Granulosa-theca Cell Tumors |
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Background: Three major types of ovarian neoplasms exist, with epithelial cell tumors (70%) comprising the largest group of tumors. Germ cell tumors occur less frequently (20%), while sex cord–stromal tumors make up the smallest proportion, accounting for approximately 8% of all ovarian neoplasms.
Granulosa–theca cell tumors, more commonly known as granulosa cell tumors (GCTs), belong to the sex cord–stromal group and include tumors made up of granulosa cells, theca cells, and fibroblasts in varying degrees and combinations. Granulosa cell tumors account for approximately 2% of all ovarian tumors and can be divided into adult (95%) and juvenile (5%) types based on histologic findings.
Both subtypes are commonly estrogen producing, and it is the estrogen production that is often the reason for early diagnosis. However, while adult granulosa cell tumors usually occur in postmenopausal women and have late recurrences, most juvenile granulosa cell tumors occur before the age of 30 and recur within the first 3 years. Theca cell tumors almost always are benign and carry an excellent prognosis. The rare malignant thecoma likely represents a tumor with a small admixture of granulosa cells. For this reason, the remainder of the chapter focuses on granulosa cell tumors except where indicated.
Recognition of the signs and symptoms of abnormal hormone production and consideration of these tumors in the differential diagnosis of an adnexal mass can allow for early identification, timely surgical management, and excellent cure rates. Despite the good overall prognosis, long-term follow-up always is required in patients with granulosa cell tumors.
Pathophysiology: Two theories exist as to the etiology of sex cord–stromal tumors. The first proposes that these neoplasms are derived from the mesenchyme of the developing genital ridge. The second believes that sex cord and stromal cells of the mature ovary are derived from precursors found within the mesonephric and coelomic epithelium.
Reports of extraovarian GCTs can be found in the literature and may lend support to the derivation of this class of tumors from epithelium of the coelom and mesonephric duct.
Various theories for differentiation of normal granulosa and/or stromal cells into neoplastic entities exist. To date no clear etiologic process has been identified. It is likely that initiation of growth in GCTs is a multifactorial event.
GCTs are thought to be tumors of low malignant potential. Most of these tumors will follow a benign course with only a small percentage showing aggressive behavior. Metastatic disease can involve any organ system, although tumor growth usually is confined to the abdomen and pelvis.
Since sex cord–stromal tumors account for only 5% of all ovarian tumors and approximately 8% of all malignant ovarian neoplasms, each year only 1500-2000 new cases of these tumors are diagnosed in the US.
Mortality/Morbidity: GCTs of both the adult (AGCT) and juvenile (JGCT) types have very good cure rates due to the early stage of disease at diagnosis. Over 90% of AGCTs and JGCTs are diagnosed before spread outside the ovary has occurred.
Five-year survival rates usually are 90-95% for stage I tumors compared to 25-50% for patients presenting with advanced-stage disease.
Although 5-year survival rates are quite good, AGCTs have a propensity for late recurrence, some occurring as many as 37 years after diagnosis. Mean survival after the diagnosis of a recurrence is 5 years.
Only about 20% of patients diagnosed with GCT die of their disease over the course of their lifetime.
Race: Limited data available show that this class of neoplasms makes up a similar proportion of ovarian malignancies in the US, Europe, the Far East, and the West Indies.
Sex: Authors are unaware of any case reports of granulosa–theca cell tumors in adult males. Sertoli cell tumors are the male homologue to GCTs in females.
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History: Many patients with GCT present with manifestations of hyperestrogenism. Approximately 70% of these tumors are hormonally active. Hormonal influences can cause very different presenting symptoms depending on patient age and menstrual status. Although these symptoms can be quite profound, they often may be secondary findings in patients with complaints relating to the abdomen and pelvis.
Complaints of increasing abdominal girth and abdominal discomfort are quite common. Most patients will have a palpable mass on exam. Abdominal symptoms may be due to enlargement of the mass but also can be due to the production of ascites that is present in approximately 10% of patients. Increasing size of the mass also can lead to symptoms associated with compression of adjacent structures such as abdominal pain, dysuria, urinary frequency, and constipation.
