Visitor: As medicine adds years to life rehabilitation adds life to these years
Bibliography (update: 2012.09.19)
 Dr. Hsu, Hung-Chih

1. Herny L. Lew, Carl P.C Chen, Max J.L. Chen, Tony H.C. Hsu, Simon F.T. Tang, Elaine S.Date: Comparing the Effects of Different Speech Targets on Cognitive Event-related Potentials: Theoretical Implications for Evaluating Brain Injury. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 81(7):524-8, 2002 Jul (SCI journal, IF=1.695, SPORT SCIENCES 23/71, REHABILITATION 13/28)

2. Tony H.C. Hsu, Shih Wei Chou, Chau-Peng Leong, Pong-Yuen Wong, Chin-Man Wang, Alice M.K.Wong: The Immediate Effects of Oblique Acupuncture in Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Evidence of Improvement in Physical Parameters and of Size Change in the Trapezius Muscle. Journal of Rehabilitation n Medicine Association, Republic of China. 2003;31(1):13-20

3. Carl P.C. Chen, Chih-Kuang Chen, Max J.L.Chen, Yin-Chou Lin, Tony H.C, Hsu, Ju-Wen Cheng, Simon F.T.Tang: The Improvement of Pain Syndromes and Activities of Daily Living in People with Knee Osteoarthritis After Intra-articular Hyaluronic Acid Injection. Taiwan Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2004;32(3):111-116

4. Hung-Chih Hsu, Chia-Ling Chen, Pao-Tsai Cheng, Chia-Hui Chen, Chia-Ying Chong, Yi-Ying Lin: The Relationship of Social Function and Motor and Speech Functions in Children with Autism. Chang Gung Medical Journal 2004;27:750-7

5. Hung-Chih Hsu : Treatment for coccyx pain: Review article (Journal of Science Association of Chinese Tuina, Vol.1 No.1 October 2004 p24-29)

6.Kai-Hua Chen, Hung-Chih Hsu, Chih-Jung Lin: Chronic Coccygodynia complicated with superior mesenteric artery syndrome: A case report.( Journal of Science Association of Chinese Tuina, Vol.2 No.1 October 2005 p46-56)

7. Hui-Tai Yang, Yen-Hung Chang, Hung-Chih Hsu: Central Pontine Myelinolysis after pituitary gland tumor: Case Report (Taiwan Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2005;33(4):245-250)

8. Hung-Chih Hsu : The clinical application of myofascial pain syndrome (肌筋膜疼痛症侯群的臨床應用) ( Journal of Science Association of Chinese TuinaVol.3 No.1S p54-59 )(2006/03)

9.Chia-Ling Chen, Ching-Yi Wu,Hsieh-Ching Chen, Wei-Hsien Hong,Wen-Yu Liu,Alice May-Kuen Wong, Chia-Ying Chung, MD; Hung-Chih Hsu :Application of A Novel Integrated Pointing Device Apparatus for Children with Cerebral Palsy (Chang Gung Med J Vol. 29 No. 4,2006 p380-387)

10. Wei-Chi Hsieh, Su-Hsien Lin, Hung-Chih Hsu, Alice May-Kuen Wong,
Ka-Kit Siu, Yu-Cheng Pei: Effect of Kinesio Taping over Frontal Region on the
Attention of Normal Subjects( Tw J Phys Med Rehabil 2006;34(4): 215 - 223 )

11.Chu-Hsu Lin, Long-Sun Ro, Hung-Chih Hsu, Wei-Chi Hsieh, Chih-Jung Lin, Jiann-Der Lee: Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsies: A Report of Two Cases ( Tw J Phys Med Rehabil 2007; 35(1): 41 - 47 )

12.Tung-Yang Yu, Yu-Cheng Pei, Yiu-Chung Lau, Chih-Kuang Chen, Hung-Chih Hsu, Alice M.K. Wong :Comparison of the Effects of Swimming and Tai Chi Chuan on Body Fat Composition in Elderly People (Chang Gung Med J Vol. 30 No. 2,2007 p128-134)

