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第 73 期電子報 2010.11.01 發送  





嚴重過敏反應之緊急處置......more 2010.11.01

在住院期間使用類固醇治療過敏性紫斑症可以改善預後.....more 2010.10.28

嬰兒提早吃蛋可以預防蛋過敏嗎?.....more 2010.10.28

尿液白三烯素E4/呼氣一氧化氮之比值與欣流對於幼年型氣喘的療效.....more 2010.10.28


◎ 2010.4.18(日) 會議主題:Immunodermatology Symposium -New Developments in Atopic Dermatitis

講題:Itching and sleep issues of atopic dermatitis children

主講:歐良修 醫師



◎ 2010.4.22(四) 會議主題:林口長庚醫院藥師繼續教育研討會


主講:葉國偉 醫師



◎ 2010.4.29(四) 會議主題:桃園長庚藥師繼續教育研討會


主講:葉國偉 醫師



◎ 2010.4.30(五)) 會議主題:北區醫師兒童氣喘研討會

講題:Treatment options on childhood asthma

主講:葉國偉 醫師

◎ 2010.5.2(日) 會議主題:99年度兒童氣喘用藥安全種子藥師培訓課程


主講:葉國偉 醫師




◎ 主題:Viridans streptococcal bacteremia secondary to viral gastroenteritis in a healthy infant

作者:Yao TC(姚宗杰), Tsai YC(蔡宜展), Chiu CY(邱志勇), Huang JL(黃璟隆)

雜誌:Pediatrics International Volume 52 Issue 2, Pages e108 - e110.Published Online: 25 Mar 2010

◎ 主題:Probiotics for allergic diseases: Realities and myths

作者:Yao TC(姚宗杰), Chang CJ(張啟仁), Hsu YH(許意絃), Huang JL(黃璟隆).

雜誌:Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2010;21:900-19.

◎ 主題:Alopecia areata universalis after phenobarbital-induced anti-convulsant hypersensitivity syndrome.

作者:Huang YL, Hsieh MY, Hsiao PF, Sheen JM, Yu HR, Kuo HC, Chen ST, Huang JL, Yang KD, Lee WI.

雜誌:Immunol Invest. 2009;38(5):383-97.

◎ 主題:Epidemiology and current status of asthma and associated allergic diseases in Taiwan-ARIA Asia-Pacific workshop report


雜誌:Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology 2008;26:257-264.

◎ 主題:Association of RANTES promoter polymorphism with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis


雜誌:Arthritis and Rheumatism 2009;60:1173-1178.

◎ 主題:Sequential evaluation of serum monocyte chemotactic protein 1 among asymptomatic state and acute exacerbation and pemission of asthma in children


雜誌:Journal of Asthma 2009;46:225-228.

◎ 主題:Mesenteric Vasculitis as the Initial Presentation in Children With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.


雜誌:J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2009 Jun 16.

◎ 主題:Lack of association of mannose-binding lectin gene polymorphisms with development and clinical manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus in Chinese children.

作者:蔡宜展,姚宗杰,郭敏玲,Cheng TT,黃璟隆

雜誌:Lupus. 2009 Apr;18(4):372-6.

◎ 主題:Developing a scale to measure self-efficacy on asthma teaching for health care providers.

作者:Chiang LC, Hsu JY, Liang WM, Yeh KW, Huang JL.

雜誌:J Asthma. 2009 Mar;46(2):113-7.

◎ 主題:Effect of relaxation-breathing training on anxiety and asthma signs/symptoms of children with moderate-to-severe asthma: a randomized controlled trial.

作者:Chiang LC, Ma WF, Huang JL, Tseng LF, Hsueh KC.

雜誌:Int J Nurs Stud. 2009 Aug;46(8):1061-70. Epub 2009 Feb 26.

◎ 主題:Immunologic analysis of HIV-uninfected Taiwanese children with BCG-induced disease.

作者:Lee WI, Liang FC, Huang JL, Jaing TH, Wang CH, Lin TY, Huang YC, Huang WL, Jou R, Hsieh MY, Chia JH, Wu TL.

雜誌: J Clin Immunol. 2009 May;29(3):319-29. Epub 2008 Dec 13

◎ 主題:Clinical aspects, immunologic assessment, and genetic analysis in Taiwanese children with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis.

作者:Lee WI, Chen SH, Hung IJ, Yang CP, Jaing TH, Chen CJ, Li SP, Huang JL.

雜誌: Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2009 Jan;28(1):30-4.

◎ 主題:Late-presenting congenital diaphragmatic hernia in pediatric emergency room: two case reports.

作者:Wu CT, Huang JL, Hsia SH, Lin JJ, Lai SH.

雜誌: Eur J Pediatr. 2009 Aug;168(8):1013-5.

◎ 主題:Pott's puffy tumor after acupuncture therapy.

作者:Wu CT, Huang JL, Hsia SH, Lee HY, Lin JJ.

雜誌: Eur J Pediatr. 2009 Sep;168(9):1147-9.

◎ 主題:Chinese patients with defective IL-12/23-interferon-gamma circuit in Taiwan: partial dominant interferon-gamma receptor 1 mutation presenting as cutaneous granuloma and IL-12 receptor beta1 mutation as pneumatocele.

作者:Lee WI, Huang JL, Lin TY, Hsueh C, Wong AM, Hsieh MY, Chiu CH, Jaing TH.

雜誌: J Clin Immunol. 2009 Mar;29(2):238-45.

◎ 主題:The regulatory function of umbilical cord blood CD4 CD25 T cells stimulated with anti-CD3/anti-CD28 and exogenous interleukin (IL)-2 or IL-15.

作者:Lee CC, Lin SJ, Cheng PJ, Kuo ML.

雜誌: Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2009 Feb 28.



















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