: 男
: 外傷外科 科主任 副教授級主治醫師

中國醫藥大學醫學系 高雄長庚醫院外科住院醫師 高雄長庚醫院外傷科主任 


外科專科醫師 消化外科專科醫師 外傷專科醫師 重症醫學專科醫師 台灣高級外傷救命術(ATLS)指導員 


1.外傷一般外科 2.急重症 3.消化系外科 

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3. Non-operative management attempted for selective high grade blunt hepatosplenic trauma is a feasible strategy.Would Journal of Emergency Surgery.25:51-58,2014
4. Effect of hypothermia in the emergency department on the outcome of trauma patients: A cross- sectional;analysis.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.15:1769- 1791,2018
5. Is strict adherence to the nonoperative management protocol associated with better outcome in patients with blunt splenic injuries? a retrospective comparative cross-sectional study.International Journal of Surgery vol.69;116-123,2019 6. Effect of height of fall on mortalityin patients with fall accidents:A retrospective cross- sectional study. Journal of Environmental Research and Public. Vol. 17;4163,2020
7. Disparity of hepatocellular carcinoma in tumor microenvironment-related gens and infiltrating immune cells between Asian and non-Asian population. Genes; Vol.12;1274, 2021
8. A retrospective cohort study on the clinical characteristics of patients with surgical blunt bowel and/or mesenteric injuries among motorcyclists and car occupants. Healthcare; Vol.10; 1323, 2022
9. Protective role of obesity on trauma impact: A retrospective analysis of patients with surgical blunt bowel mesenteric injury due to road traffic accidents. Risk management and heal thcare policy. Vol 15, 1533-1543, 2022
10. Exploring the regulatory role of Xist-micrornas/mrna netwoek in circulating CD4+T cells of hepatocellular carcinoma 
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