Acute onset of abdominal pain also can occur, though rarely. Acute abdominal or pelvic pain may be seen along with nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and shoulder pain. These symptoms may be due to adnexal torsion, rupture of a partially cystic GCT, or hemorrhage either within the tumor or into the peritoneum.
Patients usually present with precocious pseudopuberty (70-80%) and have secondary sex characteristics at a very early age. These may include increased linear growth, breast enlargement, clitoral enlargement, pubic hair development, increased vaginal secretions, and vaginal bleeding.
In a few instances, patients present with virilizing symptoms as a result of testosterone production by the tumor cells. Many of these hormone-induced symptoms abate following resection of the tumor.
Increasing abdominal girth and other symptoms related to enlarging adnexal mass may be seen in this group of patients. However, menstrual irregularities such as oligomenorrhea, menorrhagia, and secondary amenorrhea tend to be the hallmark of these tumors in women of reproductive age.
The most common endocrine manifestation of GCT in postmenopausal women is abnormal uterine bleeding. This is caused by resumption of endometrial proliferation due to estrogen production by the tumor. For this reason, endometrial hyperplasia and/or endometrial adenocarcinoma may be a concomitant finding in women with GCT. Patients also can have breast tenderness and increased vaginal secretions from estrogenic stimulation of the breast and vaginal tissues, respectively.
Rarely, a patient may present with virilizing symptoms such as acne, hirsutism, deepening of the voice, and clitoral enlargement. This is due to testosterone and/or androstenedione production in a minority of these tumors.
Causes: No definite etiologies for GCTs have been found. Proposed etiologies include chromosomal anomalies and/or autocrine and endocrine signaling abnormalities. A multifactorial etiology has been postulated.
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WORKUP | ¡@ |
Lab Studies:
Studies of inhibin in patients with granulosa cell tumors have shown that levels were elevated preoperatively and returned to normal postoperatively in both adult and juvenile types of tumors. Elevated levels have been shown to precede clinical recurrence of disease by as long as 22 months.
Lane, et al found that 76% of patients with GCTs had elevated MIS level preoperatively. No patient with normal levels postoperatively recurred whereas 6 out of 15 with elevated levels had a recurrence. Elevated levels were detected, on average, 3 months before clinical evidence of recurrence was found. In another study by Long, elevated MIS levels were found in 14 of 15 patients with recurrent tumor and were normal in all but 1 of 23 patients with no evidence of recurrence.
Serum MIS levels correlate well with tumor presence in patients with GCTs. Although this marker is not found exclusively in GCT, it is limited to tumors of ovarian origin. This is in sharp contrast to inhibin and estradiol, both of which may be elevated in a variety of other extraovarian disorders. Future use of these markers likely will be important in follow-up, rather than diagnosis, of patients with granulosa cell tumors.
Imaging Studies:
Histologic Findings: Grossly, tumors can be cystic, solid, or a mixture of the two. On cut-section they usually are multicystic and may contain areas of hemorrhage. Solid tumors appear grayish if they are nonsteroidogenic or yellow if they are steroid-producing neoplasms. Androgen-producing tumors more commonly are unilocular or solid in contrast to the multilocular tumors that make up most GCTs.
Microscopically, GCTs are composed of granulosa cells, theca cells, and fibroblasts in varying amounts and combinations. The term granulosa–theca cell tumor had been applied to all tumors in which both cell types were identified regardless of the amounts present. Young and Scully proposed a system that required a tumor to be composed of at least 25% of the second cell type before the tumor could be designated as a true granulosa–theca cell tumor. Otherwise, the tumor would be designated as a granulosa cell tumor or a theca cell tumor based on the predominant cell type. This has led to some confusion in the literature since some theca cell tumors, which are essentially benign neoplasms, have been given the dual designation of granulosa–theca cell tumors, suggesting a malignant potential among this benign group of tumors.
