專業人才 > 放射核醫及影像醫學

劉原彰 ,M.D.
單位: 林口長庚醫院
職稱: 胃腸影像診療科一般級主治醫師
聯絡地址: 333桃園市龜山區復興街五號
電話: 03-3281200 轉2585 傳真: 03-3971936
E-mail: drycliu@gmail.com

  • 放射核醫及影像醫學

2009/6/1 ~迄今 林口長庚醫院 胃腸影像診療科 主治醫師
2010/06/15~2012/06/14美國約翰霍普金斯醫院 心臟內科 研究員
2004/8~ 2009/5 林口長庚 急重症影像診療科 主治醫師

1991/09至1998/07 台北醫學院 醫學系


  1. Yuan-Chang Liu, Zhonghua Sun, Pei-Kwei Tsay, Tiffany Chan, I-Chang Hsieh, Chun-Chi Chen, Ming-Shien Wen, and Yuang-Liang Wan.  Significance of coronary calicification for prediction of coronary artery disease and cardiac events based on 64-slice coronary computed tomography angiography. Journal of biomedicine and biotechnology 2013;2013:47234-47234...
  2. Yuan-Chang Liu, Yu-Ling Tu, Ren-Chin Wu, Jing-Long Huang, Tsung-Chieh Yao.   Life-threatening pneumonitis complicating Low-Dose methotrexate treatment for juvenile idiopathic arthritis in a child. Pediatric Emergency Care 2013…..”In Press”
  3. Chen CM, Liu YC, Chen CC, Wen MS, Hung CF, Wan YL*. Radiation dose exposure of patients undergoing 320-row cardiac CT for assessing coronary angiography and global left ventricular function. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging 2012 Jun;28 Suppl 1:1-5.
  4. Chia-Ying Liu*, Yuan-Chang Liu, Bharath Ambale Venkatesh, Joao A.C. Lima, David A. Bluemake, and Charles Steenbergen.  Hetergeneous Distribution of Myocardial Steatosis---An Ex Vivo Evaluation. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 68:1-7(2012)  
  5. Wu MY, Liu YC, Tseng YH, Chang YS, Lin PJ, Wu TI.  Pulmonary embolectomy in high-risk acute pulmonary embolism: The effectiveness of a comprehensive therapeutic algorithm including extracorporeal life support. Resuscitation 2013(84):1365-1370. ….. SCI