13. Hung-Chih Hsu, Chang-Zern Hong: Floating Kidney with chronic myofascial pain syndrome in the abdominal muscles as the major clinical manifestation: A case report (Journal Of Musculoskeletal Pain, Volume 16, Issue 3 July 2008 , pages 199 - 204) (SCI journal, IF=0.500, REHABILITATION 24/28,RHEUMATOLOGY 21/22)

14. Chien-Min Chen, Kai-Hua Chen, Shih-Ming Jung, Hung-Chih Hsu, Chin-Man Wang. Central neurocytoma: 9 case series and review. (Surg Neurol. 2008 Aug;70(2):204-9. Epub 2008 Feb 11) (SCI journal, IF=1.556, SURGERY 63 /148,CLINICAL NEUROLOGY 100/156)

15. Pei YC, Chou SW, Lin PS, Lin YC, Tony Hung-Chih Hsu, Wong AM. Eye-hand Coordination of Elderly People Who Practice Tai Chi Chuan.( J Formos Med Assoc. 2008 Feb;107(2):103-10.) (SCI journal, IF=0.640, MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL 83/107)

16.Chen K-H, Hong C-Z, Kuo F-C, Hsu H-C, Hsieh Y-L: Electrophysiologic effects
of a therapeutic laser on myofascial trigger spots of rabbit skeletal muscles. (Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2008 Dec;87(12):1006-14 ) (SCI journal, IF=1.695, SPORT SCIENCES 23/71, REHABILITATION 13/28)

17. Chen, Kai-Hua, Lee, Kam-Fai, Hsu, Hung-Chih, Huang, Wei-Chao, Hsiao, Kuang-Yu, Fang, Kuan-Ming, The role of high-resolution ultrasound in the diagnosis of a traumatic neuroma in an injured median nerve. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 88(9):771-4, 2009 Sep. (SCI journal, IF=1.695, SPORT SCIENCES 23/71, REHABILITATION 13/28).

18.Kai-Hua Chen, Chung-Yao Chen, Hung-Chih Hsu, Chia-Ling Chen, Chu-Hsu Lin, Wei-Chi Hsieh, Chien-Min Chen, Jia-Pei Hong, Follow-up of Developmental Profiles in Children with Spastic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy. (Chang Gung Med J Vol. 32 No. 6 November-December 2009:p628-635)

19. Hung-Chih Hsu, Shih-Wei Chou, Carl PC Chen, Alice MK Wong, Chi-Kuang Chen, Jia-Pei Hong, Effects of Swimming on Eye Hand Coordination and Balance in the Elderly. ( JOURNAL OF NUTRITION HEALTH & AGING 2010 Aug;14(8):692-5.) (SCI journal, IF=2.321 ,NUTRITION & DIETETICS 22/59, GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY 15/36)

20.Jannie Ying-Syuan Chen, Keh-Chung Lin,Chung-Yao Chen, Chia-Ling Chen, Wen-Yu Liu, Mei-Yun Liaw, Ching-Yi Wu, Hung-Chih Hsu: Comparison between Hospital-based and Community-based Services for the Special Health Care Needs of Children with Developmental Delays. (Chang Gung Med J 2010 Mar-April;Vol 33:164-73)

21. Chien-Min Chen, Chia-Ling Chen, Jia-Woei Hou, Hung-Chih Hsu, Chia-Ying Chung, Shih-Wei Chou, Chu-Hsu Lin, Kai-Hua Chen: Developmental Profiles and Mentality in Preschool Children with Prader-Willi Syndrome: A Preliminary Study(Chang Gung Med J 2010 July-August 2010; Vol. 33 No. 4:436-442)

22. Kai-Hua Chen,Chang-Zern Hong,Hung-Chih Hsu,Shyi-Kuen Wu,Fang-Chuan Kuo,Yueh-Ling Hsieh:Dose-dependent and Ceiling Effects of Therapeutic Laser on Myofascial Trigger Spots in Rabbit Skeletal Muscles (Journal Of Musculoskeletal Pain, September 2010, Vol. 18, No. 3 , Pages 235-245

