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姓名: 宋明澤(Sung Ming-Tse)
學歷: 高雄醫學院醫學系畢業, M.D., 1996
現職: 助理教授級主治醫師
教職: 長庚大學兼任助理教授


1.2016.09~2018.04 Aristolochic acid 透過活化基質金屬蛋白?與MAPK路徑促進上泌尿道細胞轉移與侵襲分子機制之基因表現及蛋白質體學研究

2. 2013.08~2015.07 第二型胰島素樣生長因子mRNA結合蛋白IMP3在上泌尿道泌尿上皮癌的表現: IMP3和相關調控因子在

  1. Lin JJ, Huang CC, Su YL, Luo HL, Lee NL, Sung MT*, Wu YJ. proteomics analysis of tangeretin-induced apoptosis through mitochondrial dysfunction in bladder cancer cells. Int J Mol Sci 2019 Feb 26;20(5). (Corresponding author)
  2. Chen IH, Luo HL, Su YL, Huang CC, Chiang PH, Yu CC, Lee NL, Lin JJ, Sung MT*,Aristolochic acid affects upper tract urothelial cancer behavior through the MAPK pathway. molecules 2019 Oct 15;24(20). (Corresponding author)
  3. Luo HL, Sung MT*, Tsai EM, Lin CS, Lee NL, Chung YH, Chiang PH Expression of Estrogen Receptor Beta Predicts Oncologic Outcome of pT3 Upper Urinary Tract Urothelial Carcinoma Better Than Aggressive Pathological Features. Sci Rep. 2016 Apr ;6:24263. doi: 10.1038/srep24263 (Co-first author)
  4. Sung MT, Cheng L: Contemporary Approaches for Processing and Handling of Radical Prostatectomy Specimens. Histol Histopathol 2010; 25 259-65
  5. Sung MT, Zhang S, Lopez-Beltran A, Montironi R, Wang M, Davidson DD, Koch MO, Cain MP, Rink RC, Cheng L: Urothelial carcinoma following augmentation cystoplasty: An aggressive variant with distinct clinicopathological characteristics and molecular genetic alterations.  Histopathology  2009 Aug;55(2):161-73
  6. Sung MT, Lin H, Koch MO, Davidson DD, Cheng L:  Radial distance of extraprostatic extension measured   by ocular micrometer is an independent predictor of prostate-specific antigen recurrence: a new proposal for the substaging of pT3a prostate cancer-in response. Am J Surg Pathol  2008 Feb;32(2):338-340.
  7. Sung MT, Jiang Z, Montironi R, MacLennan GT, Mazzuccelli R, Cheng L: Cytokeratin (AE1/AE3)  in addition to alpha-methylacyl coenzyme A racemase (P504S), 34-beta-E12,and p63 stains in evaluation of surgical specimens after hormonal therapy for prostatic adenocarcinoma-reply. Hum Pathol 2008 Feb;39(2):305-306.
  8. Sung MT, MacLennan GT, Lopez-Beltran A, Zhang S, Montironi R, Cheng L: Primary Mediastinal Seminoma: A comprehensive assessment integrated with histology, immunohistomistry, and fluorescence in situ hybridization for chromosome 12p abnormalities in 23 cases. Am J Surg Pathol  2008 Jan;32(1):146-155.
  9. Sung MT, Davidson DD, Montironi R, Lopez-Beltran A, Cheng L: Radical prostatectomy specimen processing:  A critical appraisal of sampling methods. Current Diagnostic Pathology 2007 Dec;13(6):490-498
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