
王南凱 , MD, PhD.
單位: 林口長庚醫院
職稱: 眼科部-視網膜科主治醫師 / 副教授
聯絡地址: 333 桃園市龜山區復興街5號林口長庚醫院10J眼科辦公室
電話: 03-3281200 轉 8666 / 8671 傳真: 03-3287798 
E-mail: wang.nankai@gmail.com nkwang@cgmh.org.tw

  • 眼科學
2000 - 2001 臺大醫院實習醫師
2001 - 2005 長庚醫院眼科部住院醫師
2005 - 2006 Vitreoretinal fellowship,長庚醫院眼科部醫師
2007 - 2009 Postdoctoral research fellowship, 美國哥倫比亞大學眼科中心
2006 - 迄今 林口長庚醫院眼科部主治醫師



2005 Best Resident’s Paper Award in Chang Gang Memorial Hospital
2006 Alcon Best Paper Award, Taiwan
2007 PhD Student Study Abroad Program, National Science Council, Taiwan
2009 Best Fellow Presentation from Professor Alan Bird in Macula 2009, New York
2009 The ARVO Foundation for Eye Research/Retina Research Foundation/Joseph M. and Eula C. Lawrence Travel Scholarships in ARVO 2009
2010 Travel grant from Hong Kong Vision Foundation Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress (APAO)/AAO joint meeting, Beijing, China.
2010 MSD Best Paper Award, Taiwan
2011 Alcon Best Paper Award, Taiwan
2012 COHK / HKOS Travel Grants 2012, Hong Kong, China


  1. Wang NK, Tsai CH, Chen YP, Yeung L, Wu WC, Chen TL, Lin KK, Lai CC*. PediatricRhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment in East Asians : Original. Ophthalmology 2005, 112(11):1890-1895
  2. Wang NK, Tosi J, Kasanuki JM, Chou CL, Kong J, Parmalee N, Wert KJ, Allikmets R, Lai CC, Chien CL, Nagasaki T, Lin CS, Tsang SH*.Transplantation of Reprogrammed Embryonic Stem Cells Improves Visual Function in a Mouse Model for Retinitis Pigmentosa. Transplantation. 2010 Apr 27;89(8):911-9.
  3. Wang NK*, Lai CC, Chu HY, Chen YP, Chen KJ, Wu WC, Yeh LK, Chuang LH, Chen TL. Classification of Early Dry-Type Myopic Maculopathy with Macular Choroidal Thickness. Am J Ophthalmol. 2012 Apr;153(4):669-677.e2. [Epub ahead of print]
  4. Wang NK, Lai CC, Liu CH, Yeh LK, Chou CL, Kong J, Nagasaki T, Tsang SH. Origin of fundus hyperautofluorescent (AF) spots, and their role in retinal degeneration in a Mouse Model of Goldmann-Favre Syndrome.Dis Model Mech. 2013; 6(5):1113-22. doi: 10.1242/dmm.012112.
  5. Wang NK*, Liu L, Chen HM, Tsai Shawn, Chang TC, Tsai TH, Yang CM, Chao AN, Chen KJ, Kao LY, Yeung L, Yeh LK, Hwang YS, Wu WC, Lai CC. Clinical Presentations of X-Linked Retinoschisis in Taiwanese Patients Confirmed by Genetic Sequencing. Molecular Vision 2015; 21:487-501. eCollection 2015.


黃斑部醫學會會員 Active member of The Macula Society

1. Genetic Study of Photoreceptor Degeneration in Taiwan.
2. Role of GDNF Family Ligands in Retinal Degeneration