專業人才 > 急診醫學 | 重症醫學 | 災難醫學

李文輝 ,M.D.
單位: 高雄長庚紀念醫院 / 長庚大學
現職: 急診醫學科 學術組助理教授級主治醫師 / 品質管理中心 副主任 / 醫學系助理教授
聯絡地址: 83301高雄市鳥松區大埤路123號
電話: 07-731-7123 分機: 8415 傳真: 07-7353815
E-mail: malee4950@cgmh.org.tw

  • 急診醫學
  • 重症醫學
  • 災難醫學

 ◎ 高雄長庚紀念醫院 急診醫學科 主任
 ◎ 台灣急診醫學會 理事
 ◎ 高屏區緊急醫療應變中心 副執行長

 》 台灣大學醫學系

 ● Third class honor medal for special contribution in EMS, Central Fire Administration, Department of Interior
 ● First winner for oral presentation of para-clinical research topic, Annual academic conference, Taiwan society of emergency medicine 2010


1. Lee WH, Ghee C, Wu KH, Hung SC. Barriers to surge capacity of an overcrowded
emergency department for a serious foodborne disease outbreak. Emerg Med J

2. Lee IK, Lee WH, Yang KD, Liu JW*. Comparison of the effects of oral hydration  
and intravenous fluid replacement in adult patients with non-shock dengue   
hemorrhagic fever in Taiwan. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2010
3. Lee IK, Lee WH, Liu JW, Yang KD*. Acute myocarditis in dengue hemorrhagic
fever: a case report and review of cardiac complications in dengue-affected patients.
Int J Infect Dis 2010 Oct;14(10):e919-22
4. Wu KH, Chen IC, Li CJ, Li WC, Lee WH*. The influence of physician seniority on
disparities of admit/discharge decision making for ED patients. Am J Emerg Med
2012; 30:1555-1560.

5. Wu KH, Chen FJ, Li CJ, Cheng HH, Lee WH, Li WC*, Evulation of the
effectiveness of peer pressure to change position disposition decision and patient
throughput by emergency physicians. Am J Emerg Med 2012 accepted in press.



 1. 醫師證書
 2. 急診專科醫師證書
 3. ACLS指導員
 4. ETTC指導員
 5. APLS+PALS指導員

 - Establishing the monitoring system of adverse events in Emergency Department