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Kendall's tau-c
Message posted by Maureen (via on February 26, 2002 at 9:44 PM (ET)

I am trying to finish my disseration and it was suggested that I use Kendall's tau-c to analyze some ordinal data on drug use and developmental performance. I have run the analysis but do not know how to put the results in a table for APA format and cannot find a reference to help. ANy suggestions would help.

Also are there values that below which the results are not really helpful inspite of the significance level since the n is so small ? Thanks

(In chronological order. Most recent at the bottom.)

Re: Kendall's tau-c
Message posted by JG (via on February 27, 2002 at 1:26 AM (ET)

Do a search and try to find a research paper using this procedure. Also see some 'statistics for social science' books.

Re: Kendall's tau-c
Message posted by Phil (via on February 28, 2002 at 4:23 AM (ET)

The APA publication manual, 5th edition is no help. You ought to be able to ask someone at your school. We have what we affectionately call the "APA Police".

Searching dissertations and abstracts for someone who referred to Kendall's Tau-c is OK if you could look at it for free or contact the author.

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