
腹腔鏡手術的基本技巧Basic technique for laparoscopic surgery



  近十年來由於微侵襲手術(Mini-invasive surgery)的發展受到愈來愈廣泛的接受與重視,使得腹腔鏡手術技術進步愈加成熟,大部分的婦科腫瘤都可藉由腹腔鏡手術完成。與傳統開腹手術比較起來,腹腔鏡手術減少了住院及恢復時間,減輕了術後疼痛的不適與黏連的發生,這對越來越重視醫療品質的醫學來說,提供了病人一個high life quality的選擇。然而腹腔鏡手術的學習不僅需要相當豐富經驗的指導與長時間的練習,更需對手術器械與過程具備充分正確的認知,才能給予病人提供完善的手術治療,同時減低併發症的發生。有鑑於諸多嚴重併發症帶來的危害,我們從醫學文獻與個人經驗中整理出腹腔鏡手術基本技巧的參考資料,盼望能對初學者有所助益。

術前準備(Preoperative preparation

  1. 空腹至少八小時(Empty the stomach: Fasting for at least eight hours)。
  2. 如果腸粘連或做腸切除手術的可能時,須儘量灌腸(Bowel preparation if extensive bowel dissection is anticipated.)。
  3. 剃除陰毛(Shaving of pubic hair: not routinely performed.)。
  4. 排空膀胱(Empty the bladder before surgery.)。
  5. 麻醉下詳細內診(Full pelvic examination under anesthesia: determine the size, position, and mobility of the uterus and adnexal mass.)。
  6. 二腿需綁上彈繃,以減少血栓發生(To reduce the possibility of deep vein thrombosis, antiembolic stockings should be used.)。
  7. 置放Manipulator,須依子宮前後傾之角度調整方向;在Virgin病患或手術無需要時,則不需置放。

病人的姿勢 (Position of the patient)

  1. 病患的臀部應坐在手術床下緣(Place the buttock on the edge of table.)。
  2. 雙腿盡量外展(Put the legs abducted as full as possible.)。
  3. 再插入Main Trocar, 將身體躺臥呈30度頭低腳高的截石術姿勢(After insertion of main trocar, put the patient in low lithotomy position with 30 degree of Trendelenberg position.)

術前的考量(Preoperative consideration

  1. 解剖學的考量(Anatomic Consideration)
    理想的Trocar置放位置應考慮到腹壁的結構,腹壁血管的分布,及腹腔內的大血管及臟器(To search an ideal insertion sites, we should take the followings into consideration: Thickness of abdominal wall, vessels of abdominal wall and underlying vessels and organs)。
    (2)腹壁血管的分布:腹壁上最主要的血管是Epigastric vessel在置入兩側的Trocar時,可應用透光技巧小心避開。
    (3)腹腔內的大血管及臟器:置入Veress neddlemain trocar時,最重要是避免傷及腹腔內的大血管,特別是Aorta。因此尚未置好main trocar前,病人姿勢宜平躺,以增加肚臍與Aorta的距離。其次再腹壁有前次開腹的傷口時,下面可能會有腸粘連,應小心避免傷及腸子。
  2. 器械的認識(Instrumental consideration)
    開刀前仔細瞭解導氣針及Trocar的內部結構是必要的基本常識(Understanding the structure of Veress needle and Trocars)。

一般而言,理想的Veress needleTrocar 都應有安全閥的設置,且針鋒或刀鋒需銳利,置放時安全性較高。

形成氣腹(Establishment of pneumoperitoneum

  1. Initial umbilical incision依套管大小於肚臍下緣劃出5mm10mm垂直或半圓形的傷口(Incising the skin that overlying the lower margin of the umbilicus vertically or horizontally.)。
  2. Insertion of Veress needle使用二支Tower clamp或手術腹壁將腹壁抓起,再將導氣針垂直插入腹腔,一旦通過筋膜層及腹膜層,可以感覺到二次響音(Pick up the abdominal wall with two Tau clamps and raise it away from the abdominal contents. Feel the needle make a ‘double pop’ as it pass through the fascia and peritoneum to enter the peritoneal cavity.)。

檢查導氣針的位置(Checking the placement of the insufflation needle

  1. Syringe aspiration test將針筒注入食鹽水或空氣,連接導氣針,打進腹腔內,再回抽檢查是否有負壓或抽出物。正常情況是負壓,且無抽出物,如有抽出血液或腸液表示位置有問題(A syringe filled with normal saline or airconnected with Veress needle. Fluid injected into the abdominal cavity cannot be aspirated back unless the needle remained in abdominal wall. Pure blood or bowel contents will obviously indicate an incorrect site of the needle.)。
  2. Sniff test如果腸道破裂,可能會出現臭味(If the bowel has been penetrated, foul-smelling may be detected.)。
  3. Early insufflation pressure test一開始的腹壓應小於8mmHg,如果高達15mmHg,表示位置錯誤(The intra-abdominal pressure recorded initially should not exceed 8mmHg. Rising pressures above 15 mmHg associated with no or little flow indicate an incorrect position.)。
  4. Palmer’s test氣腹形成後,可用一裝有半筒水的針筒回抽,正常可抽出氣體,如果抽不出氣體,表示腹壁下可能有粘連,此時應避開此處,並從它處插入TrocarAfter induction of the pneumatoperitoneum, a needle connected to a syringe half-filled with normal saline is inserted into the cavity. If bubbles of gas cannot be withdrawn, it is likely that adhesion or omentum are surrounding the entry point, and insertion of the trocar at the point should be avoided.)。
  5. Swinging needle test搖晃導氣針。正確的情形下,可搖動的角度是受限的,如果導氣針尚未進入腹腔內,則可以較大角度搖動。但需注意可能傷及內臟。


