專業人才 > 麻醉學

許仲寬, M.D.
單位: 基隆 長庚醫院
現職: 麻醉科主治醫師
聯絡地址: 204 基隆市麥金路222號
電話: 02-24313131轉2777
E-mail: ckun@cgmh.org.tw

  • 麻醉學

  • 工作經歷:




    1. Yeh YC. Sun WZ. Lin CP. Hui CK. Huang IR. Lee TS(2004). Prolonged retraction on the normal common carotid artery induced lethal stroke after cervical spine surgery. Spine. 29(19):E431-4.
    2. Chu HN. Chang CH. Hui CK. Hui YL(2004). Anesthetic management of Boerhaave's syndrome. Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica. 42(2):103-6.
    3. Wu CC. Cheng YJ. Hui CK. Huang HH. Sun WZ. Lin CP(2006). Cardioversion corrects cardiac arrhythmia and reverts the resultant reversed shunt flow direction during transcatheter closure of atrial septal defect--a case report.Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica. 44(1):35-7
    4. Wu PY. Kang TJ. Hui CK. Hung MH. Sun WZ. Chan WH.(2006) Fatal massive hemorrhage caused by nasogastric tube misplacement in a patient with mediastinitis. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. 105(1):80-5.
    5. Hui CK. Huang CH. Lin CJ. Lau HP. Chan WH. Yeh HM(2006). A randomised double-blind controlled study evaluating the hypothermic effect of 150 microg morphine during spinal anaesthesia for Caesarean section. Anaesthesia. 61(1):29-31.
