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姓名: 黃純真(Huang Shun-Chen)
學歷: 中國醫藥學院醫學系, M.D., 1989
現職: 助理教授級主治醫師
信箱: shuang@cgmh.org.tw

2009.08~2011.07 (2年計劃) NSC98-3414-B-182-028-MY2 共同主持人


  1. Jui Lan, Shun Chen Huang, Yi-Hsien Chen, Wei-Chih Chen, Ying-Tai Jin, Ying-Chou Lu, Chih-Yen Chien and Hsuan-Ying Huang. Primary paranasal sinus clear cell carcinoma with EWSR1-ATF1 fusion: report of 2 molecularly confirmed cases exhibiting unique histopathology. Human Pathology, 2017 May; 63: 139-143. (Corresponding author)
  2. Huang FC, Huang SC. The different effects of probiotics treatment on Salmonella-induced interleukin-8 response in intestinal epithelia cells via PI3K/Akt and NOD2 expression. Benef Microbes. 2016 Nov 30;7(5):739-748.
  3. Ko MT, Huang SC, Kang HY. Establishment and characterization of an experimental mouse model of allergic rhinitis. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 May;272(5):1149-55.
  4. Men-Tai Wu, Shun-Chen Huang, Yung-Lung Chen, and Chien-Te Lee. Concurrent hypothyroidism with IgA nephropathy presenting with acute heart and oliguric renal failure. Acta Nephrologica 2012; 26(2): 100-103.
  5. Shun-Chen Huang, Tzu-Ju Chen, Hsuan-Ying Huang, Yu-Ching Wei and Chien-Feng Li. Rsf-1/HBXAP overexpression is associated with disease-specific survival of patients with gallbladder carcinoma. APMIS 2011 Nov; 119(11): 808-14.


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