?23. Chien-Min Chen, Hung-Chih Hsu, Yi-Wen Chuang, Chia-Hao Chang,Chu-Hsu Lin, M.D, Chang-Zern Hong: Study on factors affecting the occurrence of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in elderly acute stroke patients undergoing rehabilitation. ( JOURNAL OF NUTRITION HEALTH & AGING; Volume 15, Number 8, 2011) (SCI journal, IF=2.321, NUTRITION & DIETETICS 22/59, GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY 15/36)

24. Chien-Min Chen, Chung-Yao Chen, Katie P. Wu, Chia-Ling Chen, Hung-Chih Hsu,?? Sing-Kai Lo. Motor Factors Associated with Health-Related Quality of Life in Ambulatory Children with cerebral palsy. (American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. Accepted and in Press) (SCI journal, IF=1.695, SPORT SCIENCES 23/71, REHABILITATION 13/28)

25. Chuang, Yi-Wen, Wen-San Tsai, Kai-Hua Chen,Hsu, Hung-Chih
Clinical Use of High-Resolution Ultrasonography for the Diagnosis of Type II Accessory Navicular Bone: A Case Report
(American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. Accepted and in Press) (SCI journal, IF=1.695, SPORT SCIENCES 23/71, REHABILITATION 13/28)

Dr. Lin, Chu-Hsu
1. Chu-Hsu Lin , Yu-Cheng Pei, Chia-Ying Chung, Pao-Tsai Cheng, Chia-Ling Chen, Alice M.K. Wong. Event-Related Potentials of Visual Spatial Attention in Healthy Subjects. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Association Republic of China . 33(1): 19-28, 2005
2. Chu-Hsu Lin, Long-Sun Ro, Hung-Chih Hsu, Wei-Chi Hsieh, Chih-Jung Lin, Jiann-
Der Lee. Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsies: A Report
of Two Cases. Taiwan Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 35(1): 41-47, 2007.
3. Kai-Hua Chen, Chung-Yao Chen, Hung-Chih Hsu, Chia-Ling Chen*, Chu-Hsu Lin, Wei-Chi Hsieh, Chien-Min Chen, Jia-Pei Hong. Follow-up of Developmental Profiles in Children with Spastic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy. Chung Gung Medicine Journal. 32:628-635,2009. (Non-SCI)
4.Chien-Min Chen, Chia-Ling Chen*, Jia-Woei Hou, Hung-Chih Hsu, Chia-Ying Chung, Shi-Wei Chou , Chu-Hsu Lin, Kai-Hua Chen. Developmental Profiles and Mentality in Preschool Children with Prader-Willi Syndrome: A Preliminary Study. Chung Gung Medicine Journal. 2010;33:436-442. (Non-SCI).
5. Chia-Ling Chen, Chung-Yao Chen, Keh-Chung Lin, Kai-Hua Chen, Ching-Yi Wu, Chu-Hsu Lin, MD; Wen-Yu Liu, Hung-Chih Hsu. Relationships between Developmental Profiles and Ambulatory Ability in A Follow-up Study of Preschool Children with Spastic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy. Chang Gung Med J 2010;33:524-31.
6.Chien-Min Chen, Hung-Chih Hsu, Yi-Wen Chuang, Chia-Hao Chang, Chu-Hsu Lin, Chang-Zern Hong. Study on factors affecting the occurrence of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in elderly acute stroke patients undergoing rehabilitation. Journal of Nutrition, Aging and Health (in press)













