

張國友 , Ph.D.
單位: 長庚大學
職稱: 醫學生物技術暨檢驗學系 助理教授 
聯絡地址: 33302 桃園市龜山區文化一路259號
電話: 03-2118800 分機:3332 傳真: 03-2118393
E-mail: kchong@mail.cgu.edu.tw

  • 幹細胞
  • 癌症
  • 醫學實驗技術
  • 醫學之生化及分子生物
  • 醫事技術及實驗診斷

2004/10-迄今 長庚大學醫學生物技術暨檢驗學系 助理教授
2003/6-2004/7 長庚大學醫學生物技術暨檢驗學系 客座助理教授
2002/11-2004/9 Magee-Womens Research Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 助理研究員
2001/9-2004/9 研究講師

1999/6 美國南伊利諾大學醫學院藥理學系藥理學博士
1988/6 國立陽明大學醫事技術系學士


  1. Huang TT, Chong KY, Ojcius DM, Wu YH, Ko YF, Wu CY, Martel J, Lu CC, Lai HC, Young JD. Hirsutella sinensis mycelium suppresses interleukin-1β and interleukin-18 secretion by inhibiting both canonical and non-canonical inflammasomes. Sci Rep. 2013; 3: 1374.
  2. Hung TT, Chen CM, Tseng CP, Shen CJ, Wang HL, Choo KB, Chong KY*. FZD1 activates protein kinase C delta-mediated drug-resistance in multidrug-resistant MES-SA/Dx5 cancer cells. Int J Biochem Cell Biol, 2014; 53: 55-65.
  3. Hung TT, Hsu SC, Cheng CY, Choo KB, Tseng CP, Chen TC, Lan YW,  Huang TT, lai HC, Chen CM, Chong KY*. Wnt5A regulates ABCB1 expression in multidrug-resistant cancer cells through activation of the noncanonical PKA/β-catenin pathway. Oncotarget, 2014; 5: 12273-90.
  4. Chong KY*, Hsu CJ, Hung TH, Hu HS, Huang TT, Wang TH, WangCH, Chen CM, Kong Bung Choo KB, Tseng CP. Wnt pathway activation and ABCB1 expression
    account for attenuation of Proteasome Inhibitor-mediated apoptosis in multidrugresistant cancer cells. Cancer Biol Ther. 2014, in press, doi: 10.4161/15384047.2014.987093.
  5. Huang TT, Wu SP, Chong KY, Ojcius DM, Ko YF, Wu YH, Wu CY, Lu CC,  Martel J, Young JD, Lai HC. The medicinal fungus Antrodia cinnamomea suppresses inflammation by inhibiting the NLRP3 inflammasome. J Ethnopharmacol. 2014; 155: 154-164


Taiwan Society of Stem Cell Research (TSSCR)
American Association for Cancer Research