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姓名: 李沛航(Lee Pei-Hang)
學歷: 國立成功大學醫學系, 2012
現職: 講師級主治醫師

1. 2019.12~2020.11 顱外間葉腫瘤之型態免疫染色與特徵病理之研究


1. Lee PH, Weng SW, Liu TT, You HL, Liao CK, Wang MC, Huang WT. RHOA G17V mutation in angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma: A potential biomarker for cytological assessment.  Exp Mol Pathol 2019 Oct;110:104294. (First author)

2. Lee PH, HY Huang, Chien CY. Pathology Challenge: A Post-Irradiation Hard Palate Mass. IJHNS. 2019, 3(3): 180-184. (Non-SCI)

3. Lee PH, Huang SC (co-first), Wu PS, Tai HC, Lee CH, Lee JC, Kao YC, Tsai JW, Hsieh TH, Li CF, Li WS, Liu TT, Su YL, Yu SC, Huang YH. Molecular characterization of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans: the clinicopathologic significance of uncommon fusion gene rearrangements and their diagnostic importance in the exclusively subcutaneous and circumscribed lesions. Am J Surg Pathol. 2022 Jul 1;46(7):942-955.

4. Lee PH, Kao YC, Hsieh TH, Liao JB, Li CF, Lee JC, Chang YM, Chang CD, Huang SC, Chen TJ, Liu TT, Yu SC, Huang HY. Myoepithelial and oral intracranial myxoid mesenchymal tumor-like neoplasms as diagnostic considerations of the ever-expanding extracranial myxocollagenous tumors harboring FET-CREB fusions. Pathol Res Pract. 2022 Jan;229:153700

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