

劉碧華 ,Ph.D.
單位: 長庚大學
現職: 臨床資訊與醫學統計研究中心 助理教授
聯絡地址: 333桃園市龜山區文化一路259號
電話: 03-2118800 轉 3758 傳真: 03-2118453
E-mail: phliu@mail.cgu.edu.tw

  • 內分泌與代謝
  • 公共衛生及環境醫學



  1. Chang YC†, Liu PH†, Yu YH, Kuo SS, Chang TJ, Jiang YD, Nong JI, Hwang JJ, Chuang LM*: Validation of type 2 diabetes risk variants identified by genome-wide association studies in han chinese population: a replication study and meta-analysis. PloS One 2014;9:e95045. (SCI; Ranking: 2013: 8/55, Multidisciplinary Sciences) († equal contribution)
  2. Huang TP†, Liu PH†, Lien SY, Yang SL, Chang HH, Yen HR*: Characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine use in children with asthma: a nationwide population-based study. Allergy 2013; 68 (12): 1610-1613. (SCI; Ranking: 2013: 2/21, Allergy; 21/144, Immunology) († equal contribution)
  3. Chang YC†, Liu PH†, Tsai YC, Chiu YF, Ho L, Lee WJ, Lu CH, Quertermos T, Curb JD, Lee WJ, Lee PC, He YH, Yeh JI, Hwang JJ, Tsai SH, Chuang LM*: Genetic Variation in the Carbonyl Reductase 3 Gene Confers Risk of Type 2 Diabetes and Insulin Resistance: Potential Regulator of Adipogenesis. J Mol Med 2012,90:847-58. (SCI; Ranking: 2013: 31/165, Genetics & Heredity; 17/124, Medicine, Research & Experimental) († equal contribution)
  4. Chang TJ, Liu PH, Liang YC, Chang YC, Jiang YD, Li HY, Lo MT, Chen HS, Chuang LM*: Genetic predisposition and nongenetic risk factors of thiazolidinedione-related edema in subjects with type 2 diabetes. Pharmacogenet Genom 2011,21:829-836. (SCI; Ranking: 2013: 39/165, Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology; 56/165, Genetics & Heredity; 56/256, Pharmacology & Psychology)
  5. Liu PH†, Chang YC†, Jiang YD, Chen WJ, Chang TJ, Kuo SS, Lee KC, Hsiao PC, Chiu KC, Chuang LM*: Genetic Variants of TCF7L2 are Associated with Insulin Resistance and Related Metabolic Phenotypes in Taiwanese Adolescents and Caucasian Young Adults. J Clin Endocr Metab 2009,94:3575-3582. (SCI; Ranking: 2013: 13/124, Endocrinology & Metabolism) († equal contribution)