Adult granulosa cell tumors have multiple histo-morphologies including well-differentiated and less well-differentiated types. The well-differentiated group is composed of microfollicular, macrofollicular, trabecular and insular patterns. Microfollicular is the most common pattern of all of these subtypes and contains characteristic Call-Exner bodies. These bodies consist of small rings of granulosa cells surrounding eosinophilic fluid and basement membrane material (figure 1). Macrofollicular GCTs are composed of a large cyst or collection of large cysts each lined by a single layer of granulosa cells. Trabecular and insular patterns have cells arranged in nests and bands with an intervening fibrothecomatous stroma found in the trabecular type.
The less well-differentiated group includes diffuse and watered-silk (moir? or gyriform patterns. Monotonous sheets of cells arranged in no distinguishable pattern characterize the diffuse subtype (figure 2). Watered-silk and gyriform patterns have cells that often line up single file in undulating lines (figure 4).
Nuclear appearance is the same in both groups of adult GCTs. The nuclei are usually large, pale, ovoid or angular structures containing nuclear grooves that give them a “coffee bean?appearance (figure 1). Usually only a small amount of cytoplasm is present although luteinization of the tumor, characterized by larger amounts of dense cytoplasm with occasional vacuoles, sometimes can be found. Mitotic figures generally are few in number and only mild nuclear atypia is found in most cases. Nuclear appearance and mitotic rate are often the key elements differentiating GCTs from other malignant tumors. Low grade stromal sarcomas, small cell carcinomas, carcinoid tumors, and melanomas may look similar to GCTs on low power, but these other tumors lack nuclear grooves, are more hyperchromatic, and often contain more mitotic figures than granulose cell tumors.
Juvenile granulosa cell tumors have little morphologic similarity to those of the adult type. However, their gross appearance can be similar to adult GCTs in that they are often a mixture of solid and cystic components with many areas of hemorrhage. Microscopically they have a distinct appearance with round hyperchromatic nuclei, most often lacking the nuclear grooves found in the adult type (figure 3). Nuclear atypia is often more severe with more mitotic figures than found in the adult type, consistent with a more aggressive tumor type. The cytoplasm is often more abundant and dense in juvenile GCTs.
Thecomas are usually tan or yellow in color with an average size of 7-8 centimeters. These tumors are bilateral in less than 3% of cases. Microscopically they are composed of round or ovoid cells with pale nuclei and a lipid-rich cytoplasm. Mitoses are usually less than 4 per 10 high power fields. Hyaline bands are often found interspersed between cells (figure 5). Luteinized thecomas also contain cells with a lipid-rich cytoplasm, but are set within a more fibromatous stroma (figure 6). Most of these tumors are hormone-producing and cause postmenopausal bleeding in up to two-thirds of patients. Luteinized thecomas may also be androgenic and, if so, tend to occur in younger women.
Staging: Ovarian carcinoma is a surgically staged disease. The current staging classification system is based on 1987 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) nomenclature.
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Medical Care:
Surgical Care:
Consultations: A gynecologic/surgical oncology consult is appropriate to help manage patients with GCTs. Unfortunately, the diagnosis of GCT usually is not made until the histologic review is completed. Therefore, appropriate preoperative consultation and intraoperative frozen sections help to ensure that patients are appropriately staged and have the best chance to be optimally debulked during their initial laparotomy. For patients in whom the diagnosis is made postoperatively, consultation with gynecologic oncology or hematology/oncology should still be pursued.
When to obtain preoperative consultation with a gynecologic oncologist can be difficult to delineate. A good rule of thumb is that all postmenopausal and premenarchal patients with adnexal masses should be seen in consultation with an oncologist since the risk of malignancy is greater. In patients of reproductive age, the vast majority of adnexal masses are benign. Patients with radiologic or sonographic findings suggestive of malignancy and patients with endocrinologic symptoms and an adnexal mass should have the benefit of preoperative consultation with gynecologic oncologist.
Patients who have primarily gastrointestinal complaints may benefit from a consultation with a gastroenterologist. This helps to rule out a primary GI source for symptoms prior to surgical exploration as endoscopy can be performed during this preoperative evaluation.
Diet: No dietary restrictions or requirements
Activity: No activity restrictions outside of the normal postoperative recovery time
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Surgical treatment is considered first-line therapy for patients with GCTs. Chemotherapy can be used as adjunct treatment in patients with advanced or recurrent disease and has been effective in improving both disease-free and long-term survival. The optimal chemotherapy regimen has been hard to identify given that the overall incidence of granulosa cell tumors is relatively low. Various chemotherapy regimens have been used in patients with GCTs with varying toxicity and response rates.
