
¡]Neurogenic (Central) Diabetes Insipitus¡^


l  Definition:

Criteria of Enrollment

(1) urine output ¡Ù 11/2 times the calculated maintenance fluid intake for 2 consecutive hr.

(2) urine specific gravity ¡Ø 1.005 (and urine osmolality ¡Ø 300 mOsm/kg H2O if measured.

(3) a plasma Na level ¡Ù 150 mmol/L (and serum osmolality ¡Ù 310 mOsm/kg H2O if measured) ( Na>149 for patients with operation at the suprasellar or sellar area [Chansen87]),

(4) a concurrent low AVP level and observed response to exogenous AVP or DDAVP treatment,

(5) no diuretics in use over the preceding 12 hours, and

(6) normal renal function and normal serum K, Ca. [Bilsky93, Fiser87, Outwater84]


l  Clinical features:

¦h§¿¡]polyuria¡^, ¦h³Ü¡]polydipsia¡^,©]§¿©Î§¿§É,³ß³Ü¦B¤ô©Î²¢ªº¶¼®Æ,¥Ö½§°®Àê¡B»a¥Õ¡B¤£©ö¬y¦½; ­Y¯f¨_¦b¤Uµø¥C¡A¥i¯à·|¦³¥Íªø¿ð½w¡B³vº¥ªÎ­D©Î®ø½G¡Bµo¿N¡BºÎ¯v§xÃø¡B©Ê¦­¼ô©Î±¡ºü»Ùê; µøı»Ùê, ©âÝz¡G±`¬O°ª¦å¶u©Ò­P


¦h§¿»P¦h³Ü¡]Polyuria and polydipsia¡^¡BµÇ©Ê§¿±Y¯g¡]nephrogenic DI¡^«h¬°§Ü§Q§¿¿E¯À¦b¼Ð¹v¾¹©x¯Ê¥F§@¥Î©Ò­P¡A¦nµo©ó¨kÀ¦¡C¿}§¿¯f¡B°ª¦å¶t¡B§C¦å¹[¡C

­ìµo©Ê¦h³Ü¡]¶¼¡^¯g¡]primary polydipsia¡^¡G±`¨£©óºë¯«¯f¯f¤H¡C¤D¦]¤f´÷¾÷Âà¡]thirst mechanism¡^²§±`©Ò­P¡C¥u­n¤£µ¹¤ô³Ü¡A§¿´N³vº¥¿@ÁY¡C

§¿¿@ÁY¤Wªº¯Ê³´¡]Defects in urinary concentrations, Isotonic urine¡^¡A¬°±wºC©ÊµÇ¯f¡]chronic renal disorders¡^©Î®a±Ú©ÊµÇÀ÷¯f¡]familial nephronophthisis¡^ªº¯f¤H¡A¦¹®É¨äBUN©M creatinine¤W¤É¡A¥B¦³³h¦å²{¶H¡C


l  Routine diagnostic procedures:

Urine volume, Specific gravity, glucose qh

Na, K, Ca (micro) st and q2h

Glucose by glucometer q6h

Body height

Body weight qd

Check serum Glucose, Creatinine, osmolality,

Check urine osmolality, Na, Cr

Check serum ADH (Ápµ¸®ÖÂå¤À¾÷2626)

IV fluid ¤À¬° Line A, Line B, Line C:

Line A: Normal saline (¨C100ml ¥[ 2 ml KCl ) iv.               ml qd (200-400 ml/m2)¥H¸É¥Rinsensible water loss

Line B: D5W (­YNa > 140) ©Î D51/4 NS(§Y¨C100ml¥Ñ75ml D5W¤Î25ml D5S²Õ¦¨)(­YNa < 140) run urine output qh

Nasal DDAVP 1 puff q8h prn if urine output ¡Ù 11/2 times the calculated maintenance fluid intake for 2 consecutive hr

½Ð¾¨¶qºû«ù§¿¶q¦b          ml/hr(65 ml/100 kcalmetabolized/day)¡C(½Ð³qª¾Âå®v½Õ¾ãvasopressin¶q)


l   Comment:

*Fluid input:

Urine output replacement: D5W or D5 1/4 NS for Na >140 or <140 respectively, qh

Insensible water loss & basal requirement of electrolyted: NS plus KCl 40 mEq/L at 400 ml/m2/24hr, corrected for fever and humidity in the inhaled air, qd

Extra-renal loss: q8-24hr

GI loss with NS plus Kcl q8h

CSF loss with NS q8h

* The calculation of the water deficit is done as follow

Water deficit = [0.6¡Ñbody weight (kg)]¡Ñ[current pNa+/140 ¡Ð1]

For example, in a normal 70-kg patient who is normotensive with a plasma sodium level of 160, the free water deficit would be estimated to be:

(0.6¡Ñ70 kg)(160/140-1) = 5.9 kg (L) of water



I/O qh

Urine volume, Sp Gr, glucose qh

Na, K, Ca q6h

Glucose q6-24h

Weight qd



Bilsky M. In: Neurological and Neurosurgical Intensive Care. 3rd ed. 1993;323

Chanson P. Critic Care Med 1987;15:44-6

Fiser D, Crit Care Med 1987; 15:551-553

Outwater KM, Neurology 1984;34:1243-1246.

Robson AM. In: Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 14ed, 1992; 195-214

Weigle CGM. In: Textbook of Pediatric Intensive Care. 2nd ed 1992; 1250-2.

Hill JH: SIADH, cerebral salt wasting, and central diabetes insipidus. In: Blumer JL, eds. A practical guide to pediatric intensive care. 3rd ed. St.Louis: Mosby-Year Book. 1990: 541-5.