproduction make it possible to conceive a child with as little as one viable sperm and one egg. While the workup traditionally has been delayed until a couple has failed 12 months of attempting to conceive, beginning the workup at the first visit is now recommended because of a recent trend towards delaying family planning. The aim of this chapter is to summarize current knowledge of causes of infertility in men and to describe its workup and treatment.


Pathophysiology: The physiology of normal spermatogenesis, ejaculation, and fertility must be understood prior to performing a thorough workup of the infertile man. This includes a knowledge of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular (the integration system controlling sperm and testosterone production), the embryology and physiology of the testis and accessory glands, and the process of fertilization.

Gonadal and sexual function are mediated by the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, a closed-loop system with feedback control from the testicles (see Picture 1). The hypothalamus, the primary integration center, responds to a variety of signals from the CNS, pituitary, and testicles to secrete releasing factors, such as gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH), to modulate pituitary function. Hypothalamic input from the CNS includes signals from the amygdala, hippocampus, and mesencephalon, which respond to various internal and external stimuli.

GnRH is released from the medial basal hypothalamus in a pulsatile nature approximately every 70-90 minutes. It then travels down the portal system to the anterior pituitary, where it stimulates the release of the gonadotropins, luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). The half-life of GnRH is 2-5 minutes. Its diurnal release may be due to melatonin from the pineal gland. GnRH release is inhibited by negative feedback signals from the testicle, specifically testosterone and inhibin. Additionally, corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), released during stress, and opiates, both internal and external, down-regulate GnRH secretion. The body responds to illness and stress by a decreased production of gonadotropins.

The pituitary gland, which lies on a stalk beneath the hypothalamus in the sella turcica, contains the gonadotropic cells that produce both FSH and LH. These are glycopeptides with a molecular weight of 10,000 daltons. They are made up of an alpha chain that is identical with that of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and a beta chain that is unique for each. FSH has a lower plasma concentration and longer half-life than LH, and it has less obvious pulsatile changes. The pulsatile nature of GnRH is essential to normal gonadotropin release; a continuous stimulation inhibits their secretion. This is clinically significant and used in the medical treatment of prostate cancer and endometriosis.

After release into the systemic circulation, FSH and LH exert their effect by binding to plasma membrane receptors of the target cells. LH mainly functions to stimulate testosterone secretion from the Leydig cells of the testicle while FSH stimulates Sertoli cells to facilitate germ cell differentiation. Gonadotropin release is modulated by a variety of other signals, such as estradiol (a potent inhibitor of both LH and FSH release), and inhibin from the Sertoli cell, which causes a selective decrease in FSH release.

The pituitary also secretes prolactin (PRL), which normally functions to stimulate breast development and lactation. Prolactin release is held in check by the hypothalamic production of dopamine (DA). The hypothalamus produces thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). Both stimulate prolactin release. Men with elevated prolactin levels present with gynecomastia, diminished libido, erectile dysfunction, and, occasionally, galactorrhea. Prolactin inhibits the production of GnRH from the hypothalamus and LH and FSH from the pituitary.

The testicle (Picture 2), the end organ of the axis, contains the Leydig cells and Sertoli cells that respond to LH and FSH, respectively, by the secretion of testosterone and maturation of the germ cells. The testicles are derived embryologically from the genital ridge near the kidneys, and they descend to the scrotum during gestation. The intermesenteric nerves of the renal plexus innervate the testicle, and the blood supply is from the internal spermatic artery, artery to the vas deferens, and from the external spermatic (cremasteric) artery.

The thick tunica albuginea covers the testes and provides septae that divide it into approximately 200-350 pyramids. These pyramids are filled with the seminiferous tubules. A normal testicle contains 600-1200 seminiferous tubules with a total length of approximately 250 meters. The interstitium between the seminiferous tubules contains the Leydig cells, fibroblasts, lymphatics, blood vessels, and macrophages. Seminiferous tubules are made up of Sertoli cells and germ cells, and they are surrounded by peritubular and myoid cells.