Single agent chemotherapy with alkylating agents has been used in patients with GCTs with only modest partial response rates. Current chemotherapy regimens usually consist of multidrug regimens and most commonly include platinum as one of their agents.
The cisplatin, vinblastine, and bleomycin (PVB) regimen has been studied most recently and shows moderately high response rates. Pecorelli et al showed complete and partial response rates of 28% and 24% respectively, with 25.4-month median survival in patients who had not received prior chemotherapy or radiation. An additional 13 patients in their study had prior radiation. Their complete, partial, and overall response rates were 38%, 38%, and 77%, respectively. Median survival in this group was 41.1 months. Hematologic toxicity, nausea, vomiting, and peripheral neuropathy were common, and pulmonary toxicity due to bleomycin was seen in a few patients. Earlier studies by Zambetti et al and Columbo et al showed similar response rates but with severe bone marrow and pulmonary toxicity.
PVB therapy
Cisplatin 20 mg/m2/d IV for 5 days q3wk for 3-4 courses. Bleomycin 20 U/m2 (max 30 U) IV qwk for 7 courses followed by an eighth course during the 10th week. Vinblastine 12 mg/m2 IV q3wk for 3-4 courses.
Bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin (BEP) regimen also has been studied in patients with advanced and recurrent granulosa cell tumors. Homesley, et al reported on a multicenter study using this regimen and included patients with all types of ovarian sex cord–stromal tumors although 48 patients had GTCS. Patients with gross residual disease, positive peritoneal cytology, and recurrent tumors were included. No recurrence or progression of disease was seen in 68% and 51% of patients with primary and recurrent disease, respectively. However, only half of the patients had follow-up of 3 years or longer. Only measurable disease was found to be a predictor of both overall survival and progression-free interval (PFI). Again, significant toxicity was noted with bone marrow suppression being most common (79%) followed by gastrointestinal toxicity.
BEP therapy
Bleomycin 20 U/m2 (max 30 U) IV q3wk for 4 courses. Etoposide 75 mg/m2 IV days 1-5 q3wk for 4 courses. Cisplatin 20 mg/m2 IV days 1-5 q3wk for 4 courses.
Older multidrug regimens included cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and cisplatin (CAP) regimen: cyclophosphamide 500 mg/m2 IV, Adriamycin 40-50 mg/m2 IV, and cisplatin 40-50 mg/m2 IV all given q4wk for 4-6 courses; cisplatin and doxorubicin; cyclophosphamide, actinomycin, and 5-fluorouracil. These regimens have the benefit of fewer and less serious adverse effects. However, response rates often were poorer than for those of the newer cisplatin-based regimens.
Much less information is available for juvenile granulosa cell tumors with
regard to treatment of advanced disease and recurrences. These tumors tend to
behave more aggressively with earlier recurrences and poorer response to
chemotherapeutic agents. Case reports detailing complete responders can be found
for patients treated with carboplatin and etoposide; methotrexate, actinomycin
D, and chlorambucil (MAC); and methotrexate, actinomycin D, and cyclophosphamide.
However, long-term survival in patients with JGCTs has been disappointing.
Drug Category: Antineoplastic agents -- Adjunct chemotherapy in GCTs that are greater than Ia and recurrent tumors.
