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what is spearmans rank
Message posted by syed alam on October 1, 2000 at 12:00 AM (ET)

hi im doing a statistics maths coursework and my teacher said that to get the better marks you have to do independant study. i thought that cant be that bad. he said that the examiners will want spearmans rank and i havent got a clue to what that means. could you please help. the data is coming from close ended questionnaires so it shouldnt be that hard. im on top of the standard deviation but i really need to get this bit done
could you please email the reply because ive only got limited net hours

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: what is spearmans rank
Message posted by jg on October 1, 2000 at 12:00 AM (ET)

Spearman's correlation coefficient is used for discrete data instead of the usual correlation coefficient. Ranking may be part of the calculation process for this correlation coefficient.

Re: what is spearmans rank
Message posted by phil on October 1, 2000 at 12:00 AM (ET)

If you do a search on "spearman" at the bottom of the main page here, it will give you four recent hits on the topic.

Re: what is spearmans rank
Message posted by Sarah (via on April 21, 2001 at 12:25 PM (ET)

SROCC is a way of comparing two sets of data. Eg: Two people grade their favourite tv programmes, you can then order them and see how similar these two people's opinions are.

spearmans rank
Message posted by cath (via on May 9, 2001 at 9:01 AM (ET)

what is it and how do u complete it?
I need help:(

Re: what is spearmans rank
Message posted by Tom (via on October 2, 2001 at 7:17 AM (ET)

ok what you do is get 2 lists of data and put them side by side then you number the lists depedning on how large the number in the list is, then you do the same for the other list, then you compare the numbers from each list...omg ok email me at and i will send find u a proper explanation in a few hours...later

Re: what is spearmans rank
Message posted by Andy Raistrick (via on October 30, 2001 at 11:01 AM (ET)

It is quite complicated but bare with me. Basically it shows if the two sets of data have ay relationship. TELL ME THE TITLE OF YOUR COURSEWORK- If you give me your real e-mail adress I'll help you. I have a degree in mathematics.

Re: what is spearmans rank
Message posted by Nick (via on November 30, 2001 at 3:33 PM (ET)

Send me an e-mail with "spearmans rank" as a subject and I'll explain.. it's real easy.

Re: what is spearmans rank
Message posted by stephanie (via on December 3, 2001 at 6:15 AM (ET)

hi can you tell me how to calculate spearmans rank, it really confusing me

Re: what is spearmans rank
Message posted by JG (via on December 16, 2001 at 1:13 AM (ET)

For a detailed explanation, you can beg, borrow or steal a book of statistics for the social sciences and look in the index. Also, do a web search on 'introduction to rank correlation'.

Message posted by jay (via on December 19, 2001 at 10:05 AM (ET)

i need critical valkues for spearmens rank with degrees of freedom of 80+ anyone got a site i can get them from

Re: what is spearmans rank
Message posted by ben russell (via on February 1, 2002 at 9:04 AM (ET)

Rearman's Spank? I can tell you all about it if you'd like to step into my parlour......

Re: what is spearmans rank
Message posted by Chloe (via on March 1, 2002 at 2:45 PM (ET)

Ok I'll try to go through how to do it for anyone that's stuck. I'll use an example my teacher used with me. An art exhibition. Two different judges marking the exhibitions a= the best and h=teh worst. Of course they will have different opinions.

Make a table horizontally and in teh top row write the letters a to h.

Make two more rows underneath it. The first for judge one and teh second for judge two.

Rank the exhibitions yourself making sure to change their order. If you have two of teh same like two 3rds then the 4th will be cancelled out and you'll move straight on to the 5th.

Next make another row called d. d being judge one subract judge two.

Now make another row called d2 (d squared) which speaks for it's self.

Now there comes a formula. Ok r = spearmans rank.
E(it's more like a zig zag but an E shape) = sum of.

n = number of exhibits. So 8

Now teh formula
6 E d2
r = 1 - --------

Now do it a bit at a time. I'll show you the formula replaced with the correct numbers
6 *(multiply)78.5
r = 1 - ---------------
8(8squared - 1)

I'll show you how to do it on a calculator.

* = multiply
sq = squared
/ = divide

1 - ((6*78.5)/(8(8sq-1))) =

The amount of brackets you put in is essential.

I hope i have been of some help.

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