Sertoli cells, which rest on the basement membrane of the seminiferous tubules, serve mainly to support, nourish, and protect the developing germ cells. Histologically, they are columnar with irregular basal nuclei that have prominent nucleoli and fine chromatin. Sertoli cells additionally serve as the blood-testis barrier by their unique tight junctions that divide the seminiferous tubules into a basal and abluminal compartment. This provides a microenvironment that facilitates spermatogenesis and maintains the germ cells in an immunologically privileged location. Sertoli cells secrete inhibin, a feedback molecule, and androgen-binding protein, which helps modulate androgen activity in the seminiferous tubules. Normal Sertoli cell function is modulated by FSH, a high level of intratesticular testosterone, and signals from elsewhere in the testicle such as the peritubular myoid cells bordering the seminiferous tubules.

The Leydig cells are located in the interstitium between the seminiferous tubules and serve primarily to secrete testosterone in response to LH. Histologically, Leydig cells are polygonal with eosinophilic cytoplasm. Occasionally, crystalloids of Reinke may be observed in the cytoplasm after puberty. LH binds to a G-protein coupled receptor on the Leydig surface and up-regulates the enzymes involved in the conversion of cholesterol to testosterone.

Testosterone is secreted in a diurnal pattern, peaking early in the morning. In the body, testosterone circulates 2% in the free form, 44% bound to sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG), and 54% bound to albumin. Testosterone is converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by the action of 5-alpha reductase, both locally and in the periphery, and to estrogen in the periphery. A high level of intratesticular testosterone is necessary for normal spermatogenesis. Testosterone and estradiol also function as feedback inhibitors of gonadotropin release. These steroids exert their effect by crossing the plasma membrane and binding to specific receptors in the cytosol and nucleus.

Normal spermatogenesis requires complex interactions between the Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, and germ cells. Germ cells, precursors to spermatozoa, interdigitate with Sertoli cells. They are derived from the gonadal ridge and migrate as gonadocytes to the testicle before testicular descent. After puberty, because of stimulation by FSH, these cells become spermatogonium and undergo an ordered maturation to become spermatozoa. The entire process of development from spermatogonium to spermatid takes 74 days and is described in 14 steps, progressing closer to the lumen of the seminiferous tubule as they mature.

Spermatogonium, which rest on the basement membrane, contain a dense nuclei and prominent nucleoli. Three types are described. The stem cell, also known as A dark (Ad), divides to create more Ad cells (stem cell renewal) and differentiates to daughter A pale (Ap) cells every 16 days. These Ap cells mature into B spermatogonia, which are committed to become spermatids. The B cells undergo mitotic division to become primary spermatocytes, which are recognized by their large, centrally located nuclei and beaded chromatin. The mitotic division does not result in complete separation, but rather, daughter cells maintain intracellular bridges, which have functional significance in cell signaling and maturation.

Primary spermatocytes undergo meiosis as the cells successively pass through the preleptotene (R), leptotene (L), zygotene (Z), and pachytene (P) stages to become secondary spermatocytes (Sa). During this time, the cells cross from the basal to the abluminal compartments. Secondary spermatocytes contain smaller nuclei with fine chromatin. The secondary spermatocytes undergo a second meiosis and become spermatids. This reduction division results in a haploid chromosome number. A total of 4 spermatids are made from each spermatocyte.

Next, the spermatids undergo the process of spermiogenesis through the successive Sb1, Sb2, Sc, Sd1, and Sd2 stages. This involves casting excess cytoplasm away as a residual body, the formation of the acrosome and flagella, and the migration of cytoplasmic organelles to their final cellular location. The acrosome, a derivative of the Golgi process, contains enzymes necessary to penetrate the egg. It surrounds the nucleus anteriorly. The mature spermatid is adjacent to the lumen and contains dark chromatin with an oval-shaped nucleus, a mid piece with helically arranged mitochondria, a principal piece, and an end piece. The axoneme contains all the enzymes and structural proteins necessary for ATP conversion to energy to propel the tail, which are cilia with a 9+2 microtubule core.

