日本東京公益財團法人癌研究會有明醫院 乳房重建研修
リゾナスフェイスクリニック東京 美容手術研修
1. 乳癌重建手術(自體皮瓣全乳房重建、果凍矽膠全乳房重建、整形式乳房保留手術)
2. 顯微重建手術
3. 美容手術(雙眼皮、提眼瞼肌矯正、眼袋、提眉、臉部拉皮、天鵝頸手術、內視鏡隆乳、腹部拉皮)

1. Spencer C.H. Kuo, Chien-Chang Chen, Pao-Yuan Lin, Yuan-Cheng Chiang. Ulnar Polydactyly: Clinical Experiences from a Series of Thirty-six Patients in Southern Taiwan.整 形 外 科 醫 學 會 雜 誌 第 31 卷 第 3 期
2. Spencer C.H. Kuo, Yueh-Ju Tsai, Pao-Jen Kuo, Faye Huang, Tsan-Shiun Lin, Ching-Hua Hsieh. The “Multiple U” Technique: A Novel Microvascular Anastomosis Technique that Guarantees Everted Anastomosis Sites with Solid Intima-to-intima Contact. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
3. Spencer C.H. Kuo, Faye Huang, Shun-Yu Chi, Hui-Ping Lin, Peng-Chen Chien, Ching-Hua Hsieh. Investigate the improvement of facial skin texture with the VISIA system after total thyroidectomy. BMC Surg. 2021 Feb 21;21(1):94.
4. Karina Jaikel Zavala, Spencer C.H. Kuo, Tsan-Shiun Lin. Functional Evaluation of Ankle Joint After 1-Stage Secondary Debulking Procedure After Flap Reconstruction. Ann Plast Surg. 2021 Feb 3. Online ahead of print.
5. Spencer C. H. Kuo, Pao-Jen Kuo, Yuan-Hao Yen, Peng-Chen Chien, Hsiao-Yun Hsieh, Ching-Hua Hsieh. Association between operation- and operator-related factors and surgical complications among patients undergoing free-flap reconstruction for head and neck cancers: A propensity score-matched study of 1,865 free-flap reconstructions. Microsurgery. 2019 Sep; 39(6): 528-534.
6. Spencer C.H. Kuo, Jui-Pin Lai, Ching-Hua Hsieh, Tzu-Ying Chen, Yu-Jen Chang, Faye Huang. Use of Nasal Conformer After Birth Effectively Improves Nostril Symmetry in Patients With Unilateral Incomplete Cleft Lip. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2018 Dec; 76(12): 2612-2617.
7. Spencer C.H. Kuo, Pao-Jen Kuo, Yi-Chun Chen, Yi-Chun Chen, Peng-Chen Chien, Hsiao-Yun Hsieh, Ching-Hua Hsieh. Comparison of the new Exponential Injury Severity Score with the Injury Severity Score and the New Injury Severity Score in trauma patients: A cross-sectional study. PLos One. 2017 Nov; 12(11): e0187871.
8. Spencer C.H. Kuo, Pao-Jen Kuo, Cheng-Shyuan Rau, Yi-Chun Chen, Hsiao-Yun Hsieh, Ching-Hua Hsieh. The protective effect of helmet use in motorcycle and bicycle accidents: a propensity score–matched study based on a trauma registry system. BMC Public Health. 2017 Aug; 17(1): 639.
9. Spencer C. H. Kuo, Pao-Jen Kuo, Cheng-Shyuan Rau, Shao-Chun Wu, Shiun-Yuan Hsu, Ching-Hua Hsieh. Hyponatremia Is Associated with Worse Outcomes from Fall Injuries in the Elderly. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2017 Apr; 14(5): E460.
10. Spencer C. H. Kuo, Pao-Jen Kuo, Shiun-Yuan Hsu, Cheng-Shyuan Rau, Yi-Chun Chen, Hsiao-Yun Hsieh, Ching-Hua Hsieh. The use of the reverse shock index to identify high-risk trauma patients in addition to the criteria for trauma team activation: a cross-sectional study based on a trauma registry system. BMJ Open. 2016;6:e011072.
11. Spencer C. H. Kuo, Wan-Hua Cho, Hsin-I Shih, Yi-Fang Tu. Idiopathic Acute Transverse Myelitis in Children: A Retrospective Series. Neuropediatrics. 2015; 46(05): 307-312.