Dr. Chen, Kai-Hua

1. Kai-Hua Chen, Chin-Man Wang*, Pao-Tsai Cheng, Fuk-Tan Tang, May-Kuen Wong: Homocysteinemia complicated with recurrent Stroke: a case report and literature review. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Association Republic of China. 2002;30(1): 41-47.
2. Yu-Cheng Pei, Simon F. T. Tang, Wei-Chi Hsieh, Ming-Che Chao, Alice M. K. Wong*, Kai-Hua Chen: Relationships between pain, pain behavior, anxiety, and muscle tension during electrodiagnosis. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Association Republic of China. 2002;30(4):207-215.
3. Kai-Hua Chen, Shi-Wei Chou, In-Chou Lin, River S.H. Su, Wei-Shun Huang, Alice M.K.Wong*: Assessment of physical fitness to age and sex in middle and older persons with independent activity of daily living. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Association Republic of China. 2003;31(3):139-145.
4. Kai-Hua Chen, Hung-Chih Hsu*, Chih-Jung Lin: Chronic coccygodynia complicated with superior mesenteric artery syndrome: a case report. Journal of Tuina and Rehabilitation Sciences. 2005;2(1):46-56.
5. Chien-Min Chen, Kai-Hua Chen, Shih-Ming Jung, Hung-Chih Hsu, Chin-Man Wang*: Central neurocytoma: 9 case series and review. Surgical Neurology. 2008;70:204-209. (SCI; 2010 IF= 1.260; Surgery:94/187=50.3%; Clinical neurology: 71.4%)?
6. Kai-Hua Chen, Chang-Zern Hong, Fang-Chuan Kuo, Hung-Chih Hsu, Yueh-Ling Hsieh*: Electrophysiologic Effects of a Therapeutic Laser on Myofascial Trigger Spots of Rabbit Skeletal Muscles. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2008;87(12):1006-1014. (SCI; 2010 IF=1.762; Sport sciences: 36/79=45.6%; Rehabilitation: 15/43=34.9%)?
7. Hsiao KY, Hsiao CT, Weng HH, Kai-Hua Chen, Jin LJ, Huang YM*. Factors predicting mortality in victims of blunt trauma brain injury in emergency department settings. Emergency Medicine Journal 2008;25:670-673. (SCI; 2010 IF=1.269; Emergency medicine: 12/23=52.1%)
8. Kai-Hua Chen, Chung-Yao Chen, Hung-Chih Hsu, Chia-Ling Chen*, Chu-Hsu Lin, Wei-Chi Hsieh, Chien-Min Chen, Jia-Pei Hong. Follow-up of Developmental Profiles in Children with Spastic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy. Chung Gung Medicine Journal 2009;32:628-635.
9. Kai-Hua Chen, Kam-Fai Lee, Hung-Chih Hsu, Wei-Chao Huang*, Kuang-Yu Hsiao, Kuan-Ming Fang. The Role of High-Resolution Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of a Traumatic Neuroma in an Injured Median Nerve: A Case Report. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2009;88(9):771-774. (SCI; 2010 IF=1.762; Sport sciences: 36/79=45.6%; Rehabilitation: 15/43=34.9%)?
10. Chien-Min Chen, Chia-Ling Chen*, Jia-Woei Hou, Hung-Chih Hsu, Chia-Ying Chung, Shi-Wei Chou , Chu-Hsu Lin, Kai-Hua Chen. Developmental Profiles and Mentality in Preschool Children with Prader-Willi Syndrome: A Preliminary Study. Chung Gung Medicine Journal 2010;33:436-442.?
11. Chia-Ling Chen, Kai-Hua Chen, Ken-Chung Lin, Ching-Yi Wu*, Chung-Yao Chen, Alice May-Kuen Wong, Chia-Ying Chung, Wen-Yu Liu. Comparison of Developmental Pattern Change in Preschool Children with Spastic Diplegic and Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy. Chung Gung Medicine Journal 2010;33:407-414.
12. Chia-Ling Chen, Chung-Yao Chen, Ken-Chung Lin, Kai-Hua Chen, Ching-Yi Wu, Chu-Hsu Lin, Wen-Yu Liu*, Hung-Chih Hsu. Relationships between Developmental Profiles and Ambulatory Ability in a Follow-up Study of Preschool Children with Spastic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy. Chung Gung Medicine Journal. 2010;33:524-531.
13. Kai-Hua Chen, Chang-Zern Hong, Hung-Chih Hsu, Shyi -Kuen Wu, Fang-Chuan Kuo, Yueh-Ling Hsieh*. Dose-dependent and Ceiling Effects of Therapeutic Laser on Myofascial Trigger Spots in Rabbit Skeletal Muscles. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 2010;18 (3):235-245. (SCI; 2010 IF=0.46; Rheumatology: 23/29=79.3%; Rehabilitation: 37/43=86%)
14. Kuang-Yu Hsiao, I-Chuan Chen, Chia-Jung Yang, Cheng-Ting Hsiao, Kai-Hua Chen*. Is direct transport to a trauma centre best for patients with severe traumatic brain injury? A study in south-central Taiwan. Emergency Medicine Journal (2010 Nov., Epub ahead of print) (SCI; 2010 IF=1.269; Emergency medicine: 12/23=52.1%)
15. Yi-Wen Chuang, Wen-San Tsai, Kai-Hua Chen, Hung-Chih Hsu*. Clinical Use of High-Resolution Ultrasonography for the Diagnosis of Type II Accessory Navicular Bone: A Case Report. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. (2011 Oct, Epub ahead of print) (SCI; 2010 IF=1.762; Sport sciences: 36/79=45.6%; Rehabilitation: 15/43=34.9%)?
16. Chien-Min Chen, Hung-Chih Hsu *, Wen-San Tsai, Chia-Hao Chang, Kai-Hua Chen, Chang-Zern Hong. Infections in Acute Elderly Stroke Inpatients Undergoing Rehabilitation. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. (In press) (SCI; 2010 IF=1.762; Sport sciences: 36/79=45.6%; Rehabilitation: 15/43=34.9%)








