
蔡采璇 ,Ph.D.
單位: 長庚大學
現職: 企業管理研究所副教授/企業文物館展覽組組長
聯絡地址: 333桃園市龜山區文化一路259號
電話: (03) 2118800 轉 5423 傳真: (03) 2118500
E-mail: ttsai@mail.cgu.edu.tw

2007/08~2013/07 長庚大學 工業設計學系 助理教授
2007/02~2007/07 致理技術學院 多媒體設計系 助理教授





  1. Chang H-T, Tsai T-H*, Chang Y-C, Chang Y-M (2014) Touch panel usability of elderly and children. Computers in Human Behavior 37: 258-269.
  2. Tsai T-H, Wong AM-K, Hsu C-L, Tseng KC* (2013) Research on a Community-based Platform for Promoting Health and Physical Fitness in the Elderly Community. PloS one 8: e57452.
  3. Tseng K, C.*, Wong AMK, Hsu C-L, Tsai T-H, Han C-M, et al. (2013) The iFit: An Integrated Physical Fitness Testing System to Evaluate the Degree of Physical Fitness of the Elderly. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 60: 184-188.
  4. Tsai T-H, Chang H-T*, Chang Y-M, Huang G-S (2012) Sharetouch: A System to enrich social network experiences for the Elderly. The Journal of Systems and Software 85: 1363-1369.
  5. Tsai T-H, Chang H-T* (2012) Surfrom: a Community-Oriented Search Engine Interface. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences 6: 389-396.


2014/08/01~ 2016/07/31 高齡者雲端社交服務模式與平台建置開發與導入