關節重建科 吳政達醫師 Cheng-Ta Wu
■ 現職: ■ 專長:
■ 學經歷:


■ 學術著作與研究計畫:

1.Extracorporeal shockwave therapy shows site-specific effects in osteoarthritis of the knee in rats. Wang CJ*, Sun YC, Siu KK, Wu CT. J Surg Res. Aug. 2013;183(2):612-9 (SCI: IF=2.187; Surgery 77/197)

2.Long-term outcomes of extracorporeal shockwave therapy for chronic foot ulcers. Wang CJ*, Wu CT, Yang YJ, Liu RT, Kuo YR. J Surg Res. Jun  2014; 189(2):366-72 (SCI: IF=2.187; Surgery 77/197)

3.Molecular changes after shockwave therapy in osteoarthritic knee in rats. Wang CJ*. Sun YC, Wu CT, Weng LH, Wang FS. Shock Waves. 2016 Jan;26(1):45-51. (SCI: IF=1.107; Mechanics 93/133)

4.Surgical site infection following total knee arthroplasty: risk factors in patients with timely administration of systemic prophylactic antibiotics. Wu CT(co-first), Chen IL, Wang JW, Ko JY, Wang CJ, Lee CH*. Journal of Arthroplasty. July  2016 ;31(7):1568-73 (SCI: IF=3.055; Orthopedics  9/76)

5.Long Term Follow-up of Transtrochanteric Rotational Osteotomy in Patients with Extensive and Collapsed Femoral Head Osteonecrosis. Wu CT, Kuo FC, Huang TW, Ueng SWN, Lee Mel S*. Formosan Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders. Aug. 2016;7(3): 169-175