一旦導氣針置放位置失敗,再次置放時可於肚臍上方另外選擇它處插入。重覆三次失敗後則應另找他人執行,或改採Open laparoscopy or minilaparotomy

Alternative insertion points:在懷疑腹壁中線有腸子或網膜粘連時,可考慮從其他位置進入,包括Lee-Hwang point,左上腹第九肋間及Pouch of DouglasFundus of uterus等。

Instillation of the pneumatoperitoneum

  1. 一開始CO2注入速率以1L/min為宜(Infusion of CO2 should begin at a rate of 1 L/min.)。
  2. 當確定位置正確後再快速灌氣(When satisfactory placement is confirmed, faster flow can be produced.)。
  3. 大部份的婦女只需3公升的氣體就可達到適度的氣腹(In most women, 3 liter of gas is usually to adequate distend the cavity.)。
  4. 適度的腹壓宜介於1215mmHg(The optimal abdominal pressure is usually between 12 and 15 mmHg.)

插入第一支TrocarInsertion of the primary trocar

  1. Trocar應置於右手掌中,並將食指伸直貼緊Trocar管身,以避免插入過深(The surgeon should place the handle of the trocar in his palm and then extend his index down to the barrel of the trocar sheath)。
  2. 腹壁以二支Tower clamp抓高(The abdominal wall should be picked up with two Tower clamps and raised it away from the abdominal contents.)。
  3. 插入Trocar時須垂直腹壁作螺旋狀轉入,一旦內管進入腹腔內,再轉90度往子宮方向深入(The trocar should be inserted at right angles to the skin, and push vertically through the abdominal wall until the joint enters the cavity, when the direction of thrust should be changed to a vertical direction.)。

插入第二支和第三支TrocarInsertion of the secondary and third trocar

  1. 常用的位置位於左右二側的腸骨窩(The two constant positions employed for most surgery are in the right and left iliac fossa.)。
  2. 插入位置也可依子宮大小或手術方式不同而上下調整(The level and position of trocars may be varied according to the size of the uterus and the procedure to be performed.)。
  3. 插入位置宜在腹直肌外側,並利用透光技巧,以避開腹壁血管(The trocars should be inserted laterally to the rectus muscle to avoid inferior epigastric vessels. They may be located by transillumination technique.)。
  4. 插入Trocar時須垂直腹壁,作螺旋狀轉入(The trocar should be inserted at right angles to the skin.)。


  1. Bowel injury發生機率約1.6-1.8/1000,其中只有60﹪可在手術當時發現。最常遇到的時機是放置Veress needle or Trocar時。Veress needle造成的傷害多較輕微,一般只需觀察即可。若是因Trocar造成較大的傷害,則需simple sutureend-to-end anastomosis,或採用Endo-GIA修補。若有疑似會感染的傷口,則需做腸造口。
  2. Large vessel injury發生機率約1/1,000,包括Inferior epigastric vesselsmesenteric vesselsinferior vena cavaabdominal aorta and iliac vessels。其中2/3的傷害是發生在Veress needle置入時。一旦遇到致命性的大血管傷害時,須緊急會診心臟外科醫師,並快速進行Laparotomy,找出可能的出血點,以手指緊壓,減少出血,並儘快輸液以維持血壓,等待救援。遇到Epigastric vessels perforation,不要立即把Trocar拔掉,可使用Bipolar電燒止血,若無法止住,則可使用Foley balloon壓迫止血,或在其上下位置各縫一針。
  3. Bladder injury多是在腹壁中線下方放置第二支Trocar時發生。一般小於5mm的裂傷,可不用縫合,只需擺放57天的Foley catheter並給予抗生素即可。較大的傷口可行開腹或用腹腔鏡做two layer縫補。
  4. Ureter injury一般是在operative laparoscopy手術過程中發生,可能發生於Laparoscopic uterine nerve ablationlaparoscopic hysterectomyoophorectomy and severe endometriosis。預防傷害的造成最重要是熟悉ureter anatomy。常見傷害的位置有ureter at the level of infundibulopelvic ligamentoophorectomy)、of the uterine arterylaparoscopic hysterectomy),or of the cervixLUNA),多數難以在手術中發現。當懷疑有ureter injury時,可於IV line打入5ml Indigo-Carmine,五至十分鐘後就可見染劑流出,一旦確認後可立即修補並置放ureter stent,約36 weeks再拔出。術後的發現則常在48小時後,出現flank painfeverleukocytosishematuria或大量腹水時,或在710天後出現urine leakage in vagina。可用Introvenous pyelogramIVP)、Retrograde pyelographyRP)、Cystographyrenal echography協助診斷。


  1. Andrian Lower: Introduction to Gynaecological endoscopy.? 1st edition, p57-96, 1996.
  2. Hulka and Reich: Textbook of laparoscopy. 3rd edition, p99-111 & p513-523, 1998.
  3. Victor and Patrick: Diagnostic and operative gynecologic laparoscopy, p57-67, 1st edition,1995.
  4. Garry and Reich: Laparoscopic hysterectomy. 1st edition, p46-p78, 1993.
  5. Chyi-Long Lee: A new portal for gynecologic laparoscopy J AM assoc gynecol laparose 8(1): 147-150, 2001.