After their release from the Sertoli cells into the lumen of the seminiferous tubules, the spermatids enter the tubuli recti, rete testis, ductuli efferentes, and, finally, the epididymis (see Picture 3). The epididymis is a 3-4 cm long structure with an tubular length of 4-5 meters. As sperm move from the head to the tail, they mature and acquire fertilization capacity. Sperm from the head move with immature wide arcs and generally are unable to penetrate the egg, while those from the tail propel forward and have better penetration capacity. The transit time varies with age and sexual activity but is usually from 1-12 days. In addition, various substances are secreted for sperm nutrition and protection such as glycerophosphorylcholine, carnitine, and sialic acid.

During ejaculation, the sperm enter the vas deferens, a 30-35 cm long muscular conduit of Wolffian duct origin. The vas is divided into the convoluted, scrotal, inguinal, retroperitoneal, and ampullary regions, and it receives its blood supply from the inferior vesicle artery. In addition to functioning as a conduit, the vas also has absorptive and secretory properties. During emission, sperm are propelled forward by peristalsis. After reaching its ampullary portion behind the bladder, the vas joins with the seminal vesicles, which proceeds forward through the prostate parenchyma as the ejaculatory duct. The ejaculatory duct empties next to the verumontanum. Bladder neck closure during ejaculation is vital to ensure antegrade ejaculation. The semen is propelled forward by the rhythmic contractions of the smooth muscle surrounding the ducts and by the bulbourethral muscles and other pelvic muscles.

Semen is composed not only of secretions from the testis and epididymis but also from the bulbourethral (Cowper) glands, the glands of Litre (periurethral), the seminal vesicles, and the prostate. Normal ejaculate volume is 1.5-5.0 cc, and the pH is 7.05-7.80. The seminal vesicles produce 40-80% of the semen volume. Secretions include fructose for sperm nutrition, prostaglandins and other coagulating substances, and bicarbonate to buffer the acidic vaginal vault. Normal seminal fructose concentration is 120-450 mg/dL. A fructose level of less than 120 mg/dL is often due to an obstruction of the ejaculatory ducts or absence of the seminal vesicles, especially when associated with a low ejaculate volume and a thin, watery consistency. The prostate gland contributes approximately 10-30% (0.5 cc) of the ejaculate. Products include enzymes and proteases to liquefy the seminal coagulum. This normally takes place within 20-25 minutes. The prostate also secretes zinc, phospholipids, phosphatase, and spermine.

The ordered sequence of release is important for appropriate functioning. The prostate and vas provide most of the early ejaculate, which is rich in sperm. Cowper glands, which are found in the membranous urethra, and the glands of Litre each provide 2-5% (0.1-0.2 cc) of the total ejaculate volume, mainly to lubricate the urethra and to buffer the acidity of the residual urine. Finally, the testicular/epididymal component, including spermatozoa, comprises 5% of the ejaculate volume.

For conception, sperm must reach the cervix and penetrate the cervical mucus, migrate up the uterus to the oocyte's fallopian tube, and penetrate the zona pellucida and cell membrane. The cervical mucus changes consistency during the ovulatory cycle, being most hospitable and easily penetrated at mid cycle. The sperm must not only survive within the female genital tract but also be able to migrate to the site of fertilization, undergo capacitation and the acrosome reaction to digest the zona pellucida of the oocyte, attach to the inner membrane, and release its genetic contents within the egg. After fertilization, implantation may then take place in the uterus. Problems with any of these steps may lead to infertility.



Mortality/Morbidity: Many patients who present with infertility as their primary complaint have a serious underlying medical disease. Ruling out life-threatening or life-altering conditions in these patients during the workup is important. Examples include pituitary adenomas, hormonally active tumors, testicular cancer, liver and renal failure, and cystic fibrosis (CF).

Sex: Isolated conditions of the female are responsible for infertility in 35% cases, isolated conditions of the male in 30%, conditions of both the male and female in 20%, and unexplained causes in 15%. Even if an obvious cause exists, evaluating both partners thoroughly is important. In addition, both partners may be aided by education and evaluation of their sexual practices.



