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腦神經外科系主任  李石增醫師

個人經歷 | 期刊 | 會議報告 | 研究計畫 | 人體試驗  | 專利申請


研究計畫 (Research)

  1. A Midline Shift of Less than 5 mm on CT Scans as a Guideline for Non-surgical Treatment of Traumatic Intracerebral and Subdural hematoma
    以電腦斷層掃描片上中線位移少於5毫米為標準, 使用非手術方法治療性腦葉內血腫及硬膜下血腫
    (CMRP 428)
  2. An Investigation of the Association Between Spinal (cord) Injury and Motorcycle Accident.
    (CMRP 466)
  3. Recombinant Human Growth Hormone Treatment for the Adult GH Deficiency Patients.
    (CMRP 430) (NMRP 578)
  4. Cerebral Protection with Retrograde Cerebral Perfusion During-Prolonged Circulatory arrest under Moderate Hypothermia in Humans
    長時間中度低溫循環中止手術過程中, 以逆行性腦灌注保護人類病患之腦部
    (NMRP 469)
  5. Applicationof Arbitrarily Primed-Polymerase Chain Reaction to Detect Gene Abnormalities in Glioma and Meningioma Cells
    NMRP 677 (H)
  6. Treatmentof Spasticity in Cerebral Palsy Children with Selective Posterior Rhizotomy, The Comparison between Standard and Limited Procedure
    比較標準型選擇性背神經根切除術和有限型選擇性背神經根切除術治療腦性麻庳 兒童肌肉痙攣之效果
    NMRP 765
  7. Research of Pathogenesis in Traumatic Subdural heomembrane Formation with Secondary Fluid Collection
  8. Application of AP-PCR and Differential Display methods for Study of Gene Mutations in Human Tumors
    CMRP 670
  9. A Study of Human Brain Tumor Genes Encoding Glioma Pathogenesis-Related Protein
  10. Anterior Cervical, Mono-cortical Screw Plate Osteosynthesis According to Caspar for One and Two Level Plate Stabilisation by Degenerative Disease
    人體置入單邊皮質骨骨釘 (衛生署人體試驗通過)
  11. Thalamic Stimulation for Treatment of Tremor
    以人體植入視丘電極刺激器治療顫抖 (衛生署人體試驗通過)
  12. 立體定位手術中深部腦細胞核的電位記錄
    Deep Recording during Stereotactic Approach
    CMRP 709
  13. 三度空間電腦轉換重組解剖學上之基底核之腦部電腦斷層
    Three-Dimensional Transformation of Basal Ganglion by Computed Tomography
    CMRP 708
  14. 以周邊正中神經條件性電刺激對腦運動性誘發電位之影響來探親立體定位手術治療巴金森氏病之機轉
    Thmechanism of Stereotactic Alteration in Parinsonian MEP Conditioning by Median nerve Stimulation
    CMRP 710
  15. 立體定位手術改變巴金森病大腦皮質抑制性功能的機轉研究
    The Mechanism of Stereotactic Modification of Cortical Inhibitionin Parkinson's Disease
    CMRP 711
  16. 立體定位手術作用於正中神經誘發電位腦像電圖之電氣生理機轉
    The Mechanism of Stereotactic Alteration in Topographic Mapping of Median Nerve Somatosensory Evoked Potentials
    CMRP 712
  17. 由動作關連腦皮質電位及關連負波變動的改變來探討立體定位手術之治療機轉
    The Mechanism of Stereotactic Alteration in Movement-related Cortical Potentials and Contingent Negative Variation
    CMRP 713
  18. 以電腦斷層重整影像及血管攝影來評估臺灣人第一. 二頸椎結構及手術所面臨的問題
    Clinical analysis of C1-C2 bony structure using reconstruction CT scan associated with CT-angiogram and evaluate the clinical application of screw fixation in Taiwanese
    NMRP 544
  19. 以山葵過氧化氫梅法追蹤交感神經節後神經纖維走向
    Localization of the sympathetic post-ganglionic fibers using the HRP (Horseradish Peroxidase) technique
    NMRP 545
  20. 腦部微量透析在神經外科手術病人加護照顧的應用
    Cerebral microdialysis in neurointensive care
    CMRP 866
  21. 自動化鑽孔及探針驅動裝置的設計與開發
    Development of a computer-controlled power drill and guiding system of probes
    NERP 217
  22. 顱內三維影像重建及定位技術之研究
    NERP 219
  23. 經濟部學界開發產業技術計劃:腦部擴增實境系統開發計劃
    94-EC-17-A-19-S1-035總計劃主持人 (2005-2008年)
  24. 脊髓修復組織鷹架動物試驗之研究 (2003-2004年)
  25. 大鼠脊髓Hemitransection 動物模式之研究 (2004-2005 年)
  26. 以玻尿酸嚴減少開顱術後腦膜之沾黏及神經膠樣變性 (2006-2007)
  27. 光動力診斷螢光反應餘惡性腦膠質細胞瘤之基礎與臨床研究 (2006-2007)
  28. 適用於腰椎骨質疏鬆症之新型膨脹型骨釘設計開發及其對鄰近節穩定性之生物力學分析 (2007-2008)