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Help with two factor ANOVA question
Message posted by Tarin (via on March 4, 2002 at 12:06 AM (ET)

Hi, I've been having problems with the following question, so I was wondering if I could have some help(I don't know where I've gone wrong as I've been through it several times and still can't get the right answers). Thanks!

Eighty citizens of voting age are randomly polled under the restrictions of (i) equal representation from the West, Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritimes, and (ii) equal numbers of Liberals and non-Liberals within each of the four regions. All subjects rate their attitude toward the Prime Minister. Overall, the mean rating is 29.25, with a standard deviation of 12.7. Mean ratings by region and political affiliation are given below:

Liberal: 46(west),
40(ontario), 33(quebec),

Non-Liberal: 20(west),
28(ontario), 17(quebec),


region: Fcrit=2.76, Fobt=8.94, reject

affiliation: Fcrit=4.00, Fobt=126.15, reject

interaction: Fcrit= 2.76, Fobt = 3.29, reject

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