Dr. Hsieh, Wei-Chi

1. Yu-Cheng Pei , Simon F. T. Tang, Wei-Chi Hsieh , Ming-Che Chao, Alice M. K. Wong, Kai-Hua Chen. Relationships between Pain, Pain Behavior, Anxiety, and Muscle Tension during Electrodiagnosis.Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Association Republic of China. 30(4): 207-15, 2002.
2. Chen M. JL, Chen CPC, Lew HL, Hsieh WC , Yang WP, Tang SFT.Measurement of forefoot varus angle by laser technology in people with flexible flatfoot. Amerian Journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation /association of Academic Physiatrists 82(11):842-6, 2003.
3.Wei-Chi Hsieh, Su-Hsien Lin, Hung-Chih Hsu, Alice May-Kuen Wong, Ka-Kit Siu, Yu-Cheng Pei. Effect of Kinesio Taping over frontal region on the attention of normal subjects. Taiwan Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 34(4):215-23, 2006.
4.Kai-Hua Chen, Chung-Yao Chen, Hung-Chih Hsu, Chia-Ling Chen*, Chu-Hsu Lin, Wei-Chi Hsieh, Chien-Min Chen, Jia-Pei Hong. Follow-up of Developmental Profiles in Children with Spastic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy. Chung Gung Medicine Journal. 2009;32:628-635. (Non-SCI)
5.Chu-Hsu Lin, Long-Sun, Hung-Chih Hsu, Wei-Chi Hsieh, Chih-Jung Lin, Jiann-Der Lee, Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsies: A Report of Two Cases ; Taiwan Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitaiton (Non-SCI)

Dr. Chen, Chien-Min

1. Chien-Min Chen, Chin-Man Wang*, Shih-Ming Jung, Pao-Tsai Cheng, Alice M.K. Wong. Supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumors: a case report. Tw J Phys Med Rehabil 2004, 32: 103–109.
2. Chien-Min Chen, Kai-Hua Chen, Shih-Ming Jung, Hung-Chih Hsu, Chin-Man Wang*. Central neurocytoma: 9 case series and review. Surg Neurol 2008, 70:204–209. (SCI jounal)
3. Kai-Hua Chen, Chung-Yao Chen, Hung-Chih Hsu, Chia-Ling Chen*, Chu-Hsu Lin, Wei-Chi Hsieh, Chien-Min Chen, Jia-Pei Hong. Follow-up of Developmental Profiles in Children with Spastic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy. Chang Gung Med J 2009; 32:628–35.
4. Chien-Min Chen, Chia-Ling Chen*, Jia-Woei Hou, Hung-Chih Hsu, Chia-Ying Chung, Shih-Wei Chou, Chu-Hsu Lin, Kai-Hua Chen. Developmental Profiles and Mentality in Preschool Children with Prader-Willi Syndrome: A Preliminary Study. Chang Gung Med J 2010; 33: 436-42.
5. Chien-Min Chen, Hung-Chih Hsu*, Yi-Wen Chuang, Chia-Hao Chang, Chu-Hsu Lin, Chang-Zern Hong. Study on factors affecting the occurrence of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in elderly acute stroke patients undergoing rehabilitation. J Nutr Health Aging 2011;15:632-6. (SCI jounal)
6. Chien-Min Chen, Chung-Yao Chen, Katie P. Wu, Chia-Ling Chen*, Hung-Chih Hsu, Sing-Kai Lo. Motor Factors Associated with Health-Related Quality of Life in Ambulatory Children with Cerebral Palsy. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2011;90:940-7. (SCI jounal)
7. Chien-Min Chen, Hung-Chih Hsu*, Wen-San Tsai, Chia-Hao Chang, Kai-Hua Chen, Chang-Zern Hong. Infections in acute elderly stroke inpatients undergoing rehabilitation. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. (In Press). (SCI journal)

