專業人才 > 藥理及生理 | 神經科學 | 生理 | 電生理

梁淑鈴 , Ph.D.
單位: 長庚大學
職稱: 長庚大學醫學院生理暨藥理學科 助理教授
聯絡地址: 桃園市龜山區文化一路259號長庚大學醫學院生理暨藥理學科
電話: 03-2118800 轉 3688 傳真: 03-2118700
E-mail: slliang@mail.cgu.edu.tw

  • 藥理及生理
  • 神經科學
  • 生理
  • 電生理

2009/02-迄今 長庚大學生理學科助理教授
2008/02~2008/12 美國馬里蘭大學醫學院巴爾地摩校區副研究員
2007/07~2008/02 美國馬里蘭大學醫學院巴爾地摩校區博士後研究員
2001/08~2007/06 美國賓州大學暨費城兒童醫院博士後研究員
1993/09~1995/08 中國醫藥大學醫事技術學系助教


1. The Marsden Fund Referee, The Marsden Fund is affiliated by New Zealand Government and is administered by the Royal Society of New Zealand. 2014.
2. Editorial Board Member in Journal “Animal Cells and Systems”, The Official Journal of the Korean Society for Integrative Biology. 2010~.
3. Graduate scholarship from National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan, ROC. 2000-2001
4. Fellowship for School of Brain Functions from International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), 2000.


1. Liang SL*, Alger BE, McCarthy MM (2014) Developmental increase in hippocampal endocannabinoid mobilization: roles of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 and phospholipase C. J. Neurophysiol. 112:2605-2615. (*, corresponding author)

2. Liang SL*, Hsu SC, Pan JT (2014) Involvement of dopamine D2 receptor in the diurnal changes of tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neuron activity and prolactin secretion in female rats. J. BioMed. Sci. 21:37. (*, corresponding author).
3. Liang SL*, Pan JT (2011) The spontaneous firing rates of dopamine-inhibited dorsomedial arcuate neurons exhibit a diurnal rhythm in brain slices obtained from ovariectomized plus estrogen-treated rats. Brain Res. Bull. 85:189-193. (*, corresponding author)
4. Schwarz JM, Liang SL, Thompson, SM, McCarthy MM (2008) Estradiol induces dendritic spines on developing hypothalamic neurons by enhancing glutamate release independent of transcription: A novel mechanism for an organizational sex difference. Neuron 58:584-598.
5. Liang SL, Carlson GC, Coulter DA (2006) Dynamic regulation of synaptic GABA release by the glutamate-glutamine cycle in hippocampal area CA1. J. Neurosci. 26:8537-8548.



2013/05/01~2016/06/30 G蛋白耦合性受體與磷脂酶C媒介內生性大麻衍生物的移動於出生後腦發育過程中所扮演的角色