專業人才 > 老年醫學 | 一般醫學 | 內科學

林志明 , M.D.
單位: 林口長庚紀念醫院
現職: 一般內科暨高齡醫學科 主治醫師 / 科主任 / 講師
聯絡地址: 桃園市龜山區復興街五號
電話 / 傳真: 03-3281200/ 03-32894100
E-mail: lin789@adm.cgmh.org.tw

  • 老年醫學
  • 一般醫學
  • 內科學
1995-1996 長庚醫院實習醫學生
1996-1999 長庚醫院內科部住院醫師
1999-2001 長庚醫院胸腔科研究員
2001-2003 長庚醫院胸腔科主治醫師
2003~迄今 長庚醫院一般內科主治醫師


1. Lin CM*, Tsai YH, Huang CC, Lee CH, Chiang PC, Huang SF, Liu HP. Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis and pulmonary cryptococcosis really coexist in immunocompromised host. J Infection 2006; 53: E55-E58.

2. Chen CH, Lin CM, Kao KC, Chang JW, Tsao TC Phase II study of a biweekly regimen of vinorelbine and cisplatin in advanced NSCLC lung cancer. Chang Gung M J 2007; 30: 249-255.
3. Lin CM, Chen CH, Chang JW, Tsao TC. Phase II study of epirubicin in combination with weekly docetaxel for patients with  advanced NSCLC who had failed or relapsed after the frontline cisplatin-based chemotherapy. Am J Clin Oncol 2009; 32: 169-173.

4. Yang LC, Chiang PC, Huang TH, Chi SF, Chiu YP, Lin CS, Chou YF, Hsu SC, Zhang XS, Huang CG, Kao CY, Lin CM*. Residents had an Increasing Risk of Norovirus Gastroenteritis Infection Than Health Care Workers During an Outbreak in a Nursing Home. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2010; 11: 592–597.

5 .Lin CM*, Shieh WB, Chiang PC, Shieh MG, Liu YC, Chiou CC, Lin TY, Kao CI. An unusual cause of dyspnea in a patient with cervical herpes zoster. J Clin Neurosci. 2012;19:608-9.


1. The epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of sarcopenia.
2. Metabolomics-based study on the metabolic disturbances between early Alzheimer’s disease and pre-diabetic state.

中華民國專利發明第I 396519號 「銀髮社區管理系統」
