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        The Reproductive Center is by far the one with the most historical background among the 4 branches of CGMH, not only that, the one with the most advanced technique and facilities.  Under the guidance and leadership of the founder Professor Yung-Kuei Soongit has achieved many outstanding results.  In 1989, the very first case of GIFT & IVF/ET quadruplet in Taiwan was born.  In combination with endometrial co-culture improved fetal development in 1992, the first IVF baby in Taiwan was also born at CGMH.  In 1993 again, the first case of azospermia achieveing successful pregnancy in Taiwan was the result of combination of Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm AspirationSub-Zonal Insemination and Endometrial co-culture In 1998, co-culture repeated failure patients were introduced/includedfor the first time, blastocyst was introduced to Taiwan, to increase the success rate in implantation of single embryoIn the recent one year, the department is actively developing PGD, to mainly serve those with repeated abortion or repeated failures of IVF; with the application of embryo biopsyand transferring  embryos with normal chromosomes, so far there are already cases of successful pregnancy and delivery.



  Our services also include

  1. Information , consultation and treatemtn for subfertility

  2. Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

  3. In vitro fertilization/embryo transfer (IVF/ET)

  4. Gamete intra-fallopian transfer (GIFT)
  5. Tubal Embryo Transfer (TET)
  6. Assisted hatching (AHA)
  7. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
  8. Embryo biopsy, Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)



Dr. Yung-Kuei Soong
  1. microinvasive surgery for bening GYN tumorendometriosisdiagnosis and therapy for infertilityovulation inductionoocyte retrivalassisted reproductive technique, in vitro fertilizationembryo transferHysteroscopic and Laparoscopic surgeryfallopian tubal reanastomosis

  2. reproductive endocrinologyirregular menstrationprolactinemia

  3. peri-/menopausal syndromeprevention and treatment for osteoporosis

  4. Metabolic syndrome in women、hormone therapy、diagnose and surgucal correction of Mullerian duct abnormalities
Dr. Hsin-Shih Wang
  1. microinvasive surgery for bening GYN tumorendometriosisdiagnosis and therapy for infertility ovulation inductionoocyte retrivalassisted reproductive technique, in vitro fertilizationembryo transferHysteroscopic and Laparoscopic surgeryfallopian tubal reanastomosis

  2. reproductive endocrinologyirregular menstrationprolactinem

  3. peri-/menopausal syndromeprevention and treatment for osteoporosis

  4. Metabolic syndrome in women、hormone therapy、diagnose and surgucal correction of Mullerian duct abnormalities
Dr. Chyi-Long Lee
  1. Laparoscopy surgery for infertility、
  2. pelvic floor reconstruction and surgery for gynecologic cancer , 
  3. diagnosis and treatment for infertility(Ovulation induction、Oocyte retrieval、ART、Embryo transfer、laparoscopic tubal re-anastomosis), 
  4. diagnosis and treatment for  endocrine abnormalities, 
  5. prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis ,
  6. correction of Mullerian duct anomaly ,treatment of endometriosis
Dr. Hong-Yuan Huang
  1. microinvasive surgery for bening GYN tumorendometriosisdiagnosis and therapy for infertility ovulation inductionoocyte retrivalassisted reproductive technique, in vitro fertilizationembryo transferHysteroscopic and Laparoscopic surgeryfallopian tubal reanastomosis

  2. reproductive endocrinologyirregular menstrationprolactinem

  3. peri-/menopausal syndromeprevention and treatment for osteoporosis

  4. Metabolic syndrome in women、hormone therapy、diagnose and surgucal correction of Mullerian duct abnormalities
Dr. Chu-Kai Chen
  1. diagnosis and therapy for infertility ovulation inductionoocyte retrivalassisted reproductive technique, in vitro fertilizationembryo transferHysteroscopic and Laparoscopic surgeryfallopian tubal reanastomosis

  2. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis

  3. embryo, oocyte , and ovarian tissue cryopreservation

  4. endometriosis

  5. reproductive endocrinology

  6. peri-/menopausal syndrome、prevention and treatment for osteoporosis
Dr. Chia Lin Chang
  1. diagnosis and therapy for infertility ovulation inductionoocyte retrivalassisted reproductive technique, in vitro fertilizationembryo transferHysteroscopic and Laparoscopic surgeryfallopian tubal reanastomosis 

  2. reproductive endocrinology and endometriosis

  3. peri-/menopausal syndromeprevention and treatment for osteoporosis

  4. devoting in studies about preserving or even promoting ovarian function and fertility

Dr. Hsien-Ming Wu
  1. endocrionologytreatment for subfertilityassisted reproductive technique

  2. endometriosislaparascopic surgeryGYN tumor

  3. 3D ultrasound imaging in gynecological field

  4. prevention and treatment for osteoporosis

Dr. Hsing-Tse Yu
  1. endocrionologytreatment for subfertilityassisted reproductive technique
  2. ndometriosislaparascopic surgeryGYN tumor
  3. 3D ultrasound imaging in gynecological field

  4. prevention and treatment for osteoporosis
Dr. Shang-Yu Huang
  1. endocrionologytreatment for subfertilityassisted reproductive technique
  2. ndometriosislaparascopic surgeryGYN tumor
  3. 3D ultrasound imaging in gynecological field

  4. prevention and treatment for osteoporosis
Dr. Dennis Wu
  1. endocrionologytreatment for subfertilityassisted reproductive technique
  2. ndometriosislaparascopic surgeryGYN tumor
  3. D ultrasound imaging in gynecological field
  4. prevention and treatment for osteoporosis