一、 |
訓練年限:四年 |
二、 |
訓練項目及內容: 每屆住院醫師(R1、R2、R3及CR),所負擔的責任與目標不盡相同,請參閱「住院醫師訓練項目表」,大致原則如下:
- 病房訓練
- 治療室訓練
- 門診訓練
- 病房會診訓練
- 雷射與皮膚外科訓練
三、 |
訓練內容及進度: |
<1> |
- Introduction of Principles of Diagnosis
- Introduction of Systemic & Topical Therapy
- Diagnosis and Management of Emergency Dermatology
- Selection of Antihistamines and Topical Drugs
- Primary Care of Dermatological Inpatient
- Simple Dermatology Procedures
- 第一年住院醫師於七月份報到時,給予皮膚科基本課程訓練。以病房Primary Care及門診簡單的Procedures為主要工作。Case Report及Textbook Reading為Meeting的內容。每週有四次晨會須報告Case及參與Textbook及Journal Reading。
- 輪訓高雄院區皮膚科一個月以增強皮膚乾癬病房照護及其他專門技術。
<2> |
- Detailed Knowledges of Mycobacterial Infection, Leprosy, Vasculitis
- Detailed Knowedge of Ulcers, Drug Reactions and Collagen Diseases
- Selection of Appropriate Medication in Different Situation
- Interpretation of Dermatological Pathology
- Primary Care of Critical Dermatological Inpatients
- Skills Specific to the Management of Outpatients
- Advanced psoriasis phototherapy and day care
- R2的訓練在病房方面以照顧較嚴重的病人為主。門診方面要求做好較複雜的Surgical Procedures。學術上則Journal Reading及Case Report並重。每週有四次晨會須報告Case及參與Textbook及Journal Reading。
- 輪訓高雄院區皮膚科一個月,至具皮膚病理專長及具備皮膚專科病理科醫師之副教授級以上之醫師訓練一個月。
<3> |
- Detailed Knowledgge of Keratinization, Psoriasis, Bullous Eruption and Skin Tumors
- Detailed Knowledge of Skin Color Disorders & Histiocytic Proliferative Disorders
- Selection of Appropriate Treatment Modality for Different Individuals
- Interpretation of Clinicopathology Conditions
- Dermatologicl Consultation for General Medicine
- More Advance Dermatology Therapeutic Procedures
- 主持臨床病理討論會:第三年住院醫師的訓練著重於臨床與皮膚病理的綜合判斷,以期養成獨立作業的能力。
- 皮膚科會診、門診及困難度較高的外科治療方法,為另一個訓練重點。
<4> |
- Detailed Knowledge of Cutaneous Lymphoma, Neonatal and Geriatric Dermatoses
- Diagnosis and Management of Hair and Nail Disorders
- Participate the Outpatient Clinic Under Supervision of Attending
- Serve as Assistant in CO2 Laser Therapy
- In Charge of Intern & Clerk Teaching and Arrange the Training Schedule and Duty Course
- Advance Dermatology Therapeutic Procedures
- Publish Academical Articles (Optional)
- Subspecial Training (Optional)
- 門診、論文寫作、行政綜合是總住院醫師的主要訓練項目。皮膚雷射手術是另一訓練重點。若沒有選擇項目的訓練,則升任主治醫師將不許執行這一類的職權。