Drug Name ¡@ |
Cisplatin (Platinol) -- Inhibits DNA
synthesis and, thus, cell proliferation by causing DNA crosslinks and
denaturation of double helix. Platinum-based alkylating agent. Found in most
currently prescribed regimens for ovarian sex cord–stromal tumors. Treatment should be delayed if leukocyte count is <4,000/mm3 or if platelet count is <100,000/mm3. |
Adult Dose | 20 mg/m2 IV over 15-30 min days 1-5 q3-4wk |
Pediatric Dose | Administer as in adults |
Contraindications | Documented hypersensitivity, preexisting renal insufficiency, myelosuppression, and hearing impairment |
Interactions | Increases toxicity of bleomycin and ethacrynic acid; excretion of phenytoin can be decreased (monitor levels frequently); concurrent use of other ototoxic agents (eg, loop diuretics) increases ototoxicity risk |
Pregnancy | D - Unsafe in pregnancy |
Precautions | Administer adequate hydration before and 24 hours after cisplatin dosing to reduce risk of nephrotoxicity (not to be used if the creatinine clearance is <1.5 mg/dL); myelosuppression, ototoxicity, peripheral neuropathy, electrolyte disturbances (eg, calcium and magnesium), nausea, and vomiting may occur |
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Vinblastine (Velban) -- Plant-based vinca-alkaloid. Inhibits microtubule formation, which in turn disrupts the formation of mitotic spindle, causing cell proliferation to arrest at metaphase. |
Adult Dose | 0.15 mg/m2 IV days 1-2 q3-4wk |
Pediatric Dose | Administer as in adults |
Contraindications | Documented hypersensitivity; bone marrow suppression (not to be given to patients with active infections or patients who already have significant leukopenia, anemia, or thrombocytopenia) |
Interactions | Phenytoin plasma levels may be reduced when administered concomitantly with vinblastine; with mitomycin, the toxicity of vinblastine may significantly increase |
Pregnancy | D - Unsafe in pregnancy |
Precautions | Caution in impaired liver function and neurotoxicity; when patient is receiving mitomycin C, monitor closely for shortness of breath and bronchospasm; dosing usually is limited by bone marrow suppression; nausea, vomiting, stomatitis, and alopecia may occur; tumors sensitive to vinblastine may produce excessive tumor lysis leading to hyperuricemia (aggressive hydration and urine alkalinization will allow faster clearance of uric acid) |
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Bleomycin (Blenoxane) -- Glycopeptide antibiotic, which inhibits DNA synthesis. |
Adult Dose | 10-20 U/m2 (maximum 30 U/dose) IV/IM/SC usually given on day 1 or 2 of cycle q3-4wk; not to exceed 400 U |
Pediatric Dose | Administer as in adults |
Contraindications | Documented hypersensitivity, significant renal function impairment, compromised pulmonary function |
Interactions | May decrease plasma levels of digoxin and phenytoin; cisplatin may increase toxicity of bleomycin (significant hypomagnesemia) |
Pregnancy | D - Unsafe in pregnancy |
Precautions | Caution in renal impairment; possibly secreted in breast milk; may cause mutagenesis and pulmonary toxicity (10%); idiosyncratic reactions similar to anaphylaxis (1%) may occur; monitor for adverse effects during and after treatment; pulmonary fibrosis and/or pneumonitis usually are dose-limiting; fever, alopecia, hyperpigmentation, and Raynaud phenomenon may occur; anaphylactic reactions can occur, therefore, a 2 U test dose is recommended |
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Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) -- Alkylating agent that inhibits tumor growth by binding to DNA. Limited use currently, but could be tried in second-line regimens. |
Adult Dose | 60-120 mg/m2 PO qd; 50-1500 mg/m2 IV q3-4wk |
Pediatric Dose | Administer as in adults |
Contraindications | Documented hypersensitivity; severely depressed bone marrow function; active varicella or herpes infections |
Interactions | Allopurinol may increase risk of
bleeding or infection and enhance myelosuppressive effects of
cyclophosphamide; may potentiate doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity; may
reduce digoxin serum levels and antimicrobial effects of quinolones; chloramphenicol may increase half-life of cyclophosphamide while decreasing metabolite concentrations; may increase effect of anticoagulants; coadministration with high doses of phenobarbital may increase rate of metabolism and leukopenic activity of cyclophosphamide; thiazide diuretics may prolong cyclophosphamide-induced leukopenia and neuromuscular blockade by inhibiting cholinesterase activity |
