Expertise at Chang Gung System

Yang, Tsui-Yun ,Ph.D.
Institution: Chang gung university school of nursing
Position: Instructor
Department: School of nursing
Address: 259 Wen-Hwa 1st Road, Kwei-Shan Tao-Yuan,Taiwan,333, R.O.C
Tel: +886-3-2118800

Focus of Interest:
  • Nursing

Fulltime Employment:
  • 1996.08~ now Chung Gung university school of nursing

  • Doctoral Candidate, Graduate Institute of Nursing, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Science

Selected Main Publications:
  1. Tsui-Yun Yang and Tsui-Hsia Feng. (2012) Effects of Exercise for Patients with Endometrial Cancer, Adaptive Medicine, 4(1),15-19.
  2. 靳燕芬、王婉璇、楊翠雲、黃子庭‧(2012)‧糖尿病足部潰瘍健康信念量表之 發展與測試‧護理暨健康照護研究‧8(4),269-277。
  3. 林青蓉、王碧華、楊翠雲、黃君瑜‧(2013)癌症病患之子女的生活衝擊與適應‧ 台灣醫學‧17(2),155-162。
  4. 楊翠雲、林惠如、馮翠霞‧以傅柯知識權力觀點論述健康團體角度下的戒檳榔行 為‧高雄護理雜誌‧30(3),48-55。