History: The initial step in the evaluation of an infertile male is to perform a thorough medical and urologic history. This should focus on the duration of infertility, previous fertility in the patient or the partner, and prior workup evaluations and treatments. The couple should be asked specifically about their sexual habits. This includes their level of education regarding the optimal timing of intercourse and the use of potentially spermatocytic drugs and lubricants.

Patients should be asked about a history of childhood illnesses such as testicular torsion, postpubertal mumps, developmental delay, and precocious puberty, as well as urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases, and bladder neck surgery. A history of neurological diseases, diabetes, and pulmonary infections should be elicited. Anosmia, galactorrhea, visual field defects, and sudden loss of libido can all be due to pituitary tumors. The status of the partner's workup should also be known.

Physical: The physical exam should include a thorough inspection of the testicles, penis, secondary sexual characteristics, and body habitus. It should include a detailed examination of other body functions based on the history.

Causes: Causes generally can be divided into pretesticular, testicular, and posttesticular.


Lab Studies:

Imaging Studies:


Histologic Findings: The testicular biopsy should be evaluated systematically to help delineate the cause of infertility. The germ cells, tunica propria, Sertoli cells, seminiferous tubules, and Leydig cells are evaluated along with the thickness of the germinal epithelium.

In general, biopsies in patients with infertility due to pretesticular causes have atrophic cells due to a lack of gonadotropin stimuli. Prepubertal hypogonadotropism leads to small, immature seminiferous tubules with delicate tunica propria and a lack of elastic fibers. In contrast, patients with postpubertal hypogonadism show few or no germ cells, shrunken tubules, and a thickened, hyalinized tunica propria.

A number of different defects may be observed with primary testicular failure. Normal sized seminiferous tubules, normal Leydig cells and Sertoli cells, and a normal tunica propria characterize maturation arrest, but germ cells are arrested at any premature stage. Patients with hypospermatogenesis have a thin germinal epithelium and a decreased number of germinal elements. Germ cell aplasia (Sertoli-cell-only syndrome) is associated with vacuolated Sertoli cells and no germinal epithelium but otherwise normal seminiferous tubules. Klinefelter syndrome is characterized by a decreased number of spermatogonia, germ cell hypoplasia, Sertoli cell atrophy, tubular hyalinization, prominent Leydig cells (hyperplasia), and deformed tubules. Cryptorchid testes have small, immature tubules, varying sized spermatogonia, and a hyalinized tunica propria.

Acute mumps orchitis is associated with interstitial edema, mononuclear infiltrate, and a degeneration of germinal epithelium, while recovery is characterized by a patchy loss of germ cells with tubular hyalinization and sclerosis.

Posttesticular obstruction leads to increased tubule diameter, increased thickness of the tunica propria, and decreased number of Sertoli cells and spermatids. These patients sometimes demonstrate "sloughing" of the germinal epithelium.


Medical Care: Limited numbers of medical treatments are aimed at improving chances of conception for patients with known causes of infertility.

Surgical Care: Experienced professionals can perform a variety of surgical interventions for the diagnosis and treatment of infertility.





The goal of pharmacotherapy is to improve sperm count.

Drug Category: Anabolic steroids -- Testosterone replacement for primary hypogonadism, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, and delayed puberty.

Drug Name
Testosterone (Andro-LA, Androderm, Depo-Testosterone) -- Promotes and maintains secondary sex characteristics in androgen-deficient males.
Adult Dose Ethanate: 1 cc = 200 mg IM once q2-4wk
Propionate: 25-50 mg PO/IM 2-3 times/wk
Cypionate: 50-400 mg IM q2-4wk (100 mg/cc or 200 mg/cc)
Patch: 5 mg/d at 10 pm to mimic normal circadian rhythms
Pediatric Dose Delayed puberty: 50-200 mg q2-4wk
Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity; severe cardiac or renal disease; benign prostatic hypertrophy with obstruction; males with carcinoma of the breast, undiagnosed genital bleeding
Interactions May increase effects of anticoagulants; decreases clotting factors 2, 5, 7, 10 leading to increased risk of bleeding; decreases need for insulin and oral hypoglycemics
Pregnancy X - Contraindicated in pregnancy
Precautions Anabolic effects may enhance hypoglycemia; monitor hand and wrist q6mo to determine rate of bone maturation; testosterone cypionate contains benzyl alcohol, which has been associated with fatal "gasping syndrome" in premature infants; may cause hypercalcemia in immobilized patients because of increased osteolysis; long-term use may lead to peliosis, hepatitis, hepatocellular carcinoma, jaundice, oligospermia, and BPH; causes sodium and water retention, possibly potentiating edema and congestive heart failure in cardiac, renal, or hepatic disease; alters cholesterol metabolism; at high doses, polycythemia has been observed; may lead to increased number and duration of erections. The oral testosterone is not well-absorbed in a high percentage of men. Testosterone levels should be checked to monitor for adequate replacement.