Pregnancy | D - Unsafe in pregnancy |
Precautions | Hemorrhagic cystitis is common but is prevented easily with adequate hydration and MESNA rescue; if significant hematuria develops, drug should be discontinued; bone marrow suppression with platelet sparing can be significant; alopecia and mucositis may also occur |
Drug Name ¡@ |
Adriamycin (Doxorubicin) -- Antitumor antibiotic that works by irreversibly binding to DNA thereby inhibiting transcription. |
Adult Dose | 60-100 mg/m2 IV q3wk for 4-6 cycles; cumulative dose not to exceed 450-550 mg/m2 |
Pediatric Dose | Administer as in adults |
Contraindications | Documented hypersensitivity; severe heart failure, cardiomyopathy, impaired cardiac function, preexisting myelosuppression |
Interactions | May decrease phenytoin and digoxin plasma levels; phenobarbital may decrease plasma levels of doxorubicin; cyclosporine may induce coma or seizures; mercaptopurine increases toxicity of doxorubicin; cyclophosphamide increases cardiac toxicity of doxorubicin |
Pregnancy | D - Unsafe in pregnancy |
Precautions | Irreversible cardiac toxicity (cumulative doses >450 mg/m2) and myelosuppression may occur; risk at doses <450 mg/m2 is minimal, doses >550 mg/m2 is 10%, and doses >700 mg/m2 is up to 40%; extravasation may result in severe local tissue necrosis; reduce dose in patients with impaired hepatic function; stomatitis can be significant; nausea, vomiting, fever, and alopecia may occur; many patients will have red discoloration of urine that is not due to hematuria |
Drug Name ¡@ |
Actinomycin D (Dactinomycin, Cosmegen) -- Antitumor antibiotic that is second-line in ovarian germ cell tumors. Mechanism of action is through binding to guanine thereby preventing DNA transcription. |
Adult Dose | 15 mcg/kg/d IV q3-4wk or 0.5 mg/d days 1-5 q3-4wk |
Pediatric Dose | Administer as in adults |
Contraindications | Documented hypersensitivity; active varicella or herpes infections |
Interactions | Dose may need to be decreased in patients currently or previously treated with radiation therapy as desquamation and hyperpigmentation may occur in skin overlying the radiation fields |
Pregnancy | D - Unsafe in pregnancy |
Precautions | Adjust dose in hepatic impairment; bone marrow suppression, stomatitis, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, skin erythema, and occasionally, desquamation (especially in previously irradiated areas) may occur; prophylactic antiemetics can be helpful |
Drug Name ¡@ |
Fluorouracil (Adrucil) -- Cycle-specific antimetabolite that interferes with DNA synthesis by blocking methylation of deoxyuridylic acid. Used in various dosages in a variety of combination chemotherapy regimens. |
Adult Dose | 12 mg/kg/d for 3-5 d followed by weekly maintenance dose of 12-15 mg/kg until toxic side effects become limiting; not to exceed 800 mg/d; 500 mg/m2IV q3-4wk |
Pediatric Dose | Administer as in adults |
Contraindications | Documented hypersensitivity; not to be given to patients with preexisting bone marrow suppression, potentially serious infections, or poor nutritional state |
Interactions | Anticoagulant effect of warfarin may be increased (monitor PT) when used concomitantly; coadministration with thiazides may prolong antineoplastic-induced leukopenia; bioavailability may be increased when coadministered with cimetidine (monitor for 5-FU toxicity) |
Pregnancy | X - Contraindicated in pregnancy |
Precautions | Bone marrow suppression and stomatitis/ mucositis usually are dose-limiting; diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, hand-foot syndrome, and alopecia may occur |
Drug Name ¡@ |
Etoposide (VP-16, VePesid) -- Plant alkaloid derivative that exerts inhibitory activity at S-G2 phase of the cell cycle. |
Adult Dose | 75 mg/m2 PO/IV on days 1-5 q-4wk |
Pediatric Dose | Administer as in adults |
Contraindications | Documented hypersensitivity; IT administration may cause death; severe myelosuppression |
Interactions | May prolong the effects of warfarin and increase the clearance of methotrexate; cyclosporine and etoposide have additive effects in the cytotoxicity of tumor cells |
Pregnancy | D - Unsafe in pregnancy |
Precautions | Bleeding and severe myelosuppression may occur; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and alopecia also can occur; hypotension can be seen with rapid infusion |
Drug Category: Uroprotective agents -- Prevention of hemorrhagic cystitis in patients being treated with ifosfamide and cyclophosphamide.
