專業人才 > 神經醫學

陳瓊珠 , M.D, Ph.D.
單位: 林口長庚醫院
職稱: 腦神經內科系 動作障礙科副教授級主治醫師
聯絡地址: 桃園市龜山區長庚醫院神經內科
電話: 03-3281200 轉 8418 傳真: 03-3971504
E-mail: neurozoe@googlemail.com

  • 神經醫學

2012/08~迄今,  Assistant Professor, 醫學系, 長庚大學
2000/08 ~ 2012/07, 主治醫師, 神經內科, 林口長庚醫院
2004/10 ~ 2008/04,  PhD student, Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience & Movement Disorders,  Institute of Neurology, London, UK  
2004/03 ~ 2004/09,  Research fellow,  INSERM 318 France,  INSERM 318 France
2003/08 ~ 2004/02,  Research fellow,  Imperial Collage,  Imperial Collage, London  UK
1999/08 ~ 2000/07, 研究員, 神經內科, 林口長庚醫院
1995/08 ~ 1999/07, 住院醫師, 神經內科, 林口長庚醫院

1988/09~1995/06, 學士, 中國醫藥大學, 醫學系
2003~2008, 博士, University College of London, Neurology

1. Chen CC*, Lin WY*, Chan HL, Hsu YT, Tu PH, Lee ST, Chiou SM, Tsai CH, Lu CS and Brown P. Stimulation of the subthalamic region at 20 Hz slows the development of grip force in Parkinson’s disease. Exp Neurol. 231 (2011) 91–96. ( *The first two authors contributed equally to this study.) 

2. Chen CC *, Hsu YT, Chan HL, Chiou SM, Tu PH, Lee ST, Tsai CH, Lu CS, Brown P. Complexity of subthalamic 13-35 Hz oscillatory activity directly correlates with clinical impairment in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Exp Neurol. 2010 Jul;224(1):234-40. (SCI)

3.Eusebio A*, Chen CC *, Lu CS, Lee ST, Tsai CH, Limousin P, Hariz M, Brown P. Effects of low-frequency stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus on movement in Parkinson's disease. Exp Neurol. 2008 Jan; 209(1): 125-30. (*The first two authors contributed equally to the paper)

4. Brown P, Chen CC, Wang S, Kuhn AA, Doyle L, Yarrow K, Nuttin B, Stein J, Aziz T. Involvement of human basal ganglia in off-line feed-back control of voluntary movement. Curr Biol. 2006 Nov 7; 16(21):2129-34.(SCI)

5. Chen CC*, Brucke C, Kempf F, Kupsch A, Lu CS, Lee ST, Tisch S, Limousin P, Hariz M, Brown P. Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus: a two edged sword. Curr Biol. 2006 Nov 21; 16(22): R952-3.(SCI)




  1. 探討 aFGF 和mTOR 訊息在甲基安非他命成癮動物中腦依核區的作用機制
  2. 探討多巴胺D3受體和mTOR訊號在l-dopa藥物或細胞療法所誘發出的動作障礙中所扮演的角色
  3. 利用神經胜肽NPFFR2基因轉殖鼠探討疼痛與憂鬱的交互作用機轉