Drug Category: Estrogen receptor blockers -- Cause increased hypothalamic secretion of GnRH due to blockage of estrogen inhibition.

Drug Name
Clomiphene (Clomid) -- Stimulates release of pituitary gonadotropins.
Adult Dose 25 mg/d PO for 25 d, then off 5 d
Pediatric Dose Not established
Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity; liver disease; abnormal uterine bleeding; uncontrolled thyroid or adrenal dysfunction
Interactions Danazol may reduce response to clomiphene
Pregnancy X - Contraindicated in pregnancy
Precautions Visual symptoms and abdominal pain may occur

Drug Category: Dopamine antagonists -- Ergot derivative and dopamine receptor agonist. Acts on postsynaptic dopamine receptors, while causing no effect on other anterior pituitary functions. Mimics dopamine action of inhibition of prolactin release.

Drug Name
Bromocriptine (Parlodel) -- Semisynthetic, ergot alkaloid derivative with strong, dopamine D2-receptor agonist and partial dopamine D1-receptor effects. Therapeutic range is normally 5-7.5 mg/d. Administer with meals to decrease nausea.
Adult Dose 1.25 mg PO hs and increase to 2.5 mg bid; not to exceed 15 mg/d
Pediatric Dose Not established
Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity; ischemic heart disease, peripheral vascular disorders
Interactions Toxicity may increase with ergot alkaloids; amitriptyline, butyrophenones, imipramine, methyldopa, phenothiazines, and reserpine may decrease bromocriptine effects
Pregnancy B - Usually safe but benefits must outweigh the risks.
Precautions Caution in renal or hepatic disease; causes severe GI disturbances (eg, nausea), which many cannot tolerate; risk of first-dose symptomatic hypotension; leads to headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and nasal congestion

Drug Category: Menotropins -- Stimulates production of gonadal steroid hormones.

Drug Name
Menotropins (Pergonal, Repronex) -- Stimulates spermatogenesis. Contains 75 IU of FSH and 75 IU of LH/vial.
Adult Dose 1/2 vial IM 3 times/wk
Pediatric Dose Not established
Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity; infertility disorders other than hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
Interactions None reported
Pregnancy X - Contraindicated in pregnancy
Precautions Documented lack of pituitary function; adverse effects include gynecomastia, breast pain, mastitis, nausea, and abnormal lipoprotein fraction
Drug Name
Human chorionic gonadotropin (Chorex, Pregnyl) -- Polypeptide hormone produced by the human placenta. Composed of an alpha and beta subunit. Alpha is identical to LH and FSH. Effects are similar to that of LH (stimulates Leydig cells to produce testosterone). Has other uses and only use in testicular function is described here.
Adult Dose 500-1000 U 3 times/wk IM for 3 wk, then 2 times/wk for 3 wk; alternatively, 4000 U can be used 3 times/wk for 6-9 mo, then 2000 U 3 times/wk for 3 mo
Pediatric Dose Not established
Contraindications Documented hypersensitivity; prostatic carcinoma; precocious puberty
Interactions None reported
Pregnancy X - Contraindicated in pregnancy
Precautions Caution in asthma, seizure disorders, renal disease, and migraine; adverse effects include headache, irritability, restlessness, and gynecomastia; use with human menopausal gonadotropin only under supervision of fertility experts


Patient Education:


Medical/Legal Pitfalls: