專業人才 > 復健醫學 | 老年醫學 | 睡眠醫學 | 運動醫學

陳仲堯, M.D.
單位: 基隆 長庚醫院
現職: 復健科主任
聯絡地址: (204) 基隆市基金一路208巷184號6樓之3
電話: 02-24329292 轉 2548
E-mail: jongyau@adm.cgmh.org.tw

  • 復健醫學
  • 老年醫學
  • 運動醫學
  • 睡眠醫學


1998 / 7 至2002 / 7 林口長庚紀念醫院 復健科 住院醫師
2002 / 7 ~迄今 長庚醫院基隆分院 復健科 主治醫師


1989 / 7 至1996 /7 長庚大學醫學系學士


  1. Chen CL, Lin KC, Wu CY, Ke JY, Wang CJ, Chen CY.* Relationships of muscle strength and bone mineral density in ambulatory children with cerebral palsy. Osteoporosis International. 2012; 23(2):715-21.
  2. Chung-Yao Chen, Chih-Chin Hsu, Yu-Cheng Pei, Chung-Chieh Yu, Ying-Syuan Chen, Chia-Ling Chen*. Nocturia is an Independent Predictor of Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Patients with Ischemic Stroke. Journal of Neurology. 2011;258:189-194.
  3. Chung-Yao Chen, Tieh-Cheng Fu, Ching-Fang Hu, Zhi-Guang Chen, Steele C. Hsu, Chia-Ling Chen*. Influence of magnetic knee wraps on joint proprioception in individuals with osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled pilot trial. Clinical Rehabilitation. 2011;25:228-237.
  4.  Chia-ling Chen*; Chung-yao Chen (co-first); I-hsuan Shen; I-Shu, Liu; Lin-ju Kang; Ching-yi Wu. Clinimetric properties of the Assessment of Preschool Children’s Participation in children with cerebral palsy. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 2013;34:1528-1535
  5. Chung-Yao Chen*, Chia-Ling Chen, Chung-Chieh Yu, Tai-Tzung Chen, Shih-Ting Tseng, Chien-Hui Ho. Association of inflammation and oxidative stress with obstructive sleep apnea in ischemic stroke patients. Sleep Medicine. In press.


2002/4/30 diplomate of Rehabilitation
2005/1/1 diplomate of gerontological society of Taiwan
2006/10/1 diplomate of the Society of Ultrasound in Medicine of the R.O.C