專業人才 > 護理學

翁麗雀 ,Ph.D.
單位: 長庚大學
現職: 護理系 副教授
聯絡地址: 333桃園市龜山區文化一路259號
電話: 03-2118800 轉 3205
E-mail: ax2488@mail.cgu.edu.tw

  • 護理學

2013~迄今 長庚大學護理系副教授
2008~2013 長庚大學護理系助理教授
1998~2008 長庚大學護理系講師
1987~1998 林口長庚紀念醫院護理部一般外科護理師暨副護理長

2001~2008 國立台灣大學護理系護理學博士
1993~1995 長庚大學護理所護理學碩士
1990~1993 長庚醫學院護理系護理學學士


1. *Weng, L. C., Dai, Y. T., Huang, H. L., & Chiang, Y. J. (2010). Self-efficacy, self-care behaviours and quality of life of kidney transplant recipients. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66 (4), 828-838.
2. *Weng, L. C., Huang, H. L., Wang, Y. W., Chang, C. L., Tsai, C. H., & Lee, W. C. (2011). Primary Caregiver stress in caring for a living-related liver transplantation recipient during the post-operative stage. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 67 (8), 1749-1757.
3. *Weng, L. C., Huang, H. L., Wang, Y. W., Chang, C. L., Tsai, C. H., & Lee, W. C. (2012). The coping experience of male donors in living donor liver transplantation. Nursing Research, 61 (2), 133-139.

4. *Weng, L. C., Huang, H. L., Wang, Y. W., Lee, W. C., Chen, K. H., & Yang, T. Y. (2014).The effect of self-efficacy, depression and symptom distress on employment status and leisure activities of liver transplant recipients. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70 (7), 1573-1583.
5. Lai, Y. C., Lee, W. C., Juang, Y. Y., Yen, L. L., *Weng, L. C., Chou, H. F. (2014). Effect of social support and donation-related concern on ambivalence of living liver donor candidates. Liver transplantation, 20 (11), 1365-1371.



2013/08/01~2016/07/31 活體器官捐贈者的捐贈決策反應、家庭關係與生活品質的關係與影響因素探討:長期追蹤研究