專業人才 > 癌症 | 內分泌與代謝 | 生殖學 | 營養學 | 耳鼻喉科學 | 泌尿腎臟醫學 | 解剖 | 生理

莊宏亨 ,Ph.D.
單位: 長庚大學
現職: 解剖學科 教授
聯絡地址: 333桃園市龜山區文化一路259號
電話: 03-2118800 轉 5071 傳真: 03-2118112
E-mail: hhj143@mail.cgu.edu.tw

  • 癌症
  • 內分泌與代謝
  • 生殖學
  • 營養學
  • 耳鼻喉科學
  • 泌尿腎臟醫學
  • 解剖
  • 生理


1. Tsui KH, Chang PL, Juang HH.* 2006. Zinc blocks gene expression of mitochondrial aconitase in human prostatic carcinoma cells. International Journal of Cancer 118:609-615.
2. Chung LC, Tsui KH, Feng TH, Lee SL, Chang PL, Juang HH.* 2011. Curcumin provides potential protection against the activation of hypoxia and prolyl 4-hydroxylase inhibitors on prostate-specific antigen expression in human prostate carcinoma cells. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 55:1666-1676.
3. Tsui KH, Chung LC, Feng TH, Chang PL, Juang HH.* 2012. Upregulation of prostate-derived ets factor by luteolin causes inhibition of cell proliferation and cell invasion in prostate carcinoma cells. International Journal of Cancer 130: 2812-2823.
4. Chiang KC, Yeh CN, Lin KJ, Su LJ, Yen TC, Pang JHS, Kittaka A, Sun CC, Chen MF, Jan YY, Chen TA, Juang HH*, Yeh TS*. 2014. Chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic effect of dietary supplementation of vitamin D on cholangiocarcinoma in a chemical-induced animal model. Oncotarget 5:3849-3861.

5. Lee JC, Chung LC, Chen YJ, Feng TH, Juang HH*. 2014. N-myc downstream-regulated gene 1 downregulates cell proliferation, invasiveness and tumorigenesis in human oral squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Letters 355:242-252.



2013/8/1-2016/7/31 探討Prostate-Derived Ets Factor基因之抗癌機制於人類前列腺
2014/1/1-2015/12/31 探討人類B細胞易位基因2之表現與調控機制於前列腺與膀胱癌