Dr.Chang, Wen-Ming
1.Chien-Min Chen, Hung-Chih Hsu, Yi-Wen Chuang, Chia-Hao Chang, Chu-Hsu Lin, Chang-Zern Hong. Study on factors affecting the occurrence of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in elderly acute stroke patients undergoing rehabilitation. Journal of Nutrition Health and Aging (In press). (SCI)
2. Yi-Wen Chuang, Wen-San Tsai, Kai-Hua Chen, Hung-Chih Hsu. The use of high-resolution ultrasonography for the diagnosis of painful medial foot: posterior tibial tendonitis associated with a type II accessory navicular bone: a case report. Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (2011 Oct, Epub ahead of print) (SCI; 2010 IF=1.762; Sport sciences: 36/79=45.6%; Rehabilitation: 15/43=34.9%)
Dr. Chuang Yi-Wen
1.Chien-Min Chen, Hung-Chih Hsu, Yi-Wen Chuang, Chia-Hao Chang, Chu-Hsu Lin, Chang-Zern Hong. Study on factors affecting the occurrence of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in elderly acute stroke patients undergoing rehabilitation. Journal of Nutrition Health and Aging (In press). (SCI)
2. Yi-Wen Chuang, Wen-San Tsai, Kai-Hua Chen, Hung-Chih Hsu. The use of high-resolution ultrasonography for the diagnosis of painful medial foot: posterior tibial tendonitis associated with a type II accessory navicular bone: a case report. Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (2011 Oct, Epub ahead of print) (SCI; 2010 IF=1.762; Sport sciences: 36/79=45.6%; Rehabilitation: 15/43=34.9%)
Dr. Tsai Cheng-Fung

1. Cheng-Fang Tsai, Po-Liang Lai, Alice M.K. Wong, Chih-Kuang Chen. Effectiveness of the Osaka Medical College Brace for the Treatment of Idiopathic Scoliosis: A 1-Year Outcome Analysis. Taiwan Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2011; 39(1):9 -16.
2. Chin-Man Wang, Jui-Yung Yang, Pei-Ying Hsueh, Yu-Cheng Pei, Cheng-Fang Tsai, Katie P. Wu. Bilateral Cataract Caused by High-voltage Electrical Injury: A Case Report. 2011;39(2) 105-109

Dr. Tsai Wen-San MD.

1.Chien-Min Chen, Hung-Chih Hsu*, Wen-San Tsai, Chia-Hao Chang, Kai-Hua Chen, Chang-Zern Hong. Infections in acute elderly stroke inpatients undergoing rehabilitation. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. (In Press). (SCI journal)
2.Yi-Wen Chuang, Wen-San Tsai, Kai-Hua Chen, Hung-Chih Hsu. The use of high-resolution ultrasonography for the diagnosis of painful medial foot: posterior tibial tendonitis associated with a type II accessory navicular bone: a case report. Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (2011 Oct, Epub ahead of print) (SCI; 2010 IF=1.762; Sport sciences: 36/79=45.6%; Rehabilitation: 15/43=34.9%)


Address:No 6. West Sec. Chiapu Road, Putzu City, Chiayi County, Taiwan.
Telephone:886-5-3621000        Fax:886-5-3628175
Copyright © 2012.05 Depart of PM&R, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chiayi