Drug Name ¡@ |
Mesna (Mesnex) -- Detoxifies
metabolites of ifosfamide and cyclophosphamide. Somewhat controversial, but it is commonly accepted that total dose should be at least 60% of total dose of alkylating agent. |
Adult Dose | 20% of alkylating agent dose IV prior to chemotherapy, then equivalent doses at 4 and 8 h |
Pediatric Dose | Administer as in adults |
Contraindications | Documented hypersensitivity |
Interactions | None reported |
Pregnancy | B - Usually safe but benefits must outweigh the risks. |
Precautions | May cause headache, nausea, and diarrhea |
Drug Category: Antiemetics -- Prevention and treatment of nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy.
Drug Name ¡@ |
Ondansetron (Zofran) -- Selective 5-HT3-receptor antagonist that blocks serotonin both peripherally and centrally. Prevents nausea and vomiting associated with emetogenic cancer chemotherapy (eg, high-dose cisplatin), and complete body radiotherapy. |
Adult Dose | 32 mg IV 30 min prior to chemotherapy, then 8-16 mg PO bid; 0.15 mg/kg IV 30 min before chemotherapy, then at 4 and 8 h |
Pediatric Dose | 0.15 mg/kg IV 30 min before
chemotherapy, then at 4 and 8 h 4-11 years: 4 mg PO tid >12 years: 8 mg PO bid |
Contraindications | Documented hypersensitivity |
Interactions | Although potential exists for cytochrome P-450 inducers (barbiturates, rifampin, carbamazepine, and phenytoin) to change half-life and clearance of ondansetron, dosage adjustment is not usually required |
Pregnancy | C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been established. |
Precautions | Medication is to be administered for prevention of nausea and vomiting, not for rescue of nausea and vomiting; may cause constipation, rash or mild, transient liver enzyme elevation |
Drug Name ¡@ |
Granisetron (Kytril) -- 5-HT3-receptor antagonist. |
Adult Dose | 10 mcg/kg IV over 5 min, 30 min prior to chemotherapy, then 1-2 mg PO bid for 1 d |
Pediatric Dose | 10 mcg/kg IV over 5 min, 30 min prior to chemotherapy |
Contraindications | Documented hypersensitivity |
Interactions | None reported |
Pregnancy | B - Usually safe but benefits must outweigh the risks. |
Precautions | May cause transient mild elevation of liver enzymes; headache and constipation may occur |
Drug Name ¡@ |
Dexamethasone (Decadron) -- Used as antiemetic in low doses during chemotherapy. Usually used in multi-agent antiemetic regimens with 5HT-3 receptor antagonists. |
Adult Dose | 20 mg PO/IV prior to chemotherapy or 8 mg PO/IV prior to chemotherapy, then 4 mg PO q4h for 2 more doses |
Pediatric Dose | Not established |
Contraindications | Documented hypersensitivity, active bacterial or fungal infection |
Interactions | Effects decrease with coadministration of barbiturates, phenytoin and rifampin; dexamethasone decreases effect of salicylates and vaccines used for immunization |
Pregnancy | C - Safety for use during pregnancy has not been established. |
Precautions | Increases risk of multiple complications, including severe infections; monitor for adrenal insufficiency when tapering drug; abrupt discontinuation of glucocorticoids may cause adrenal crisis; hyperglycemia, edema, osteonecrosis, myopathy, peptic ulcer disease, hypokalemia, osteoporosis, euphoria, psychosis, myasthenia gravis, growth suppression, and infections are possible complications of glucocorticoid use; short-term use may cause insomnia and epigastric burning |
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FOLLOW-UP | ¡@ |
Further Outpatient Care:
In/Out Patient Meds:
The adult dose of prochlorperazine is 5-10 mg PO q6-8h or 25 mg PR bid. The pediatric dose is 0.1-0.15 mg/kg PO q6-8h or 0.2-0.3 mg/kg PR bid.
Both of these drugs may cause sedation and dystonic reactions.
Patient Education:
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Medical/Legal Pitfalls:
Special Concerns:
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